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Breyer Genealogy and Breyer Family History Information

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  • Gyula Breyer (1893 - 1921)
    Gyula "Julius" Breyer (30 April 1893 Budapest – 9 November 1921) was a Hungarian chess player and 1912 Hungarian national champion. In 1912 Breyer won the Hungarian championship in Temesvar. In a 1920 ...
  • Johann Jacob Breyer (1820 - 1887)
    1.1.1. Johann Jacob BREYER Filho *04.03.1820 Biebern, +21.07.1887 Taquara. Era proprietário de meia colônia de terras em Santa Rosa, Taquara, medindo 50 braças de frente para a Estrada Geral de Cima da...
  • Johann Jacob Breyer (1791 - 1860)
    1.1. Johann Jacob BREYER 19.10.1791 Dickenschied (Hunsrück), Rheinland-Pfalz, Alemanha, + antes de 1861, em Taquara, RS, oo 25.09.1819, Simmern (Hunsrück), Rheinland-Pfalz, Maria Josepha Friederica...
  • Johannes David Breyer (1831 - 1907)
    1.1.4. Johann David BREYER *06.04.1831 Biebern, +22.02.1907 Taquara, oo 08.09.1851, São Leopoldo, Maria STEIN, filha de Johann Peter STEIN e Maria Elisabeth MÜLLER, *11.12.1829 São Leopoldo. Em 1854, a...
  • Maria Eva Breyer (1824 - 1903)
    1.1.3. Maria Eva BREYER *16.11.1824 Biebern, +01.02.1903 Taquara, oo 26.01.1849, São Leopoldo, Johannes KLEIN, filho de Mathias KLEIN e Margarida SPIES, *27.06.1817 Elzerath, Alemanha. O casal teve dua...

About the Breyer surname

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