Amice de Gaël, Heiress of Breteuil, Countess Of Leicester

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Amice de Gaël (de Montfort), Heiress of Breteuil, Countess Of Leicester (1094 - 1168)

Also Known As: "Amicie de Guader", "Amica de Gael", "Amice of Wayer-Breteuil/", "Amice De Montfort", "Amice Of /Leicester/", "Amice De Uta Waiet", "Amice /de Montfort/", "Amice /de Waiet/", "Amica D' Uta (Gael Waiet) /De Montfort/", "Amicia de Montfort", "(uta) (Waiet)"
Birthplace: Norfolk, England
Death: after circa August 31, 1168
Convent of Nuneaton or Lyre Monastery, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Place of Burial: Leicester Abbey, Leicestershire, England
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Raoul de Montfort, Seigneur de Montfort et Gaël and N.N.
Wife of Sir Robert de Beaumont, Knight, Earl of Leicester, Justiciar of England
Fiancée of Richard FitzRoy
Mother of Isabel (Elizabeth) de Beaumont; Robert de Beaumont, 3rd Earl of Leicester; Hawise de Beaumont, Countess of Gloucester and Margaret de Beaumont
Half sister of Guillaume de Montfort, I; Robert de Montfort-Le-Hédé, Seigneur de Hédé and Amicie de Beaumont Le Roger, Dame de Breteuil

Occupation: Dame, de Norwich, daughter of a Breton intruder the king had forced on the honor after the forfeiture of the Breteuil family in 1119, Countess of Leicester
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Amice de Gaël, Heiress of Breteuil, Countess Of Leicester

Amice de Gael was heir of her father. She was betrothed in 1120 to Richard, son of Henry I, but he drowned off the coast of France in November and the marriage never took place.

Robert de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Family and children

He married after 1120 Amice de Montfort, daughter of Ralph, senior of Gael or Montfort. They had four children:

Hawise, who married William Fitz Robert, 2nd Earl of Gloucester;

Robert de Beaumont, 3rd Earl of Leicester;

Isabel, who married with:

Simon II of St Liz, 4th Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton;

Gervase Paynel of Dudley.

Margaret, who married Ralph V de Toeni

Amice de Gael

Erroneously entered as Emma de Breteuil

(See below Amice de Gael's father Raoul recieved Breteuil in 1119 and married Robert de Beaumont "le Bosso")

From Medlands:

RAOUL de Gaël . He succeeded his brother as Seigneur de Gaël et de Montfort, in Brittany. He received Breteuil in 1119. According to the Complete Peerage, his descendants in the male line continued to hold his estates in Brittany, acquiring Laval and Vitré in the 15th century with the marriage of the heiress of Montmorency-Laval[739]. m ---. The name of Raoul's wife is not known. Raoul & his wife had one child:

i) AMICE de Gaël (-31 Aug [1168 or after]). She is named by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her father and specifies that her marriage was arranged by Henry I King of England after she had been betrothed to his deceased son Richard[740]. Heiress of Breteuil. She is said to have become a nun at Nuneaton after her husband's death[741]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "II Kal Sep" of "Amicia comitissa Leecestre"[742]. The necrology of Lyre monastery records the death "31 Aug" of "Robertus comes Leicestriæ, Amicia comitissa"[743]. Betrothed to RICHARD, illegitimate son of HENRY I King of England & his mistress Ansfride --- (before 1101-drowned off Barfleur, Normandy 25 Nov 1120). m (after 25 Nov 1120) ROBERT de Beaumont Earl of Leicester "le Bossu", son of ROBERT de Beaumont-le-Roger Comte de Meulan, & his wife Elisabeth de Vermandois [Capet] (1104-5 Apr 1168, bur [Sainte-Marie de Pré]).


