This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Created on May 15, 1772, by an act of House of Burgesses from the northern third of Frederick County when it was part of Virginia, Berkeley County went on to become West Virginia's second-oldest county after that s...
After various name changes, the team eventually began operating as the Boston Braves , which lasted for most of the first half of the 20th century. Then, in 1953, the team moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and became the Milwaukee Braves , followed by the final move to Atlanta in 1966.* Atlanta Braves (1966–present) * Milwaukee Braves (1953–1965) * Boston Braves (1941–1952) * Boston Bees (1936–1940)
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Douglas County, Kansas. Official Website In 1855, Douglas County was established. Douglas County was opened for settlement on May 15, 1854, and was named for Stephen A. Douglas, a senator from Illinois. The county was practically at the center of the Bleeding Kansas years as leaders in Lecompton (the territorial capital) wanted Kans...
The American Philosophical Society (APS), founded in 1743 and located in Philadelphia, is an eminent scholarly organization of international reputation that promotes useful knowledge in the sciences and humanities through excellence in scholarly research, professional meetings, publications, library resources, and community outreach. Considered the first learned society in the United States, it...
First proposed in the House of Burgesses in 1767, Botetourt County was created in 1770 from Augusta County.[3] The county is named for Norborne Berkeley, Baron de Botetourt, more commonly known as Lord Botetourt (1718–1770), who was a popular governor of the Virginia Colony from 1768 to 1770, when he died suddenly while in office. In 1772, the county was reduced to the area east of the New and...
USS Oklahoma Memorial Pearl Harbor, Honolulu County, Hawaii, USA Memorial located in Pearl Harbor on Ford Island, adjacent to the location where the USS Oklahoma was when sank and capsized during December 7 attack. The name of each of the 429 sailors/Marines killed is listed on individual granite slabs cut and processed in Oklahoma.
Questo progetto ha lo scopo di raccogliere i dati genealogici toscane, con particolare attenzione alla Toscana occidentale (province di Pisa , Lucca e Livorno ).>>>> Se avete informazioni sulle famiglie toscane, si prega di aderire al progetto! Grazie, MaurizioThis project is intended to collect Tuscan genealogical data, with particular focus on western Tuscany ( Pisa , Lucca and Livorno provin...
Osobe iz Perkovića, Slivna, Danila, D. Kraljica, D. Birnja, Dubrave, Donjeg Sela i Šibenika., koje treba spojiti s drugim stablima.
This project is focused on Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States of America and their families. The family trees of the more recent presidents can be a challenge to merge due to the number of living/private profiles. If you would like to contribute to this page, please contact the Project Manager or one of the Project Collaborators. Click here for instructions about using Wiki ma...
Projektin sivustolle kerätään tiedot kuolleista Lumijoen rippikirjoista vuosien 1945 - 1963 väliseltä ajalta. Kuolleen henkilön nimi näkyy sivustolla, linkki profiiliin sekä kuolleiden kirkonkirjan tietokantaan. Lista on vielä keskeneräinen. Lumijoen projektit Paikkakunta Lumijoki Paikkakunta Lumijoki Lumijoki, papit ja muut kirkon työntekijät, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Lumijoki, papit ja ...
Wikipedia The State University of New York Polytechnic Institute, commonly referred to as SUNY Polytechnic Institute or SUNY Poly, is a public research university with campuses in the town of Marcy in the Utica-Rome metropolitan area and Albany, New York. Founded in 1966 using classrooms at a primary school, SUNY Poly is New York's public polytechnic college. The Marcy campus, formerly the SUNY...
Rodziny o poniższych nazwiskach z Pomorza, z województw: kujawsko-pomorskiego, pomorskiego. Jakubowski Jakubkowski Jakubowicz Jakubkowski Kubowski Kubkowski Kubacki Kobuszewski Kubaskowicz vel Kubaskiewicz Poniżej najstarsi przedstawiciele tych rodzin z miejscowościami, gdzie poszczególne rodziny się pojawiają, począwszy od miejscowości wyjściowej dla najstarszego przedstawiciela rodziny. Ko...
