Tämä projekti on Kymin pitäjän ja kunnan, nykyisin Kotkan Ylänummen kyläprojekti. Kylän kiinteistörekisteritunnus alkaa numeroilla 285-429- Kylänosat: Juurikorpi | Matarniemi | Pikkunummi | Sydänmaa | Tuohikorpi | Uusihaka | Ylänummi Tilat: 1. Sipola 2. Paavola 3. Sahari 4. Kolkka 5. Hänni 6. Vilola 7. Heikkilä 8. Nikkari 9. Notko 10. Jaanu 11. Knuuttila 12. Pärnilä, Bärnilä 13. Seppälä 14. ...
Tuchola (German: Tuchel) is a town in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship in northern Poland. The Pomeranian town, is the seat of Tuchola County. Nowa Tuchola (German: Neu-Tuchel) is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Tuchola approximately 3 kilometres (2 mi) south of Tuchola. The foundation of the village dates back to the last quarter of the 18th century; already at that time t...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the city of Smyrna also called İzmir,Turkey There is a separate Geni Project for the Jewish families of Tire. See Jewish Community of Tire,Turkey Many Jewish people from Izmir went to Rhodes. Rabbis of Izmir (Smyrna) prior to 1937 Facebook: Izmir / Smyrna Jewish Genealogy "The Jewish Community of Izmir" Haim F. G...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Hřešihlavy in Czech (Rescholau in German) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. This town is near to Kladruby. These towns are in the Rokycany region of the present day Czech Republic. The Geni place recognition function may state Hresihlavy, Kladruby, Plzen, Czech Republic thus combining the two towns. They are presently integrat...
Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Ikaalinen, Ikaalinen Lahdenpohjan neljännes Kolkko, Sikuri, Sarkkila, Kalli, Kalmaa, Läykkälä, Nummi, Karhoinen, Haapimaa, Kurkela, Vatsiainen, Vatula, Jämijärvi, Viljala, Kilvakkala, Sammi, Ikaalinen Varhai...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Worcester County, Massachusetts. Worcester County was established on April 02, 1731 and was named after the city of Worcester, England. Worcester County was formed from the eastern portion of colonial Hampshire County, the western portion of the original Middlesex County and the extreme western portion of the original Suffolk Count...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on Filipino World War 2 veterans who were recipients of the US Congressional Gold Medal and who, or whose surviving relatives, were physically present to receive the award. Find more at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . The US Congressional Gold Medal is awarded by the US congress to persons "who have performed an achievement...
Congressional Medal of Honor Not to be confused with 'Medal of Honor' or 'Congressional Medal' A Congressional Gold Medal is an award bestowed by the United States Congress; the Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom are the highest civilian awards in the United States. It is awarded to persons "who have performed an achievement that has an impact on American history an...
For television actors of all nationalities, please see Entertainment industry people . American television actors are actors from the United States who perform on television. Television is one of the major mass media of the United States. Ninety-nine percent of American households have at least one television and the majority of households have more than one. As a whole, the television netwo...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Dolores, Abra, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
This is the Project for unlinked Crous profile [abbreviation UNL]. Any person whose surname is Crous. Through collaboration, they could be linked to to trees, and then removed from this project
Algotssönerna, den allmänna benämningen på en framstående stormannasläkt i Västergötland under medeltiden. En gammal förteckning över lagmännen i detta land omnämner en släkt, av vars medlemmar flera beklädde lagmansämbetet därstädes under en följd av år.Dessa var: Karl av Edsvära , vilken hedrades med binamnet "landets fader", dennes son Algot , en stolt och girig man, dennes son Sigtrygg och ...
Från Wikipedia Svensk uradel är ett samlande namn för adliga ätter vars förfäder år 1420 tillhörde det svenska frälset. Det innebär att man antingen gjorde rusttjänst till häst enligt Alsnö stadga från 1280 och därför var skattebefriad, tillhörde det andliga frälset, det vill säga prästerskapet, eller hade kungliga privilegier såsom bergsfrälse. Dessa ätters gårdar kallades frälsegårdar.Flertal...
Dansk uradel (eller ældgammel adel), är den äldsta adeln i Danmark. Som sådan räknas den adel, som är känd från tiden före reformationen. Nyare adel är som regel brevadel.Danska uradelssläkter är bland andra:Abildgaard Ahlefeldt, holsteinsk Akeleye Alexander Jensens Algudsen Altena And baden Bagge Balk af Skepparsløv Bang Banner Barfod Barsebek Basse Beck Begere Behr Below Benderup Banner Bibow...
Historia Hans Högman Copyright © Hans Högman 2020-04-03 Made with XaraAllmänt Vad är adel, hur uppstod adelskapet?Många har väl stött på adel i sin släktforskning. Det kan då vara av intresse att veta hur adelskapet uppstod.AdelAdeln i Sverige uppstod när några personer och familjer fick större makt än andra. Detta i samband med egenskaper som var eftersträvansvärda av andra.I äldre tid var mak...
This is the Project that every unlinked ENSLIN profile [abbreviation UNL] should be added to. Any person whose born/maiden name is ENSLIN and for whom there is no answer to the question: WHO IS HIS/HER FATHER? should be listed here. The intention of this project is to be a hub of information for unlinked Enslin Profiles so that through collaboration, they could be linked to his/her father in...
This is the Project that every unlinked FABER profile [abbreviation UNL] should be added to first. Any person whose born/maiden name is FABER and for whom there is no answer to the question: WHO IS HIS/HER FATHER? should be listed here.The intention of this project is to be a hub of information for unlinked Faber Profiles so that through collaboration, they could be linked to his/her father in ...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in San Juan, Abra, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Danglas, Abra, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
Pioneers Project Index Please do not add profiles
Volozhin Yeshiva - ישיבת וולוז׳ין ==The Volozhin Yeshiva, also known as Etz Chaim Yeshiva, was a prestigious Lithuanian yeshiva (talmudical college) located in the town of Volozhin, Russia, (now Valozhyn, Belarus). It was founded by Rabbi Chaim Volozhin, a student of the famed Vilna Gaon, and trained several generations of scholars, rabbis, and leaders. Completed in 1806, it was the first moder...
This project aims to compile all the profiles of authors of Hebrew books and Rabbinical works. Ideally all profiles should include a link to the Hebrew Books website or the Otzar HaHochma website or Google Books in the 'about' section of the profile.All profiles should include the book name in the profile title or about section.
Aframian Family Aghachi Family Ahdout Family Ahdout & Hemmat Families Ajoudanpour Family Ayenehchi Family Ayenehsazan Family Bakhsheshian Family Barorian Family
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia