Persons included in the vocabulary for "Dictionary of St. Petersburg's local historians" First edition was published in the 2014 - second edition of the vocabulary (updated and improved) was published in November 2019 as part of the anniversary compendium “Antsiferov and St. Petersburg Local Lore. To the 130th anniversary of the birth of N. P. Anitsferov. "Wiki-edition:
Hensall Union Cemetery is located in South Huron, formerly Usborne Township Formerly known as Warrensville Presbyterian Cemetery then Rodgerville Presbyterian Cemetery. The first burials occurred in the early 1840's. The original sections were donated by William Elder & David Dougall.Cemetery Address: 40219 Rodgerville Road, Hensall, Ontario, N0M 1X0==Links== Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project F...
Exeter Cemetery (Exeter Public Cemetery) is located at the corner of Thames Road West and Airport Line in the Municipality of Bluewater, formerly Hay Township. It is operated by the Facility Services Department of South Huron .Cemetery Location: 39650 Dashwood Road Exeter, ON N0M 1S6Mailing Address: Box 759 Exeter, ON N0M 1S6 Cemetery map ==Links== Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project Find A Grave...
Aloitettu 29.12.2017 Ylä-Hollolan ja myöhemmin jääkäripataljoonan 11. komppania kuuluu Hämeen läänin jalkaväkirykmentti in ja edelleen pääprojektiin Finnish Military . Projekti kerää komppaniaan kuuluneiden profiileja. Liitä ensin itsesi projektiin. Liitä sitten ylläpitämäsi sotilaan profiili, kun tiedät hänen kuuluneen komppaniaan. Jos et ole profiilin ylläpitäjä, voit kutsua profiilin ...
Staffa Cemetery is located in West Perth. Also known as: Springhill Cemetery Cemetery Address: County Rd 180, Staffa Concession 9, Lot 16, Hibbert Township GPS: 43.439802,-81.341305==Links== Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project Find A Grave
"чужие": непонятно, какой город: мещанин [ Григорий Иванович Котельников ] дер. Наталинка (приход с. Василевка) - см. отдельный проект [ ] с. Маресево на Рудне Лукояновский у. Нижегородская губ. кр. дев. [ Наталья Филипповна Уюткина ] (в дев. Окунькова) кр. Петр Дмитриевич Марченков и возможно его жена [ Матрона Дмитриевна Леонова ] (муж - кр. с. Василевка Федор Ильич Леонов)
Vabaduse Tammepärja Aumärgi kavalerid (ka nimed aastate kaupa) Nimed 2018-2024 (313): Aadu Jõgiaas Aare Hindremäe Aare Hõrn Aavo Väli Ageeda-Andrea Paavel Ago Gaškov Ago Juurik Aksel Heidemann Aksel Ojaste Aleksander Kalamats (postuumselt) Alfons Jakobson Andre Lilleleht Andreas Kliimant Andres Ergma Andres Kangur Andres Siplane Andrus Karula Andu Uus Anita Priks Anne Eenpalu Ants Al...
See paper "The Wolfsthal Family of Musicians: From Local Excellence to Global Influence" Authorized Users with research interests in Husiatyn (Гусятин) and Drohobich (Дрого́бич) Bibliography Official Naming of Jews in the Austrian and German Empires The 1781/82 Tolerance Edict of Emperor Joseph the IInd by which all Jews settled in both the Austrian and German Empires had to assume an off...
Universiteit Leiden ‧ index ‧ Hoogleraren . . . . . bronnen documentatie informatie etc. Hoogleraren vanaf 1575 Huidige professoren ...aanvulling welkom! . . HOOGLERAREN / PROFESSORES
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Česká Lípa (Böhmisch Leipa) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.Česká Lípa [Cz], Böhmisch-Leipa [Ger], Laypen [Yid], Czeska Lipa [Pol], Lipa Yiddish: לײַפּע42 miles N of Praha (Prague), 23 miles WSW of Liberec, in N Bohemia. In Sudetenland before WWII. Jewish Population: 686 (in 1880), 868 (in 1910).1900: Böhmisch-Leipa, Bohemia,...
