Biographers A biographer is someone who writes, composes or produces a biography.A biography is an account of a person's life written, composed or produced by another person.Someone who writes their own biography is an autobiographer . Plutarch of ancient Greece was one of the earliest biographers and his work ‘Parallel Lives’ , one of the earliest known biographies. Biograper - Study.com >Biog...
Zeevaartschool ‧ sinds 1798 ‧ Groningen . . In 1798 werd de ‘Academie van teeken-, bouw- en zeevaartkunde’ opgericht, gehuisvest in de Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat. Door de slechte financiële situatie bleef van de Academie tussen 1816 en 1822 slechts de ‘teekenkunst’ over. In 1830 werd de school samengevoegd met het ‘Kunstlievend genootschap ter aanmoediging en bevordering teeken-, schilder-, gra...
HZR : Hogere Zeevaartschool ‧ sinds 1833 ‧ Rotterdam . . . . . . bronnen ‧ docuemtatie ‧ informatie Charles Albert COCHERET : De Rotterdamsche Zeevaartschool 1833-1933 N.L DODDE :‘Tot der kinderen selffs profijt’, een geschiedenis van het onderwijs te Rotterdam H. KUIJPERS en Baken aan de Maas : 'En de zee wil met schepen geploegd zijn’, 150 jaar Gem. Zeevaartschool, uitgave van het...
KPM : Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij m Gezagvoerders w: werkzaam ▷ : nog niet verbonden met wereldstamboomkar ——A—— Marinus Matteus ADAMSE ‧ 1925-1989 ‧ Hermanus AGTERHOF ‧ 1897-1961 ‧ Hinderikus Johannes AHLERS ‧ 1895-1968 ‧ Bernardus Cornelis AKKERMAN ‧ 1893-1957 ‧ commodore Pieter Frederik ALBRECHT ‧ 1910-1993 ‧ Wilhelmus Antonius van ALEBEEK ‧ 1903-2003 ‧
The Freedom of the City of Belfast is an honour bestowed by the City of Belfast, Northern Ireland upon valued members of the community and foreign dignitaries. Arising from the medieval practice of granting respected citizens freedom from serfdom, the tradition still lives on today—although now the title of "freeman" confers no special privileges. Per the City of Belfast: "The Freedom of ...
Geni writes: Today we're happy to announce a new addition to our Name Preferences that allows users to add metadata such as Tribe, Royal House, DVN, "GRanDMA OnLine" number, etc wherever names are displayed on Geni. This removes the need to add such information to the Suffix fields and gives everyone greater flexibility with how they want to view profile information on the site. Read more a...
Sobibór was a Nazi German extermination camp located on the outskirts of the Sobibór village, which was located in the eastern part of Lublin Voivodeship, Poland, close to the Chelm-Wlodawa railway line. The camp was 5km away from the Bug River, which today forms the border between Poland and the Ukraine.In 1942 the area around Sobibór was swampy, densely wooded and sparsely populated. It was t...
This project is to assemble genealogists of note - the scholars who studied the descent of persons or families. It is organized by area of the world and historical period. Please add your ancestor or role model to the project (must be set to public). Collaborators, feel free to update the overview, particularly in indexing "notables." Sovereign Dynasties - Western Europe Rev. James Anders...
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Uudenkirkon Uiskolan eli Kolilan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. ==Uudenkirkon kyläprojektit== Anterola | Anttanala | Elinälä (Jukkola) | Haapala | Halila | Halola | Himottula (Puumola ) | Hälkölä (Kurppa) | Hännilä | Iivattala (Toni) | Ino | Jaakkovala | Jorola | Jäppilä | Järmilä (Pusa) | Kaipiala (Lampaala) | Kalliola | Kaukjärvi | Kauppola | Ke...
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Uudenkirkon Kauppolan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. ==Uudenkirkon kyläprojektit== Anterola | Anttanala | Elinälä (Jukkola) | Haapala | Halila | Halola | Himottula (Puumola ) | Hälkölä (Kurppa) | Hännilä | Iivattala (Toni) | Ino | Jaakkovala | Jorola | Jäppilä | Järmilä (Pusa) | Kaipiala (Lampaala) | Kalliola | Kaukjärvi | Kauppola | Keppola | Kir...
Overview and Scope of Project The goal of this project is to bring all the Lord Mayors of London at one meeting place. wikipedia: wikipedia: Note: the position of Lord Mayor of London is NOT the same as Mayor of London The incumbent Lord Mayor of London is Michael Bear The incumbent Mayor of London is Boris Johnson - Wikipedia Boris Johnson is a Mayor of London and NOT a Lord M...