Wikipedia =The College of the Holy Cross or Holy Cross is a private, undergraduate Roman Catholic, Jesuit liberal arts college located in Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Founded in 1843, Holy Cross is the oldest Catholic college in New England and one of the oldest in the United States. U.S. News & World Report ranked Holy Cross 25th in the U.S. among liberal arts colleges in 2014. Hol...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Štenovice (Stienowitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic Cemetery Stenovice is located in Bohemia-Plzen-jih (Pilsen-South) at 49º40 13º24, 8 km S of Plzen. Cemetery: 550 meters E of chateau and 700 meters NE of Catholic church. Earliest known Jewish community was second half of 18th century. 1930 Jewish population was 11. Pea...
Obispos y Sacerdotes de Santiago en siglos XVII XVIII XIX y XX Según la Iglesia católica, los obispos son los sucesores de los apóstoles, y como tales, son constituidos como pastores para que sean maestros de la doctrina, sacerdotes del culto sagrado y ministros para el gobierno. El obispo tiene la plenitud del sacerdocio, con potestad total, por la que gobierna una iglesia local o particular ...
This project is for those interred in the Moravian Cemetery, New Dorp, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York. The cemetery is located on 2005 Richmond Road. Notable Interments Mark W. Allen (1877-1958) - US Congressman Alice Austen (1886-1952) - Photographer Samuel Barton (1785-1858) - US Congressman Allan Benny (1867-1942) - US Congressman Thomas Bilotti (1940-1985) - Mobste...
Petrus Gonsalvus was a nobleman the lived the mid 1500's to the early 1600's who had Hyperthyroidism. He moved around Europe and had several children who were given away as gifts to other rulers in Europe. I have found no records of him the GENI database and I wish to resolve that gap any support would be appreciated.
Jefferson Community College (SUNY Jefferson) is a public community college in Watertown, New York. Established on November 7, 1961, Jefferson Community College was the area's first institution of higher education and remains the only college with a campus in a 50 miles (80 km) radius. It was initially accredited in 1969, and is the only college in the State University of New York (SUNY) System ...
Wikipedia =California State University, Sacramento (CSUS; Sacramento State, informally Sac State), founded in 1947 as Sacramento State College, is a public comprehensive university in the city of Sacramento, the capital city of the U.S. state of California. It is the eleventh oldest school in the 23-campus California State University system. The university enrolls approximately 30,500 students ...
A county commission (or a board of county commissioners) is a group of elected officials ( county commissioners ) collectively charged with administering the county government in some states of the United States; such commissions usually comprise three to five members. What does a county board of commissioners do? From The board of commissioners is the oldest form of count...
South African Murder Victims accused of Witchcraft Victims who have been murdered after being accused of witchcraft in South Africa Aim and Scope This project is intended to record as many victims of witch hunts as possible, as well as other ritual and witchcraft related murders, to create "Tribute Profiles" for the victims and link them to our Geni tree. How to Participate Add the names o...
Projektiin on tarkoitus liittää henkilöitä jotka ovat menehtyneen Suomen sodissa 1939-1945, mutta jotka eivät löydy Kansallisarkiston tietokannasta:"Tietokanta ei lähtökohtaisesti sisällä tietoja niistä sotavainajista, jotka eivät olleet puolustusvoimien palveluksessa. Näitä henkilöryhmiä ovat mm. partisaanien uhrit ja kotiseudun ilmapommituksissa menehtyneet siviilit."
El Al Flight 402 was an international passenger flight from London to Tel Aviv via Vienna and Istanbul. On 27 July 1955, the flight, operated by a Lockheed Constellation registered as 4X-AKC, strayed into then-Communist Bulgarian airspace and was attacked by two Bulgarian MiG-15 jet fighters, crashing near Petrich. All 7 crew and 51 passengers on board the airliner were killed. A memorial was ...