ROBERT de Beaumont "le Bossu" (1104-5 Apr 1168, bur [Sainte-Marie de Pré]). Twin with Waléran. He and his twin brother were brought up at the court of Henry I King of England[1733]. He succeeded his father in 1118 as Earl of Leicester. He supported King Stephen during the civil war with Empress Matilda. Henry Duke of Normandy restored property to "Rodberto filio comitis Legrec…Rodberti comitis" held by "patris sui…sicut comes Rodbertus de Mellend avus suus…Willelmus de Britolio", and granted him the property of "Willelmus de Pasci in Anglia et in Normannia" by charter dated to [Jan/Aug] 1153, witnessed by "…Guarino filio Geraldi, Henrico duo fratre…"[1734]. He became Steward of England and Normandy under King Henry II in 1154, and acted as Viceroy during the king's absence from England Dec 1158 to 25 Jan 1163 and again in 1165[1735]. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1168 of "Robertus comes Leecestriæ"[1736]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "Non Apr" of "Robertus comes Leecestrie"[1737]. The necrology of Saint-Nicaise de Meulan records the death of "Robertus comes Leicestrie", undated but among other deaths listed in early April[1738]. The necrology of Lyre monastery records the death "5 Apr" of "Robertus comes Legrecestriæ"[1739]. m (after 25 Nov 1120) AMICE de Gaël, heiress of Breteuil, daughter of RAOUL Seigneur de Gaël et de Montfort & his wife --- (-31 Aug [1168 or after]). She is named by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her father and specifies that her marriage was arranged by Henry I King of England after she had been betrothed to his deceased son Richard[1740]. She is said to have become a nun at Nuneaton after her husband's death[1741]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "II Kal Sep" of "Amicia comitissa Leecestre"[1742]. The necrology of Lyre monastery records the death "31 Aug" of "Robertus comes Leicestriæ, Amicia comitissa"[1743]. Earl Robert & his wife had four children:

a) ISABELLE de Beaumont (-after 1188). Robert of Torigny refers to the wife of "Symone comite Huntedoniæ" as "filia Roberti comitis Legecestriæ" but does not name her[1744]. "R. comes Legrecestrie" granted tithes to "Isabele comitisse de Norhamtone sororis mee" by charter dated to the middle of the reign of King Henry II[1745]. "I. comitissa Northamptonie" donated land at Groby to Nuneaton priory, for the souls of "patris mei et fratris mei R. comitis Legrecestrie" by charter dated to the middle of the reign of King Henry II[1746]. It is likely that Isabelle was the eldest child as she gave birth to her own first child in [1138]. Her second marriage is confirmed by charter dated 1187 under which “Gervasius Paganellus” donated property to Tykford Priory, with the consent of “uxoris meæ Isabellæ comitissæ de Norhamton”, which names “Fulcodius Paganellus avus meus et Radulfus Paganellus pater meus”, witnessed by “Simone comite Northamptoniæ, Isabella comitissa matre eius”[1747]. “G. Painel”, considering the proposal of “Radulfi Painel patris mei”, founded Dudley priory, for the salvation of “Isabellæ uxoris meæ et Roberti filii mei”, by undated charter (dated by Dugdale to "before 1161")[1748]. m firstly (before 1138) SIMON de Senlis, son of SIMON de Senlis Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton & his wife Matilda [Matilda] of Huntingdon (-Aug 1153, bur St Andrew's Priory). He was restored as Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton [before 1141]. m secondly GERVASE Paynell Baron of Dudley, Worcestershire, son of RALPH Paynell & his wife --- (-1194[1749]).

b) ROBERT de Beaumont "ès Blanchemains" (-Durazzo 1190). Robert of Torigny records the death in 1168 of "Robertus comes Leecestriæ" and the succession of "filium Robertum"[1750]. He succeeded his father in 1168 as Earl of Leicester. - see below.

c) HAVISE de Beaumont (-24 Apr or 25 May 1197). The Chronica de Fundatoribus et Fundatione of Tewkesbury Abbey records that “comes Willielmus” married “Hawisia filia comitis Leicestriæ”[1751]. The Obituary of Lyre records the death 25 May of “Hawis comitissa Gloecestræ”[1752]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death “VIII Kal Mai” in 1197 of “Hawisa comitissa Glocestriæ”[1753]. The necrology of Lyre monastery records the death "25 May" of "Hawis comitissa Gloecestræ"[1754]. m ([1150]%29 WILLIAM FitzRobert Earl of Gloucester, son of ROBERT Fitzroy Earl of Gloucester & his wife Mabel [Matilda or Sibylle] FitzRobert (23 Nov [1112]-23 Nov 1183, bur Keynsham Abbey, Somerset),

d) MARGUERITE de Beaumont ([1125]-after 1185). Robert of Torigny refers to the wife of "Radulfus de Toene" as "filia Roberti comitis Leccestriæ" but does not name her[1755]. The 1163/64 Pipe Roll records "Margareta uxor Rad de Toeni" making payment "de Suppl de Welcumesto" in Essex/Hertfordshire[1756]. The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records “Margareta de Tony…lx annorum” and her land “in Welcumestowe"[1757]. m (after 1155) RAOUL [V] de Tosny, son of ROGER [III] Seigneur de Tosny & his wife Gertrude [Ida] de Hainaut (-1162).


