2. ARDOINO (-Fruttuaria Abbey 15 Dec 1015[516]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1 Nov 1000 under which "Otto…rex" granted rights to the bishopric of Vercelli which names "Ardoini filii Dodonis…Ardicinus filius Ardoini marchionis"[517]. ARDOINO Marchese d'Ivrea 996. He was excommunicated and his possessions confiscated by order of a council at Rome in 999 for his alleged part in the murder of Pietro Bishop of Vercelli 17 Mar 997. He claimed the vacant throne of Italy after the death of Emperor Otto III 23/24 Jan 1002, and was crowned ARDOINO King of Italy at Pavia 15 Feb 1002. Heinrich II King of Germany challenged this, entered Trento in Spring 1004 to claim the throne himself and defeated Ardoino. Heinrich was crowned King of Italy at Pavia 14 Apr 1004, but left the country after destroying the town of Pavia in reprisal for a revolt which broke out there. Ardoino reigned as legitimate king, until Heinrich's return to Italy in Autumn 1013 when Ardoino took refuge in one of his castles. After one attempt at resistance, Heinrich II forced Ardoino into exile as a monk at Fruttuaria Abbey in the mountains, of which he was one of the co-founders. "Ardoinus rex" donated property to the church of S. Siro di Pavia, for the souls of "patris nostri Doddonis et…patrui nostri domini Adalberti", by charter dated 1 Apr 1014[518]. Thietmar records the death of "Arduin king only in name" on 30 Oct at the monastery where he had become a monk[519].
m (before 1000) BERTA d'Este, daughter of [OBERTO II] Conte di Luni Marchese di Liguria Occidentale & his wife ---. "Ardoinus…rex" confirmed the rights of the church of Como in the bridges and county of Chiavenna "quæ Hicila filia comitis Ottonis in villa Slopence in pago Ratenzgowe et in comitatu Adalberti comitis habuit" by charter dated 25 Mar 1002 which names "Berta regina nostra coniunx nostrique regni consors"[520]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified.
Marchese Ardoino & his wife had three children:
- http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/re-d-italia-arduino_(Dizionario... - Nacque verso il 955 da Dadone, conte di Pombia, figlio - forse - di un fratello del re Berengario Il (Anscario II, secondo il Carutti; Amedeo I, secondo il Baudi di Vesme). Il suo nome ripeteva quello dell'avo matemo, Arduino III Giabrione, marchese di Torino. Sposò una Berta, molto probabilmente la figlia di Oberto II, marchese della Liguria orientale, dalla quale ebbe tre figli: Arduino (detto anche Ardicino), Ottone e Guiberto. Dal nostro A. discende il ceppo dei conti di Ivrea, detti più tardi di Castellamonte, Agliè, Brosso, Rivarolo e Front; da un suo fratello, Guiberto, discendono invece i conti dì Pombia, indi Bíandrate, San Martino, Vaiperga e Masino.
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Pombia, Provincia di Novara, Piemonte, Italy
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December 14, 1015
Age 60
Abbazia di Fruttuaria, San Benigno Canavese, Città Metropolitana di Torino, Piemonte, Italy
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Ivrea, Piedmont, Italy
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Abbazia di Fruttuaria, San Benigno Canavese, Città Metropolitana di Torino, Piemonte, Italy