Johannes David Breyer

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Johannes David Breyer

Birthplace: Biebern, Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Death: February 22, 1907 (75)
Taquara, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Immediate Family:

Son of Johann Jacob Breyer and Maria Josefa Friederika Tröster
Husband of Maria Breyer
Father of Guilherme Breyer; Maria Klein; Jorge Breyer and Josephina Henke
Brother of Johann Jacob Breyer; Maria Eva Breyer and Michael Breyer

Managed by: Carla Assenheimer (Curadora)
Last Updated:

About Johannes David Breyer

1.1.4. Johann David BREYER *06.04.1831 Biebern, +22.02.1907 Taquara, oo 08.09.1851, São Leopoldo, Maria STEIN, filha de Johann Peter STEIN e Maria Elisabeth MÜLLER, *11.12.1829 São Leopoldo. Em 1854, aparece como proprietário de uma colônia de terras do lado oriental da Estrada do Mundo Novo, em Taquara.

Fonte: Fonte: Famílias de Origem Alemã no Rio Grande do Sul: volume II. / Organizador: GenealogiaRS. – Porto Alegre: EST Edições, 2017.

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Johannes David Breyer's Timeline

April 4, 1831
Biebern, Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
May 15, 1852
Sao Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
April 11, 1854
Mundo Novo - Taquara - RS
July 18, 1862
Mundo Novo - Taquara - RS
August 6, 1865
Santa Cristina do Pinhal - Taquara - RS
February 22, 1907
Age 75
Taquara, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil