A construction worker is a worker employed in the physical construction of the built environment and its infrastructure. The term construction worker can be used to cover a huge number of roles within the industry, but typically it refers to a someone who performs a variety of general construction tasks during all phases of a construction project. However, there are also those who specializ...
Please add profiles of people who were born, lived or died in Clermont County, Ohio. Official Website Ordinanced in 1800 as part of the Virginia Military District, Clermont is Ohio's eighth oldest county, the furthest county west in Appalachian Ohio, the eleventh oldest county of the former Northwest Territory. Clermont County is part of the Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN Metropolitan Statistical Area....
Monisikiöraskaudella eli monikkoraskaudella tarkoitetaan raskautta, jossa raskaana oleva nainen kantaa kohdussaan useampaa kuin yhtä sikiötä kerralla, yleensä kahta sikiötä eli kaksosia. Monisikiöraskauden syntyyn vaikuttavat monet eri seikat mm. aiemmin suvussa ilmenneet monisikiöraskaudet eli perinnöllisyys, erityisesti äidin puolen suvussa. Niin sanottu Hellinin sääntö kertoo ihmisellä kak...
Please add profiles of " celebrities " who star or have starred in "reality TV shows," Must be set to public. If the profile is "notable" but living and private, please contact a curator through the "discussion" tool.This is an international project.From Wikipedia last updated April 8, 2015Reality-based television is a genre of television programming that documents unscripted situations and act...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Rowan County, North Carolina. Official Website The first Europeans to enter what is now Rowan County were members of the Spanish expedition of Juan Pardo in 1567. They established a fort and a mission in the native village of Guatari, believed to be located near the Yadkin River and inhabited by the Wateree. At the time, the area wa...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Dubois County, Indiana. Official Website Dubois County was formed on December 20, 1818, from Orange, Pike and Perry counties. It is named for Toussaint Dubois, a Frenchman who fought in the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Tippecanoe and the War of 1812. Dubois was a merchant who lived mainly in Vincennes. In 1818, as many...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Garrard County, Kentucky. Official Website The county was formed in 1796 and was named for James Garrard, Governor of Kentucky from 1796 to 1804. Garrard County is the home of Camp Dick Robinson, the first Federal base south of the Ohio River during the Civil War. Adjacent Counties Boyle County Mercer County Lincoln County ...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Williams County, Ohio. Official Website The county was created in 1820 and later organized in 1824. It is named for David Williams, one of the captors of John André in the American Revolutionary War. Adjacent Counties Hillsdale County, Michigan Fulton County Henry County Defiance County DeKalb County, Indiana Steuben ...
alfabetical—A——B——C— * Philip CATHERINE -guitar- 20##-where? —D— —E— —F— —G— —H— —I— —J— —K— —L— —M— —N— —O— —P— —Q— —R— —S— —T— —U— —V— —W— —X— —Y— —Z —==chronological==topografical*AFRIQUE*ASIA *United States of America: ... how many are there? *NA *South America *RUSSIA - not the *EUROPE continentally spoken, not poltical...
English: occupational name for a weaver from early Middle English webbe (Old English webba (masculine) or webbe (feminine) probably used of both male and female weavers). This word survived into Middle English long enough to give rise to the surname but was already obsolescent as an agent noun; hence the secondary forms with the agent suffixes -er and -ster (see Webster Webber and compare Weave...
This famous surname is regarded as being of Anglo-Scottish origins, although with Norman antecedents. Found in the spellings of Atkinson, Aitchison, Acheson, Aicheson, and Aitcheson, it is as a patronymic form of the medieval male given name Atkin or Adkin, itself a double diminutive of the Hebrew name 'Adam', meaning 'red earth'. Adam (as a baptismal name) is first recorded in the English Dome...
Related Projects Families/People:: AJ WILSON Hicks & Wilson Family Ron Wilson Alanna Wilson Shafirka Wilson and more 02. Family History of Jerome Michael Wilson Cemeteries: Wilson Cemetery, Wilson, Kansas Wilson Cemetery, Newark, Ohio Bomar Point Cemetery, Wilson, Oklahoma
Kelly Surname Meaning Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Ceallaigh or in some areas Mac Ceallaigh ‘descendant (or son) of Ceallach’ an ancient Irish personal name originally a byname meaning ‘bright-headed’ later understood as ‘frequenting churches’ (Irish ceall). There are several early Irish saints who bore this name. Kelly is now the most common of all surnames in Ireland. Scottish: habitati...
a tribute to Joseph?Add you favorite and we can search for nice documentation or -even- better- you join our team after a short sollicitatie-gesprek met een afvaardiging van het project-team & uwerzijds een korte suggestie waarom u hier aanschuiven wel ziet zitten....— —A— —B— —C— —D— —E— —F— —G— —H— —I— —J— —K— ==—L— * Joseph Marie Antoine Hubert LUNS, dr. ⌘ NL-28-aug 1911-2002 jul-17 Brussel ...
Florida Blue Key is a student leadership honor society at the University of Florida. It was founded in 1923.
United States Senators from FloridaList of United States Senators from Florida (from U.S. Senate web site--no links) of United States Senators from Florida (with wikipedia links)
Wikipedia Stetson University is a private, nonprofit university with four colleges and schools located across the I-4 corridor in Central Florida, United States, with the primary undergraduate campus located in DeLand. In the 2017 U.S. News and World Report's guide to America's Best Colleges, Stetson ranks as the 5th best regional university in the South, 5th best for veterans among regional un...
Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen!Voit aloittaa liittymällä projektiin yhteistyökumppaniksi, kohdasta Toiminnot > Liity yhteistyökumppaniksi. Kannattaa myös lähettää yhtestyökutsu projektissa olijolle yhdstämisten helpottamiseksi.Sarkkila on kylä Punkalaitumella, nykyisellä Pirkanmaalla. Sarkkilan kylä on osa Punkalaitumen keskustaajamaa. Sen alueella sijaitsevat mm. Punkalaitumen kirkko, kunnanta...
Salo on yksi Lopen kunnan kylistä.Alla olevassa luettelossa on ensin mainittu talot 1699. Seuraavana on merkitty maarekisterin numeron mukaan asumat 1800. Kaikki talot ovat alunperin verotaloja, ellei muuta ole merkitty. 1699 mainitaan vain Salon nimi ja sen yhteydessä 7 henkilöä. RN:o 1 1800 Salon säteritilalla mainitaan. seur. trp.: Yli-Paasto, Yli-Kaivola, Antiniemi, Kylmänoja, Mattila, Niin...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in San Jose, Camarines Sur, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
United States Senators from OhioList of United States Senators from Ohio (from U.S. Senate web site--no links) of United States Senators from Ohio (with wikipedia links)
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Camiling, Tarlac, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid Eesti metsandusega seostuvaid isikuid läbi kõigi ajajärkude.*