The Order of Bravery (Bulgarian: Орден за Храброст) is a Bulgarian order which existed during the Kingdom of Bulgaria and currently exists in the Republic of Bulgaria. It was the second highest in the Kingdom of Bulgaria and is the fourth highest in the Republic of Bulgaria. It has existed since 1880 with an interruption between 1946 and 2003.
This project is for those who are buried in Schulenburg City Cemetery, Schulenburg, Fayette County, Texas. The Schulenburg City Cemetery began as the Lyons Family Cemetery in 1834, with the burial of Clarissa C. Lyons. Subsequently, many early settlers utilized this site for burials. In 1879, the Franz Russek Family sold three acres establishing the Schulenburg City Cemetery. This organization...
This project is for those buried in St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, Schulenburg, Fayette County, Texas. Find a Grave
Established in 1888, St. John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery is located in the community of St. John in Fayette County between Hallettsville and Schulenburg. It is a part of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, which is a part of the Diocese of Victoria. Fid a Grave Cemetery History
Kaukolan kyläprojekti Projekti aloitettu 4.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Kaukolan talot 1 Myllymäki 2 Rantamäki 3 Peltomäki 4 Matikainen 5 Heikkilä 6 Oriharju 7 Koskuinmäki
Name honors 1857 mayor of Chappell Hill, Jethro Atkinson, whose plantation was nearby. In 1844, date of earliest marked grave, site was owned by Robert Wooding Chappell, for whom city was named. Formed in 1957, Atkinson Cemetery Association provides perpetual care. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1966 Historical Marker Database This cemetery is located on 6300 Chadwick Hogan Road, Chapp...
This cemetery is located on 1615 South Mechanic Street, El Campo, Wharton County, Texas. This cemetery is also known as St. Phillip's Catholic Cemetery . Find a Grave
This project is for those buried in St. Michael Catholic Cemetery, Weimar, Colorado County, Texas. Find a Grave Colorado County History
Taken from Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Cemetery, Dubina, Texas, copyrighted 1998, with the permission of the author, Norman C. Krischke: Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Cemetery was established 5 August 1866 upon burial of Jan Konvicka, 1813 - 1866, according to tombstone inscriptions and church history. Apparently Josef Peter, Sr., had envisioned this burial place, under a beautiful, gi...
Restland Memorial Park, also called Restland Cemetery, is located in the City of Dallas and in an unincorporated area of Dallas County, with Restland Road marking the city limit across the cemetery area. The address is given variously as 92002 Restland Road, which is in the City of Dallas and 13005 Greenville Avenue, which is in an unincorporated area of Dallas County. The cemetery is located b...
Green Mount Cemetery resides in Dansville, Livingston County, New York. Also known as Greenmount Cemetery, this large burying ground was founded in 1847. The Dansville Cemetery Association oversaw the cemetery from 1847 until 2001, when the Town of North Dansville took over Green Mount's maintenance. Around 1888, graves from the Old Village or Dansville's Cemetery were reinterred at Green Moun...
This cemetery is located on 591 US-27, Avon Park, Highlands County, Florida. Find a Grave Billion Graves
The Department of Transportation is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for the maintenance and expansion of viable, efficient, and dependable transportation systems as effective instruments for national recovery and economic progress. This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on people who has been working or had worked at the Department of Transportati...
Southerner was, on average, considered a superior horseman to his Northern counterpart, especially early in the war. Roads in the rural South were generally poor, and horses were used more for individual transportation than they were for the carriages and streetcars of the urbanized North, where many of the early Federal cavalry regiments were formed. Furthermore, Southern society was more stra...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Livingston County, New York. Official Website On February 23, 1821 the county was formed and named after Robert R. Livingston, who helped draft the Declaration of Independence and negotiated the Louisiana Purchase. The Seneca Nation of Indians, once the most numerous and powerful of the Six Nations of the Iroquois, were called the ...