Wikipedia The Taft School is a private, coeducational prep school located in Watertown, Connecticut, USA. The school was founded by Horace Dutton Taft in 1890. It has 596 students, about 485 of whom live on the 220-acre (0.89 km2) campus. Taft is a member of the Ten Schools Admissions Organization. The founder was the brother of President William Howard Taft. In its 125-year history, Taft has e...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Hřešihlavy in Czech (Rescholau in German) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. This town is near to Kladruby. These towns are in the Rokycany region of the present day Czech Republic. The Geni place recognition function may state Hresihlavy, Kladruby, Plzen, Czech Republic thus combining the two towns. They are presently integrat...
Projektin tarkoituksena on koota yhteen päähaploryhmän N-BY34740 Jöns, Lauri ja Markus Huttunen, Sonkajärvi sekä sen alahaploryhmiin kuuluvat Huttusten geneettiset jälkeläiset: N-BY34744, Lauri Ollinpoika Huttunen, s.1550, Sonkajärvi, Petäjäjärvi N-BY34743, Paavo Antinpoika Huttunen, s.1590, Sonkajärvi Viitaa ja Kainuu N-BY34739, Paavo Ollinpoika Huttunen, s.1640, Pielavesi-Taipale , testitul...
This subproject of the Centenarians Project is to document and create interesting profiles for "notable" centenarians; that is, people famous for other reasons who hit the century mark, throughout history.Please join us and collaborate and bring your profiles with you. They must be set to public. Any that need to be made into a Master profile should be requested, with link, in a Project discuss...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Teton County, Wyoming. Official Website Teton County was created February 15, 1921 and was named for the Teton Range. It is home to Jackson Hole Mountain Resort . Adjacent Counties Bonneville County, Idaho Teton County, Idaho Fremont County, Idaho Gallatin County, Montana Park County Fremont County
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Fremont County, Wyoming. Official Website Fremont County was created on March 5, 1884 by the legislature of the Wyoming Territory. It was named for John Charles Frémont, an explorer of the American West, United States Senator from California, and 1856 Republican presidential candidate. Fremont County is the site of the Wind River I...
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Jokelan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. Jokela kuului vuoteen 1925 asti Uudenkirkon pitäjään ja sen jälkeen omaksi kunnakseen erotettuun Kanneljärveen. ==Kanneljärven kyläprojektit== Harju | Hämeenkylä | Hötsölä | Jokela | Kanneljärvi kirkonkylä | Kuuterselkä | Liikola | Mustamäki asema | Sykiälä
The Cholm Shield (German: Cholmschild) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to those who fought in the Cholm Pocket on the Eastern Front between 21 January and 5 May 1942. It was instituted on 1 July 1942 and is the rarest of the German combat shields, with approximately 5,500 recipients. Awards ceased to be bestowed on 1 April 1943.
The Lithuanian press ban (Lithuanian: spaudos draudimas) was a ban on all Lithuanian language publications printed in the Latin alphabet in force from 1865 to 1904 within the Russian Empire, which controlled Lithuania at the time. Lithuanian-language publications that used Cyrillic were allowed and even encouraged.The concept arose after the failed January Uprising of 1863, taking the form of a...
Decorations and Citations of IDF (descending order): Medals: Medal of Valor, MoV - highest medal - עיטור הגבורה Medal of Courage, MoC - medium medal - עיטור העוז Medal of Distinguished Service, MoDS - lowest medal - עיטור המופת Citations (Tzalash): Chief of the General Staff Citation (Tzalash Ramatkal צל״ש רמטכ״ל) Head of Regional Command Citation (Tzalash Aluf צל״ש אלוף) ...
Kirjavalan kyläprojekti aloitettu 21.12.2023. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Kirjavalan kylä kuului Saaren kuntaan vuodesta 1929 vuoteen 2005. Sitä ennen ja sen jälkeen se on kuulunut Parikkalan kuntaan. Emoprojektit Paikkakunta Parikkala Paikkakunta Saari Karjala-projekti Suomi ja Karjala -projekt...
