Abraham Gael, Sr.

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Abraham Gael (Gale), Sr. (1643 - 1718)

Also Known As: "Abraham Geal"
Birthplace: Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Death: September 15, 1718 (75)
Waltham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States
Place of Burial: Grove Hill Cemetery, Waltham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
Immediate Family:

Son of Richard Gale, II, of Watertown and Mary Gale
Husband of Sarah Gael
Father of Abraham Gale, Jr; Sarah Gale; Richard Gale; Hopestell Gale; Abigale Gale, Child and 10 others
Brother of Mary Flagg; Sarah Garfield; John H. Gale; Ephraim Gale and Abigail Gale

Managed by: Private User
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Immediate Family

About Abraham Gael, Sr.

Abraham Gale died 5 September 1718 in Watertown, two days after he wrote his will, "very sick and weak in body, But of perfect mind & memory." He named as executors his wife, Sarah, and his two youngest sons, John and Joshua. Ten children were named in the will, the rest having died before him. His wife, Sarah, was to have a room in his "mansion house" and be provided with firewood which was to be laid at the door "fit for the fior." Abraham's will went through probate on 22 September 1718.

Will of Abraham Gale of Watertown, Massachusetts, 1718

In the name of God, Amen, the third day of September, 1718, I Abraham Gael of Watertown, in the County of Middlesex, within his Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England yeo; Being very sick and weak in body, But of perfect mind & memory, thanks be given unto God: Therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye, Do make and ordain this my last will & Testament, that is to say, principally, and first of all, I give & recommend my soul unto the hand of God that gave it; and my body I recomend to the earth to be Decently buried in Christian burial at the Discretion of my executor; Nothing doubting but at the genl. Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath ?pleased? God to Bless me in this life, I give and Bequeath the same in the following manner and form.

Item: I give and bequeath to Sarah my well beloved wife all my Personal estate with in doors for her comfort & support during the time she remains my widow, and further my will is that my wife shall have a comfortable Room in my mansion house and to be Constantly Provided with sufficient fior wood laid at the door fit for the fior, and also to have ten pounds annually pd. her in corn & meat and other Provisions by my two youngest sons namly John & Joshua Gael. But in case my wife shall be cause to marry againe my will is she shall be pd. the sum of twenty pounds by my two above sons out of my Personal estate and no more, and the annual rent to ___.

Item: I give and bequesth unto my son Abraham Gael & to his heirs & assigns forever the land on which his mansion house now standeth with all the land adjoyning that I formerly staked out and designed for him, being about sixty or seventy acres by estimation but not measured to know the certainty. Provided my sd. son pay ten pounds in money of the Debt I now owe either into the Publick Bank of the Province, or to Paul Dudly Esq. of Boston, and in case he shall refuse to pay ten pounds as aforesd. then my will is that he shall injoy ten acres short of the land before given. Sd. ten acres to be taken off conveniantly together to be disposed of as I shall hereafter declare. I also give unto my said Son and heirs aforesd. one piece of meadow lying upon Charles River containing by estimation four acres, called Beaver Pool meadow. further I give unto my sd. son as aforesd. one piece of woodland, containing by estimation five acres lying on the westerly side of that piece I formerly staked out to him upon condition he gives a Deed of Release to my other sons of one quarter of an acre of orchard and his right to the land about my Mansion house by virtue of his grandfather’s will. And in case my sd. son shall refuse so to do, then my will is the above five acres of woodland to be disposed of as I shall hereafter declare, and this to be in full of what I intend him for his portion out of my estate.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Gael and to his heirs and assigns forever, the sum of thirty Pounds to be pd. by my two youngest sons, viz: John & Joshua equally within two years after my Dec’d. upon Condition that he gives to my two youngest sons aforenamed a Deed of quit-claim of some small right he hath by virtue of his Grandfather’s will to a Quarter of an acre of orchard & his claime to the land about my mansion-house. But in case he shall refuse to so do, then my will is that my sd. Son Richard shall have only twenty Shillings to be paid in time and manner as aforesd. and that with what I have already given him to be in full of his portion out of my estate.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Ebenezer Gael & to his heirs & assigns forever, two acres of Land joyning to what I have formerly given him a Deed of lying on the Easterly side of the same, and this with what I have have already given him to be in full of what I intend him for his portion out of my estate.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Pratt and to her heirs and assigns forever the sum of five pounds to be pd. by my two youngest sons aforenamed in equall manner within three years after my dec’d., and that with what she hath already had to be in full of her Portion out of my Estate.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mercy Sanderson & to her heirs & assigns for ever the sum of five pounds, to be pd. by my two youngest sons above named within four years after my Dec’d. and that with what I have already given her to be her full portiion of what I intend out of my estate.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Gael and to her heirs & assigns for ever the sum of twelve pounds to be pd. by my two youngest sons namely John and Joshua in equall halves withinj two years after my Dec’d. or at her day of marriage which may first hapen, and that to be in full of her portion of what I intend out of my estate.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Lydia Gael and to her heirs & assigns for ever, the sum of twelve pounds to be paid by my two youngest sons aforenamed, in equall halves within two years after my Dec’d., or her day of marriage if that be before two years are expired, and to be in full of her portion out of my estate.

