Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • West Virginia University

    Wikipedia West Virginia University (WVU) is a public land grant research university in Morgantown, West Virginia, United States. Its other campuses include the West Virginia University Institute of Technology in Montgomery and Potomac State College of West Virginia University in Keyser; and a second clinical campus for the University's medical and dental schools at Charleston Area Medical Cen...

  • Saoithe of Aosdána

    Saoi (Irish pronunciation: [s%CB%A0i%CB%90], plural Saoithe ; literally "wise one"; historically the title of the head of a bardic school) is the highest honour bestowed by Aosdána, a state-supported association of Irish creative artists. The title is awarded, for life, to an existing Aosdána member. There are at most seven living Saoithe at any time; a limit increased from five in 2007–08. At ...

  • British Writers: L - P

    British Writers: L - PThis project is a place to gather together profiles of British born writers of all genres. Those with bold links have profiles on Geni. Links that are not bold are to other sources.Names are arranged alphabetically and spread across 6 projects to handle the numbers. (The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).

  • Documentary Subjects

    This project is for working on the genealogies of people who have been featured in notable documentaries, including full-length films and special series. Criteria Thousands of documentaries are produced worldwide each year. It would be impossible and impractical to include everyone in this project. Therefore, we focus on the subjects of notable documentaries -- ones that received critical ac...

  • Kylä Hirvisaari, Käkisalmen mlk.

    Projekti aloitettu 4.6.2023. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Hirvisaari Wikipedia Käkisalmen maalaiskunnan kyläprojekteja Alapuusti I Hirvisaari I Joensuu I Kapeasalmi I Marjalanniemi I Norsjoki I Näpinlahti I Ostamo I Pärnä I Pötrsykkä I Sakkali I Suikanlahti I Suotniemi I Tenkalahti I Vuohensalo I Yläpu...

  • Kylä Marjalanniemi, Käkisalmen mlk.

    Projekti aloitettu 4.6.2023. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Marjalanniemi Wikipedia Käkisalmen maalaiskunnan kyläprojekteja Alapuusti I Hirvisaari I Joensuu I Kapeasalmi I Marjalanniemi I Norsjoki I Näpinlahti I Ostamo I Pärnä I Pötrsykkä I Sakkali I Suikanlahti I Suotniemi I Tenkalahti I Vuohensalo I Yl...

  • Horry County, South Carolina

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Horry County, South Carolina. Official Website Horry County (pronounced O'Ree) was created from Georgetown District in 1801. At this time, the county had an estimated population of 550. Isolated by the many rivers and swamps typical of the South Carolina Lowcountry, the area essentially was surrounded by water, forcing its inhabitan...

  • Kylä Näpinlahti, Käkisalmen mlk.

    Projekti aloitettu 5.6.2023. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Näpinlahti Wikipedia Käkisalmen maalaiskunnan kyläprojekteja Alapuusti I Hirvisaari I Joensuu I Kapeasalmi I Marjalanniemi I Norsjoki I Näpinlahti I Ostamo I Pärnä I Pötrsykkä I Sakkali I Suikanlahti I Suotniemi I Tenkalahti I Vuohensalo I Yläpu...

  • Roane County, Tennessee

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Roane County, Tennessee. Official Website Roane County was formed in 1801, and named for Archibald Roane, the second Governor of Tennessee. Upon the creation of the Southwest Territory in 1790, the territory's governor, William Blount, initially wanted to locate the territorial capital at the mouth of the Clinch River, but was unabl...

  • Pulaski County, Kentucky

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Pulaski County, Kentucky. Official Website The county was founded in December 1798 from land given by Lincoln and Green Counties and named for Polish patriot Count Casimir Pulaski. Adjacent Counties Lincoln County Rockcastle County Casey County Russell County Laurel County McCreary County Wayne County

  • Viljandi vana Kalmistu - ammuste haudade taastamine (alates 1882)

    Siia on oodatud kõikide inimeste märkimised oma lahkunutest, kes on naetud ajavahemikus 1882-1900. Kui olete taastanud oma lähedaste, esiisade-emade väga vanad hauad, siis lisage siia Mina Mart Paju taastan oma kunagise esiisa, vana-vana-vana-vanaonu Jüri Waik (1822-1907) pereplats, mis oli üle 100 aasta suurte puudega kaetud ja ligi 100 kilone rist js veel paar suurt hauakivi tulid välja 50 cm...