Second Barons' War (1264–1267)= Second Barons' War (1264–1267) was a civil war in England between the forces of a number of barons led by Simon de Montfort, against the Royalist forces led by Prince Edward (later Edward I of England), in the name of Henry III.Profiles that need to be added to this project: Gilbert de Clare, 7th Earl of Gloucester
of the Clan The Stewarts who became monarchs of Scotland were descended from a family who were seneschals of Dol in Brittany, France.[4] After the Norman conquest of England the Stewarts acquired estates in England as the FitzAlan family, also Earls of Arundel.[4] Walter Flaad or Walter fitz Alan, the Steward came to Scotland when David I of Scotland claimed his throne.[4] It is from their offi...
Viitasaaren kyläprojektien tarkoitus on toimia työkaluna Viitasaaren pitäjän asukkaiden tietojen systemaattisessa tallentamisessa ja lähdeaineiston lisäämisessä.Toivomus olisi, että projekti säilytettäisiin nimenomaan työkaluna eikä sitä kasvatettaisi massa-ajoilla.
Burgher People of the Cape of Good Hope ~ Suid-Afrika Company's Garden, at Rondebosch Company's grain-fields, at Groote Schuur Land Granted to Free Burghers in 1657 at Groeneveld(Stephen's Colony) and Dutch Garden (Harman's Colony)[9] Military forts and watch-houses Company's orchards, near the Fort of Good Hope Jan van Riebeeck's farms Boundary fence which were later by a hed...
Storlarvik innkluderer Tjølling, Brunlanes, Hedrum og Stavern.
Het Scheveningse huis van bewaring bestaat al sinds 1919, maar na de capitulatie van Nederland werd het door de Duitsers in gebruik genomen als 'Deutsches Untersuchungs- und Strafgefängnis' en 'Kriegswehrmachtgefangnis.' Al snel werd de gevangenis 'Het Oranjehotel' genoemd, omdat er vooral verzetsstrijders werden vastgehouden voor ondervraging en proces omdat zij zich op welke manier dan ook ve...
Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2022 Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Karttu Aureen neljännes Karttu, Kiiala, Höytölä, Riitiala, Muumäki, Parkano, Heittola, Tevaniemi, Miettinen, Kallionkieli, Leutola [1,2] Kartun eränkävijätalollisia Seppälä, Niilo Olavinpoika Vänni, Juh...
Please add profiles of the women honored as first settlers of Middletown, Connecticut. You may also wish to "tag" the profile to the project image, and hyperlink the profile to the text (below). Mistress Allen Ann Miller Bacon Sarah Blomfield Mary Cornwell Ann Wilcox Hall Mary Hall Elizabeth Cook Hall Hester Crow Hamlin Mary Weld Harris Edith Domey Harris Elizabeth Wat...
La Real y Distinguida Orden Española de Carlos III fue establecida por el Rey de España Carlos III , mediante Real Cédula de 19 de septiembre de 1771 con el lema latino «Virtuti et merito», con la finalidad de condecorar a aquellas personas que se hubiesen destacado especialmente por sus buenas acciones en beneficio de España y la Corona. Desde su creación, es la más distinguida condecoración c...
The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta is a Roman Catholic lay religious order, traditionally of military, chivalrous, noble nature. It is the world's oldest surviving order of chivalry. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is headquartered in Rome, Italy, and is widely considered a sovereign subject of international law.= Higher Order === Se...
To craft a comprehensive genealogical data of the former to present governors of Albay. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Governors of Albay Spanish & American Period José María Peñaranda ( 14 May 1834 – 17 September 1840 ) 0. Anacleto S. Samson 1. William August Kobbé (1900) 2. James M. Bell (1901–1902)
This project attempt to craft a genealogical data of the past to present governors of Pampanga. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Governors of Pampanga Spanish era Alcaldes Mayores (1812-1886) José Avilés (1812-1820) Francisco Paula de los Santos (1821-1824) Fulgencio Núñez (1821-1824) Manuel de Olea (1824-1827) Antonio Chacón (1827-1831) Juan Garrido (1831-1836) ...
Naiskodukaitse, Kodutütarde ja Noorkotkaste organisatsioonide tegevuse kohta aastatel 1927-1940. Naiskodukaitse ja Eesti Rahva Muuseumi ettevõtmisel alustatakse mälestuste kogumist Naiskodukaitse, Kodutütarde ja Noorkotkaste liikmete ja juhtide igapäevaelu tegevuste ja toimetamiste, elu-olu ja väljaõppe ning organisatsiooni kultuuri kohta enne II maailmasõja puhkemist ja selle algusaastatel. ...