Item: I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Abigail Gael & to her heirs & assigns for ever the sum of twelve pounds to be pd. by my two youngest sons afore mentioned within two years after my Dec’d. or the day of her marriage, if that first be, in equal halves and that to be her full portion of what I intend her out of my Estate.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my two youngest sons namly John Gael and Joshua Gael and to their heirs and assigns for ever, all my Real and Personal estate of what kind or Denomination soever not before given away in this my last will & testament, to be equally Divided Divided between them, they taking care of their anxious and tender mother and providing for & paying to her annually what I have assigned her in this my last will, as also all my just Debts of all kinds, except the ten pounds I have ordered my son Abraham to pay in case he shall comply with it, and in case he doeth refuse to pay the sd. ten pounds, then my will is that my two sons aforesd., pay the same and they to Injoy the ten acres of land conditionally given to my son Abraham as also the said five acres of woodland in case he refuses to give a quit-claim as before expressed. And I do nominate appoint, Constitute and ordain my wife Sarah Gael and my two youngest sons John Gael and Joshua Gael my executors to see this my last will & testament performed, and I do hereby utterly disallow and revoke all and every other former testament, and executors in any way, before this time by me named, Rattifiing & confirming this and no other to be my last will & testament. In witness whereof I have herunto sett my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Abraham X Gael


Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced and Declared by the said Abraham Gael as his Last will and testament In the Presence of us the Subscribers Jonas Bond Samuel Harrington Munning Sawin Abraham Gale was also known as Geal.~

He was born about 1643 at Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

He was the son of Richard Gale and Mary Castle.

On 3 September 1673 at Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Abraham married Sarah Fiske, daughter of Nathan Fiske and Susanna (?).

Abraham Gale became a freeman on 11 October 1682 at Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

He served in 1706 at Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, as a Selectman.

He died on Monday, 5 September 1718 at Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Abraham's gravestone inscription at Waltham Graveyard, Waltham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, reads:

  • Here Lyes Body of
  • Abraham Geal
  • who died
  • Septemb 5 1718
  • In ««R 76 year of
  • His Age.


From Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers by Henry Bond, Horatio Gates Jones

Abraham Gale, adm. freeman Oct. 11, 1682; m., Sept. 3, 1673, Sarah Fiske. [N. Fiske, 5f] She d. May 14, 1728.

1. Abraham.
2. Sarah, b. Feb. 15, 1674-5; d. young.
3. Richard, b. Sept. 25, 1677.
4. Hopestill, b. and d. Dec, 1678.
5. Mary, b. Mar. 27, 1680; d. young.
6. Abigail, b. Mar. 12, 1681-2; d. Nov. 21, 1696.
7. Mercy, b. Sept. 16, 1683; m., Ap. 13, 1708, Samuel Sanderson. [Sanderson. I 21.]
8. Ebenezer, b. Ap. 30, 1686; m., Dec. 27, 1709. Elizabeth Green....
9. John, b. Ap. 23, 1687; d. Feb. 15, 1734, by wife Lydia, had...
10. Mary, bap. Ap. 1689; (?) m., Nov. 3, 1731. Michael Pratt, of Oxford.
11. Sarah, b. Aug. 29,1694.
12. Jonas, bap. Nov. 14,1697; d. Mar. 17, 1717-18.
13. Joshua, b. Feb. 22, 1696-7; d. Sept. 15, 1719.
14. Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1699.
15. Lydia, b. July 9, 1699.
16. Abigail, m. about 1720, Edward Jackson, Jr., of Newton, son of Edw. and Mary, and gr. son of Sebas. 11 chil.


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Abraham Gael, Sr.'s Timeline

February 15, 1643
Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
February 22, 1674
Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
December 10, 1674
Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
September 25, 1677
Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
December 1678
March 12, 1682
September 16, 1683
Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
April 30, 1686
Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States
April 23, 1687
Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony