The Yukon Liberal Party is a political party in the Yukon Territory in Canada.==History==After twenty years as a minor party, the Yukon Liberal Party won the 2000 general election and formed a government under Premier Pat Duncan. The government was plagued with defections, however, and was reduced to minority government status. Duncan called a snap election for November 2002 in the hope of rega...
The Wildrose Party (legally Wildrose Political Association , formerly the Wildrose Alliance Political Association) is a conservative provincial political party in Alberta, Canada. The party was formed out of the Alberta Alliance Party in early 2008 following its merger with the unregistered Wildrose Party of Alberta. The wild rose is Alberta's provincial flower.It contested the 2008 provincial ...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of those who served as Labour politicians in any of the following:* The Canadian House of Commons (serving as an MP)* Any Provincial Legislature (serving as any of the following: MHA, MLA, MNA, MPP)
The Progressive Party of Saskatchewan was a provincial section of the Progressive Party of Canada and was active from the 1920s to the mid-1930s. The Progressives were an agrarian, social democratic political movement originally dedicated to political and economic reform and challenging economic policies that favoured the financial and industrial interests in Central Canada over agrarian and to...
The Northwest Territories Liberal-Conservative Party also known formally as the Liberal-Conservative Association prior to 1903 and the Territorial Conservative Association after 1903, was a short lived political party in the Northwest Territories, Canada. from 1897–1905. It was a branch of the federal Conservative Party of Canada (historical).
The Saskatchewan New Democratic Party (NDP) is a social-democratic[1][2] political party in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It forms the official opposition, but has been a dominant force in Saskatchewan politics since the 1940s. The party is the successor to the Saskatchewan section of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), and is affiliated to the federal New Democratic Party.
This is a list of the Leaders of the Opposition of the Yukon Territory, Canada, since 1978 when responsible government was given to the territory. Prior to 1978 the territory had a legislature which had a largely advisory role and no political parties or government leader. Instead powers were invested in a governing Commissioner appointed by the federal government.=Opposition Leaders====Liberal...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of the Mayors of Regina, Saskatchewan.===From the date of incorporation as a town on December 1, 1883===* David Lynch Scott, Q.C. (1884-1885)* Dan Mowat (1886-1887)* W. Cayley Hamilton Q.C. (1888)* Jacob W. Smith (1st time) (1889)* J. A. McCaul (1890)* Richard H. Williams (1891-1892)* John Henry Charles Willoughby, M.D. (1893)* Rober...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the Geni profiles of those who have held the office of Mayor of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories=Mayors=* John McNiven (1953)* Gordon A. Allen (1954-1955)* Fred Henne (1956-1957)* Ted Horton (1958-1963)* John Parker (1964-February 1967)* Chet Wilkinson (March-December 1967)* Fred Henne (1968-1973)* Robert M. Findlay (1974-1975)* Fred Henne (197...
The Speaker of the Yukon Legislative Assembly is the presiding officer of that legislature.Below is a list of Speakers of the Yukon Territorial Assembly 1974–1978 and Speakers of the Yukon Legislative Assembly from 1978:* Donald Taylor (December 13, 1974 to July 1985)* Sam Johnston (July 15, 1985 to December 1992)* Alan Nordling (December 14, 1992 to 1994)* John Devries (April 16, 1994 to 1996)...
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (Saskatchewan Section) The origins of the party began as early as 1902. In that year a group of farmers created the Territorial Grain Growers' Association. The objective of this group was to lobby for farmer's rights with the grain trade and the railways. The name was changed to the Saskatchewan Grain Growers' Association (SGGA) when Saskatchewan became a pr...
The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut is the presiding officer of the territorial legislature in Nunavut, Canada. Since 1999 the position has been elected by Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) using a secret ballot. The current Speaker is George Qulaut.==The office of the Speaker==As the politics of Nunavut are run under a Westminster system, the role of the Speaker of the ...
The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan is the presiding officer of the Saskatchewan legislature.Speakers of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan* Thomas MacNutt (1906–1908)* William Charles Sutherland (1908–1912)* John Albert Sheppard (1912–1916)* Robert Menzies Mitchell (1917–1919)* George Adam Scott (1919–1925)* Walter George Robinson (1925–1929)* James Fraser Bryant (192...
The Speaker is the presiding officer of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories The speakership has changed many times from 1876 to 1888 the presiding officer of the assembly was the Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest Territories, however Members of the Legislative Assembly would also elect one of their own to act as Chairman. Elected members held the Speakership from 1888 until...
Wikipedia Article
The Parti social démocratique du Québec (PSD ; English: Social Democratic Party of Quebec ) was the Quebec wing of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. It was founded in 1939 as the Fédération du Commonwealth Coopératif and was led by Romuald-Joseph Lamoureux in the 1944 general election, by Thérèse Casgrain from 1951 to 1957 and by Michel Chartrand from 1957 to 1960. The name Parti social...
The Order of Polaris is given out by the Government of Yukon Territory in Canada for:* great service to the territory* service to the people of the territory* unique cultureThe Order of Polaris was created by the Government of the Yukon Territory in 1973, to honour members of the Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame, especially those who flew over the Yukon. The medal and scroll were presented by the...
The Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada was the lower house of the bicameral structure of provincial government in Lower Canada until 1838. The legislative assembly was created by the Constitutional Act of 1791. The lower house consisted of elected legislative councillors who created bills to be passed up to the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, whose members were appointed by the governor ...
The Legislative Council of Lower Canada was the upper house of the bicameral structure of provincial government in Lower Canada until 1838. The upper house consisted of appointed councillors who voted on bills passed up by the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada. The legislative council was created by the Constitutional Act. Many of the members first called in the Council in 1792 had served as...
The Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada was created by the Constitutional Act of 1791. It was the elected part of the legislature for the province of Upper Canada, functioning as the lower house in the Parliament of Upper Canada. Its legislative power was subject to veto by the appointed Lieutenant Governor, Executive Council, and Legislative Council.The first elections in Upper Canada, in whi...
The Legislative Council of Upper Canada was the upper house governing the province of Upper Canada. Modelled after the British House of Lords, it was created by the Constitutional Act of 1791. It was specified that the council should consist of at least seven members. Members were appointed for life but could be dropped for non-attendance. The first nine members of the council were appointed on...