Hogere Zeevaartschool ‧ 1960-heden ‧ Utrecht Machinistenschool - jaren '50-jaren '60 bronnen nog opzoeken! ...aanvulling welkom! historie ...aanvulling welkom! legenda kopieren we straks van een andere zeevaart-school-alumni-pagina ACTORES management HOEPELMAN ‧ ‧ directie B.W. VINKE ‧ ‧ directie leerkrachten Hendrik ASSIES ‧ 1916-1966 ‧ Geurt...
Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen! Kuivannon kylä Kuivanto on kylä Orimattilan kaupungissa Orimattilan ja Lahden rajalla. Sen voidaan katsoa muodostuvan useista kylistä: Kuivanto, Anttila, Isokylä, Katajala, Korvenpää, Koskunen, Köykkälä, Metsäkulma, Montari, Rahjala ja Rekola. Kylässä toimii peruskoulun ala-aste, kyläjohtokunta ja lukuisia yhdistyksiä. Sen pellonreunat ovat myös hyvä lintuhava...
Family Roots in Germany Genealogical research in the areas of present-day Germany, Poland and Ukraine is influenced by historical events that have taken place over the centuries, forced relocations of certain ethnic, religious and language groups, or voluntary migration. Many of the original documents needed for genealogy have been destroyed, and therefore it depends a lot on luck how far the a...
YouTube personalities are people or groups who are popular because of their videos on YouTube. Some YouTube personalities have corporate sponsors, who pay for product placement in their clips or production of online ads.
Kyläkauppa on nimitys haja-asutusalueiden kaupoista. Tähän projektiin voi liittää kaikki kauppiaat vuoden 1.1.1921 jälkeen, jolloin Suomen kauppiaat yhdistäytyivät ja Suomen Vähittäiskauppiasliitto perustettiin. Sitä ennen toimineita maakauppiaita voi liittää projektiin Suomen maakauppiaat - Rural Store Keepers in Finland . Maakauppiaille oma järjestöKaupan alan monet epäkohdat kannustivat Maak...
Saaramaa on kylä ja pienalue Kouvolassa entisen Anjalankosken kaupungin alueella. Kylä sijaitsee kaupungin itäosassa Luumäen ja Haminan rajojen lähettyvillä 39 km Kouvolan keskustasta, 22 km Taavetista ja 15 km Kaipiaisista. Asukasluku on noin 40.Kylässä sijaitsevia järviä ovat Saaramaanjärvi, Kyynelmyksenjärvi ja Haukijärvi. Kylän laidassa virtaava Summanjoki on rapukantainen vesistö, joka saa...
Taruheru Cemetery is situated in Nelson Road, Gisborne. It contains the official war graves of 12 men who served in the New Zealand forces during the First World War and who died before 1 September 1921. There are 21 from the 1939-1945 war buried here.
Key Profiles Two separate lists - please add each profile to both - the 1st in alphabetical order by SURNAME, and 2nd in alphabetical order by COUNTRY of BIRTH. (This may be harder to establish and may have to go under more than one country in some cases). Please use the format used below. The numbers in the [square brackets] are [Family tree/Blood relatives] Alphabetical order by surname. ...
A musician (or instrumentalist) is a person who is talented in making music or performing music creatively, or one who composes, conducts, or performs music, particularly instrumental music.Musicians can specialize in any musical style, and some musicians play in a variety of different styles. Examples of a musician's possible skills include performing, conducting, singing, composing, arranging...
The entertainment industry has provided the world with film, television and music for decades. In 1958, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce began honoring those individuals who have made significant contribution to the media with stars on Hollywood Blvd. at Highland Avenue. Since then, over two thousand stars have been placed on the Walk of Fame recognizing individuals, both living and deceased, ...
Lyricists ... embracing Hymnologists, Librettists, Songwriters and Singer Songwriters Lyricists and songwriters write the words to an original piece of music and collaborate with composers and music artists to produce the final songs.A Hymnologist" is the writer or composer of hymn lyricsA lyricist is a musician who specialises in writing lyrics. A lyricist who also composes the music for the s...
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame established in 1986 and located in Cleveland, Ohio, United States, is dedicated to recording the history of some of the best-known and most influential musicians, bands, producers, and others that have in some major way influenced the music industry, particularly in the area of rock and roll. Originally, there were four categories of induction: performers, non-per...
A Grammy Award (originally called Gramophone Award), or Grammy, is an accolade by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) of the United States to recognize outstanding achievement in the music industry. The annual presentation ceremony features performances by prominent artists, and the presentation of those awards that have a more popular interest. It shares recognition of ...
Abbot is an ecclesiastical title given to the head of an independent monastery for men in various Western Christian traditions. The name is derived from abba, the Aramaic form of the Hebrew ab, and means "father".[1] The female equivalent is abbess. Before the late modern era, the abbot was treated with the utmost reverence by the brethren of his house. When he appeared either in church or c...