Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Jamaican Music

    music of Jamaica includes Jamaican folk music and many popular genres, such as mento, ska, rocksteady, reggae, dub music, dancehall, reggae fusion and related styles. Jamaica's music culture is a fusion of elements from the United States (rhythm and blues, rock and roll, soul), Africa and neighboring Caribbean islands such as Trinidad and Tobago (calypso and soca). Reggae is especially popular ...

  • International Indonesian Portal

    Access point for the Global-Geni-user-Community to Indonesian users & sources* Portal to build bridges between Indonesia and descendants from Indonesians worldwide* We invite all Indonesian users as well as people anywhere in the world with Indonesian family and/or ancestors to join!=International Indonesian PortalIndonesia has a population of over 240 million people. Throughout its history, it...

  • South Africa - Farm Attack Victims: 1996 to 1997

    “Farm Murders” 1 April 1996 to 31 March 1997 SAPS 1996/97 "official" figures: 84 Murders from 433 Attacks There are 66 victims remembered in this project This figure includes 3 couples (farmer and wife) between 29/04/1996 - 22/03/1996 33 Victims were aged between 60 - 85 1996 April Willie Engelbrecht (66) 13/04/1996 Amsterdam, MP (stabbed to death) FB link Gert Johannes Stephanus ...

  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    Polytechnic Institute=Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, or RPI, is a private research university located in Troy, New York, with two additional campuses in Hartford and Groton, Connecticut. It was founded in 1824 by Stephen van Rensselaer and Amos Eaton for the "application of science to the common purposes of life" and is the oldest technological university in the English-speaking world. Built...

  • Gente con título nobiliario en Chile

    títulos de nobleza en Chile fueron abolidos durante el gobierno de Bernardo O'Higgins (1817-1823) y su uso oficial por chilenos y habitantes del país dentro del territorio nacional está prohibido y relegado al ámbito estrictamente privado e informal.Si bien los títulos de nobleza en Chile fueron abolidos durante el gobierno de Bernardo O'Higgins como se ha señalado, en el ámbito privado y de ma...

  • City administrators, administration holders of Split, Dalmatia (History)

    This is a project of city administrators and city administration holders in Split in history. This project is part of the Croatian Genealogy of - Dalmatia, Split and subproject of: Split i Splićani City administrators, holders in Split, Dalmatia in history List of city administrators, holders, captains of Split , from Wikipedia Mletačka Republika, Hr | Doges of Venice , useful lists fr...

  • Kalaholma

    Tähän projektiin Porin Kalaholman, tai tarkemmin ottaen Aittaluodon kruununvuokramaiden menneiden aikojen asukkaita ja Kalaholman koulun ammoista henkilökuntaa.

  • Linda (Sibley) Zimmerman's Projects

    A work in progress : For now just a list of my Top projects Projects I am a member of: H3b1b1 (Mitochondrial DNA) Armstead-Armistead and connected Families First Settlers of Newbury, Massachusetts, 1635 Joining the DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution Patriots of the American Revolution - the search is on! Jamestown, Virginia - 1624 Census

  • Institute of Railway Engineers in St Petersburg, Russia / PIPS / LIIZHT / SPbGUPS

    Graduates and teachers of the Institute of Corps of Railway Engineers / St.-Petersburg's Institute of Railway Engineers / LIIZhT / SPbGUPS. St. Petersburg State Transport University Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS) (Russian: Петербургский государственный университет путей сообщения Императора Александра I, abbreviated ПГУПС) is a higher education institu...

  • Haatajan suku

    Tervetuloa Haatajan suvun sukututkimusprojektiin! Project that connects all Haataja ancestors and descendants from the United States, and Finland: Kuusamo, Salla, Ylitornio, Kajaani,(Vuolujoki), Kemijärvi, Kuhmo, Kuopio (Maaninka), Muhos, Oulu, Oulujoki, Ylikiiminki), Paltamo, Pelkosenniemi, Posio, Pudasjärvi, Pyhäntä, Ranua, Siikalatva (Kestilä), Sotkamo, Suomussalmi, Tyrnävä, Vaala (Säräis...

