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D'ivrea Genealogy and D'ivrea Family History Information

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  • Adelais ...., comtesse de Bourgogne (deceased)
    Otto remarried late in life to a wife named Adelaide . Some scholars have identified her as the four-times widowed Adelaide-Blanche of Anjou , but the identity is not directly attested and has been di...
  • Adeliza (Alice) of Normandy, Countess Of Burgundy (c.1002 - 1037)
    - Adélaïde de Normandie (Adeliza, Aélis), c.1002 - 1038 Parents: Richard 'le Bon' & Judith de Bretagne Spouse: Renaud de Mâcon, Comte de Bourgogne Children: 1. Guillaume 2. Guy 3. Hugues 4. Fu...
  • Alberada of Hauteville (c.1033 - 1122)
    - - - 2. ALBERADA ([1032]-after 1058). Amatus records that "Gerard who was called Buonalbergo" came to Robert "Guiscard" who was visiting his brother in Apulia, proposed his marriage to "my aunt...
  • Arduin of Ivrea, king of Italy (c.955 - 1015)
    - of Italy, 1002-1013; *Forced to abdicate and enter a monastery, 1013; *A homonyms sister of his wife Berta got married in 1014 (coincidence?:) *Died at Fruttuaria Abbey 15 Dec 1015. 2. ARDOINO (-Fru...
  • Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy (c.900 - 966)
    BERENGARIO d´Ivrea son of ADALBERTO I Conte e Marchese d'Ivrea & his first wife Gisela di Friulia ([900]-in prison Bamberg 6 Jul 966, bur Regensburg). x ( [930/31] ) WILLA d’Arles , daughter of BOSO...

About the D'ivrea surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the D'ivrea surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the D'ivrea surname.

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