  • [1734] Gurney (1858), Supplement, 63, p. 756.
  • [1735] Testa de Nevill, Part I, p. 19.
  • [1736] Red Book Exchequer, Part II, Inquisitiones…Regis Johannis…anno regno XII et XIII…de servitiis militum, p. 477.
  • [1737] Gurney (1845), p. 176, quoting Close Rolls, 16 John, p. 172.
  • [1738] Luard, H. R. (ed.) (1866) Annales Monastici Vol. III, Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia, Annales Monasterii de Bermundeseia (London), Annales de Dunstaplia, p. 42.
  • [1739] Gurney (1845), p. 141, quoting Neustria Pia, p. 891, article Belozanne.
  • [1740] Gurney (1858), Supplement, 63, p. 756.
  • [1741] Gurney (1845), p. 146, quoting Vitis Calthorpiana, Harl. 970, MS British Museum.
  • [1742] Gurney (1845), p. 176, quoting Close Rolls, 16 John, p. 172.
  • [1743] Gurney (1845), p. 146, quoting Vitis Calthorpiana, Harl. 970, MS British Museum.
  • [1744] Patent Rolls Henry III 1215-1225 (1901), p. 37.
  • [1745] Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus, 17/18 John, p. 596.
  • [1746] Maclean, J. (ed.) (1883) The Lives of the Berkeleys by John Smyth (Gloucester) ("Berkeleys Lives"), Vol. I, p. 98.
  • [1747] Testa de Nevill, Part I, p. 378.
  • [1748] Inquisitions Post Mortem, Vol. II, Edward I, 772, p. 468.
  • [1749] Sayles, G. O. (ed.) Select Cases in the Court of King´s Bench, Vol. III, Edw I (Selden Society, vol. LVIII, 1939), p. cxv (entry e), summary of content available at <>(25 Jun 2008). [Margaret Schooling]
  • [1750] Heley Chadwyck-Healey, C. E. and Landon, L. (1923) Somersetshire Pleas, Roll no. 1205, p. 97 footnote 1, citing Calendar of Charter Rolls, Vol. I, p. 305, and Hundred Rolls, Vol. II, p. 133. [Margaret Schooling]
  • [1751] Somersetshire Pleas (1923), Roll no. 1205, pp. 96-7, [41 end, Henry III Vol. 36 500 (O62)]. [Margaret Schooling]
  • [1752] Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, XIII, p. 428.
  • [1753] Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, XIII, p. 428.
  • [1754] Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, XIII, p. 428.
  • [1755] Paris Notre-Dame, Tome I, XIII, p. 428.
  • [1756] Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Du Chesne, 1619), Liber VIII, XXXVII, p. 312.
  • [1757] Orderic Vitalis (Prévost), Vol. III, Liber VIII, IX, p. 320.

Amice de Montfort and Richard fitz Roy de Normandie were engaged before 25 November 1120. But Amice married Robert II de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester, son of Robert I de Beaumont-le-Roger, 1st Earl of Leicester and Isabel de Vermandois, after 25 November 1120 in Brittany, France.

See "My Lines"

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from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

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Amice de Gael de Beaumont (1094 - c.1168) Birth: 1094 Norfolk, England Death: circa 1168 (74) Convent of Nuneaton, England mmediate Family: Daughter of Ralph I de Gael, 1st Earl of Norfolk and Emma Amice de Vermandois de Gael

Wife of Robert de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester
Fiancée of Richard FitzRoy, The King's Son
Mother of Isabel (Elizabeth) de Beaumont; Robert de Beaumont, 3rd Earl of Leicester; Hawise de Beaumont, Countess of Gloucester and Margaret De Beaumont De Toeni
Sister of Raoul de Montfort, Seigneur de Montfort et Gaël and William Gael
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Amice de Gaël, Heiress of Breteuil, Countess Of Leicester's Timeline

Norfolk, England
Leicester, Leicestershire, England
Leicestershire, England
shire, Leicester, Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Leicestershire, England (United Kingdom)
August 31, 1168
Age 74
Convent of Nuneaton or Lyre Monastery, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Age 74
Leicester Abbey, Leicestershire, England