  • Village Kähö in Jämsä, Finland

    Tämä projekti on Jämsän Kähön kylän kyläprojekti. Projektiin voidaan liittää Kähön kylässä asuneita henkilöitä. Siihen voidaan perustaa myös taloprojekteja ja muita tarkentavia projekteja sekä lisätä valokuvia, tarinoita ja muuta sukututkimusta tukevaa aineistoa. Toivomme että projektiin liitetyillä profiileilla on vähintään yksi lähdetiedosto kirjattuna. Johdanto Jämsänjoen länsirannalla o...

  • Almesåkra socken, Småland

    Almesåkra socken i Småland ingick i Västra härad (och före 1886 del i Tveta härad) i Njudung, ingår sedan 1971 i Nässjö kommun i Jönköpings län och motsvarar från 2016 Almesåkra distrikt. Socknens areal är 65 kvadratkilometer, varav land 58,72. Antal invånare i distriktet är 206 (31 december 2022). Sockenkyrkan Almesåkra kyrka ligger i socknen. Administrativ historik Almesåkra socken har...

  • United States House of Representatives from Wisconsin

    List of United States Representatives from Wisconsin Wisconsin's current delegation to the United States House of Representatives as of January 2025: 1st district -- Bryan Steil 2nd district -- Mark Pocan 3rd district -- Derrick Van Orden 4th district -- Gwen Moore 5th district -- Scott Fitzgerald 6th district -- Glenn Grothman

  • Marquette University

    Marquette University /mɑrˈkɛt/ is a private, coeducational, Jesuit, Roman Catholic university located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Established as Marquette College on August 28, 1881 by the Society of Jesus, it was founded by John Martin Henni, the first Bishop of Milwaukee. The university was named after 17th century missionary and explorer Father Jacques Marquette, with the intention to provide a...

  • Zeta Psi

    Zeta Psi (ΖΨ), also known as Zetes, is one of the oldest collegiate social men's fraternity founded on June 1, 1847 at New York University. The organization now comprises fifty-three active chapters and thirty-four inactive chapters, encompassing roughly fifty thousand brothers, and is a founding member of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. It has historically been selective about t...

  • Boston Latin School

    Wikipedia The Boston Latin School is a public exam school in Boston, Massachusetts. Established on April 23, 1635, it is both the first public school and oldest existing school in the United States. The Public Latin School was a bastion for educating the sons of the Boston elite, resulting in the school claiming many prominent Bostonians as alumni. Its curriculum follows that of the 18th centur...

  • Juutalaiset Suomessa - Jews in Finland

    Jews in Finland====Finland has a Jewish community of about 1200 individuals although the number is somewhat larger than that because not all the secular Jews are registered in Jewish communities. A majority of the Jews in Finland live in the Helsinki metropolitan area and a substantial number of them are bilingual having Swedish as their first language.======There are two synagogues in Finland,...

  • Printers

    Printers Definition - One that prints, especially one whose occupation is printing.In publishing, printers can be companies providing printing services and individuals who directly operate printing presses.This project is for those whose occupation is printer . Please link GENi profiles of those whose occupation was/is described as Printer to this project. Bold links are to GENi profiles; other...

  • Melungeon

    Melungeon (pronounced /məˈlʌndʒən/ or "muh'lun-jun" or "muh-lun'jun") is a term traditionally applied to a tri-racial isolate group centered in Newman Ridge and Blackwater in Hancock County, Tennessee. They are found mainly in the Cumberland Gap area of central Appalachia, which includes portions of east Tennessee (Hancock and Hawkins Counties), southwest Virginia (Lee County), and eastern Kent...

  • Migrated from Finland in Kemijärvi to America

    They had a Dream Immigration from Kemijärvi to America

  • United States Secretary of State

    The United States secretary of state is a member of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States and the head of the U.S. Department of State. The secretary of state serves as the principal advisor to the president of the United States on all foreign affairs matters. The secretary carries out the president's foreign policies through the State Department, which includes t...

  • Delta Kappa Epsilon

    Delta Kappa Epsilon (ΔΚΕ), commonly known as DKE or Deke, is one of the oldest North American fraternities, with 56 active chapters across America and Canada. The fraternity was founded at Yale College in 1844 by 15 sophomores who were disaffected by the existing houses on campus. They established a fellowship "where the candidate most favored was he who combined in the most equal proportions t...

  • United States Army Nurse Corps

    United States Army Nurse Corps (AN or ANC) was formally established by the U.S. Congress in 1901. It is one of the six medical special branches (or "corps") of officers which – along with medical enlisted soldiers – comprise the Army Medical Department (AMEDD).The ANC is the nursing service for the U.S. Army and provides highly qualified nursing staff in support of the Department of Defense med...

7701-7725 of 74878 projects