Johann Jacob Breyer

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Johann Jacob Breyer, Filho

Also Known As: "Johann Jacob Breyer"
Birthplace: Altersimmen, Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Death: July 21, 1887 (67)
Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Place of Burial: Taquara, RS, Brasil
Immediate Family:

Son of Johann Jacob Breyer and Maria Josefa Friederika Tröster
Husband of Anna Maria Siedekum and Maria Francisca Breyer
Father of Carlos Breyer; José Breyer; Pedro Breyer; Jacob Breyer, III; João Jacob Breyer and 3 others
Brother of Maria Eva Breyer; Johannes David Breyer and Michael Breyer

Managed by: Rogério Porto Breier
Last Updated:

About Johann Jacob Breyer

1.1.1. Johann Jacob BREYER Filho *04.03.1820 Biebern, +21.07.1887 Taquara. Era proprietário de meia colônia de terras em Santa Rosa, Taquara, medindo 50 braças de frente para a Estrada Geral de Cima da Serra, divisa ao fundo com o Arroio Tucanos, ao norte com terras de João NATUS e ao sul com terras de Michael BREYER,
oo1 07.03.1849, Taquara, Maria Francisca MÜLLER, filha de José MÜLLER e Margarida LOREY, *Alemanha, +Brasil,
oo2 Ana Maria SÜDEKUM, filha de Heinrich Andreas Jacob SÜDEKUM e Maria Catharina GRÜNEWALD, *13.11.1829, +28.11.1900 Taquara.

Fonte: Famílias de Origem Alemã no Rio Grande do Sul: volume II. / Organizador: GenealogiaRS. – Porto Alegre: EST Edições, 2017.

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Johann Jacob Breyer's Timeline

March 4, 1820
Altersimmen, Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Dois Irmãos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
May 8, 1851
São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
April 17, 1853
Morro Reuter, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
July 10, 1854
Dois Irmãos, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
March 28, 1859
São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil (Brazil)
July 25, 1861
Taquara, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
October 9, 1863
Taquara, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
September 13, 1867
Santa Cristina, Parobé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
July 21, 1887
Age 67
Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil