Mobile Bay and Alabama Historic Home Builders and Owners
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Klasno, Poland also known as Klasna, Klasni. Gesher Galicia-Klasno
Bear Creek Cemetery
Maybe you think you're a lonely guy. Maybe you think you're too tough to cry. But you went to the Grape, just to give it a try... and Dagmar (without a doubt the ugliest son of a bitch I've ever seen in my life) was his name.
Genealogy and DNA project for Mukhanins / Mukhanovs / Mukhankins families
Until 1993, the Distinguished Service Medal ( DSM ) was a military decoration awarded to personnel of the Royal Navy and members of the other services, and formerly also to personnel of other Commonwealth countries, up to and including the rank of Chief Petty Officer, for bravery and resourcefulness on active service at sea.The medal was established on 14 October 1914. It was the Other Ranks' e...