  • Families & farms on Geta / Åland Islands

    Kapell under Finström grundat före år 1483, eget pastorat år 1906.Byar: Andersö, Bolstaholm, Dånö, Finnö, Gräggnäs, Höckböle, Isaksö, Labbnäs, Möckelgräs, Olofsnäs (Olsnäs), Östergeta, Pantsarnäs, Skinnarböle, Snäckö, Västergeta* Förteckning över präster - Geta

  • Miami-Dade County, Florida

    This project is for those who were born, lived or died in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Miami County was named for the Mayaimi, a Native American tribe that lived around Lake Okeechobee until the 17th or 18th century. Dade County was named for Bvt. Maj. Francis Langhorne Dade. On November 13, 1997, voters changed the name to Miami-Dade County. Cemeteries Cemeteries of Florida Links ...

  • Kreeta Sofia Matintytär Keskitalo (Takalo) s. 1871 sukua Lumijoelta

    Kesken! Katsottava meneekö oikein perukirjan mukaa! Onko tämä suku oikein kun menee Kauhavalle ja kuolee Lumojella perukirjan mukaan? N:226 Arrendatore Hustrun Maria Johansdotter Takalo, född Kilola perukirja k. 1860 Oulun tuomiokunnan II arkisto (OMA) - EcIV:9 Perukirjat, Numerosta 120 1858-1862, jakso 256, sivu 407-408: N:226 Arrendatore Hustrun Maria Johansdotter Takalo, född Kilola; Kan...

  • Jewish Families from Kleinsteinach (Unterfranken/Bayern), Germany

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Kleinsteinach (Unterfranken/Bayern), Germany. JewishGen-Kleinsteinach (Unterfranken/Bayern)

  • Riivli II maailmasõja aegne matmispaik

    Riivli matmispaik on Teise maailmasõja-aegne matmispaik Põltsamaa kihelkonnas Viljandimaal, tänapäevase haldusjaotuse järgi Esku külas Põltsamaa vallas Jõgeva maakonnas. Matmispaik paikneb Põltsamaa linnast lääne pool Viljandi maantee ääres enne Võhma ja Pilistvere tee risti. Selle koha peal on Viljandi maantee Põltsamaa ja Kolga-Jaani kihelkonna piir, matmispaik paikneb Põltsamaa poolel maant...

  • Eesti sport - allveesport

    Eesti sport - allveesport Siia lisame allveeujujad, allveeorienteerujad, sukeldujad jt

  • Council on Foreign Relations

    The Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921, is a United States 4900-member organization, nonprofit, publisher, and think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C.. Its membership has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawy...

  • Suomen kankurit ja kutojat - Weavers in Finland

    Tervetuloa kankurien ammattiprojektiin! Projektin tarkoituksena on koota kankurien ja pellavankutojien ammattia harjoittaneiden henkilöiden profiilit yhdeksi kokoelmaksi, niin sukututkimuksen kuin muunkin mikrohistoriatyön tueksi lakia ja hyviä tapoja noudattaen. Projektin toimintaperiaatteista ===== Jos sinulla on suvussa kankureita tai kutojia tai hallinnoit tällaisten henkilöiden...

  • Lincoln County, Tennessee

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Lincoln County, Tennessee. Official Website Lincoln County was created in 1809 from land occupied by the Cherokee and Chickasaw Peoples. The Lincoln County Process, used in the distillation of Tennessee whiskey, is named for this county, as the Jack Daniel Distillery was originally located there. Adjacent Counties Bedford Count...

  • Eesti sport - purjetamine

    Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi (treenerid, ajakirjanikud, jms.) läbi kõigi ajajärkude.

  • Owners of Simsiö farm in Pihlajavesi, Finland

    Pihlajaveden kyläpuun pääsivulle - klikkaa tästä! V. I. Suominen on kirjoittanut vuonna 1931 ilmestyneessä kirjassa Pihlajaveden seurakunnan historia vuoteen 1900 seuraavasti: "Vuoden 1564 maakirjoissa - mainitun erämaan talonpoikien luettelossa ei vielä mainita yhtään taloa Pihlajaveden alueelta - Mutta vuonna 1567 on jo asian laita toisin. Silloin tavataan verokirjassa Ruoveden pitäjän ky...

  • Eesti sport - võimlemine

    Kõik võimlemise valdkonnad Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi (treenerid, ajakirjanikud, jms.) läbi kõigi ajajärkude.

6426-6450 of 74326 projects