Mary Barra
Mary Teresa Barra (née Makela, born December 24, 1961) is the Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson of the General Motors Company. She has held the CEO position since January 15, 2014, and she is the...
Oliver Lanier Brewer, Sr.
(1721 - 1792)
Not the father of William Brewer . DNA does not match.
A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA. DAR Ancestor # A014133
Oliver Brewer1,2
M, b. after 1721,
Died 14 Oct 1792 at ...
Valdemar I, king of Sweden
(c.1239 - 1302)
Valdemar Birgersson During his 25-year reign, King Valdemar has actually left relatively few traces. He has been all the more talked about for his love affairs.
King of Sweden Reig...
Avo Piht
(1954 - 1994)
Yrjö Luukkaanpoika Kontti
(c.1580 - 1645)
Talollinen. Kontti, Jämijärvi, Ikaalinen. 1614-1645. Bonde. Kontti, Jämijärvi, Ikaalinen. Finland. 1614-1645. 'Farmer. Kontti, Jämijärvi, Ikaalinen, Finland. 1614-1645. * Kontti Kauppila Jämijärvi Isän...
John Rogers, of Deritend
(c.1485 - bef.1541)
Disputed Parents It has been mistakenly claimed that John Rogers was the son of Thomas Rogers and Catherine Courtenay of Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. This appears to have been a different John Rogers w...
Godfry Comte de Beulac
(911 - 942)
Godfrey (Ginbert) - Count of BeulacB: abt 0921 of Tillieres, Normandy, France Godfrey of Buelacb. 911 Godfrey of Buelac was born in 911.Family Child * Helloe (?)+ b. 937 See "My Lines"( )from Compiler...
Anna Engelbrektsdotter Björnram, till Isnäs
(c.1500 - 1555)
This data shows that she gave birth to Anna Eriksdotter Fleming when she was 5 years old... of Engelbrekt till Isnäs and Margareta Natt och Dag. OBS!!! Jakob Bengtsson hade INTE döttrarna Anna och Ceci...
 By Teemu Rajala, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=34053538
Antti Rinne
Antti Juhani Rinne (s. 3. marraskuuta 1962 Helsinki) on suomalainen poliitikko, ammattiyhdistystoimija ja lakimies. Hän on toiminut SDP:n puheenjohtajana toukokuusta 2014 lähtien ja kansanedustajana vu...
Dorothy Cosworth
(1519 - aft.1576)
DOROTHY LOCKE (d.1576)==Dorothy Locke was the daughter of Sir William Locke of London (1480-August 24, 1550), mercer, and his second wife, Katherine Cook (d. October 14, 1537). She married first Otwell...
Esther Levy
(c.1812 - 1884)
She was born Eliyakum Goetshlik HaCohen.
Esther Levey was born in 1812 to parent Godfrey Alexander Cohen and Frances Cohen (nee Jonas) Esther's Hebrew name at birth was Eliyakum Goetshlik Ha...
Eudes I, vicomte de Porhoët
(aft.1040 - bef.1108)
[I], son of JOSCELIN Vicomte [de Thro] & his wife --- (-after 1092). "Defuncto…Guethenoco…filius eius Goscelinus" donated property to the abbey of Redon, by charter dated [1066/82], witnessed by "filiu...
Gwladus verch Dafydd Gam
(1374 - 1454)
See Peter Bartrum, (January 31, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (December 7, 2017; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (July 5, 2017; Anne Brannen, curator)
Gráinne Ní Mháille, Sea Queen of Connacht
(c.1530 - c.1603)
From the English Wikipedia page on Grace O'Malley, Pirate Queen:
Gráinne Ní Mháille (c. 1530 – c. 1603), Gráinne O'Malley[1] or Grace O'Malley,[2] was Queen of Umaill, chieftain of the Ó Máille cla...
N. N.
Edward Moses Waucaush
(1893 - 1914)
Edward Waucaush is #568 on the 1907 Wooster Roll where he is listed as the son of Mrs. Mina Waucaush #566. No traditional name is recorded. In 1907 when Frank Waucaush was age 17 he was living at Munce...
Margrét Hákonardóttir, countess of Orkney
(c.1108 - c.1154)
Margaret of Orkney==* MARGARET (before [1115]-). Orkneyinga Saga names “Harald…Smooth-Tongue and two daughters…Ingibjorg…Margaret” as the children of Earl Hakon and his mistress Helga[978]. It is unlik...
Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Arabic: محمد بن سلمان بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود; born 31 August 1985), also known as MBS, is the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, First Deputy Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia...
 Photos courtesy of James D. Dunn
John McClelland
(1710 - 1760)
23 August 2017 Standing on the headland above Portmuck, with a brisk breeze blowing across the hills, Mike and John McClelland knew they were home.
Helloe, comtesse de Beulac
(aft.937 - bef.1000)
Helloe - Countess of BeulacB: 0942 Tillieres, Normandy, France Helloe (?)b. 937Helloe (?)|b. 937|p55.htm#i6651|Godfrey of Buelac|b. 911|p55.htm#i6652||||||||||||||||Father Godfrey of Buelac b. 911 Hell...
Richard Bampfield, Sheriff of Devon
(1526 - 1594)
Richard Bampfield (1526–1594) of Poltimore and Bampfylde House in Exeter, both in Devon, was Sheriff of Devon in 1576. He began construction of the Tudor era Poltimore House in 1550, and completed the ...
Elizabeth Joan Grau
Elizabeth (Trump) Grau is an older sister of Donald Trump. In 1989, she married film producer James Grau. She worked as an administrative assistant for Chase Manhattan Bank before retiring to Florida. ...
Maldred fitz Dolfin, of Raby
(c.1135 - c.1172)
Robert's father Maldred was last known alive in 1172From Rootsweb Postem Le Bateman asked is there proof that Maldred son of Dolfin married a de Stuteville?
Geoffrey FitzRobert de Neville, Baron of Raby
(c.1197 - aft.1242)
Geoffrey de Neville, Sheriff of Northumberland1* M, #13935, b. circa 1200, d. after 1258*Father Robert 'the Saxon' FitzMaldred, Lord Raby b. c 1160, d. b 1253*Mother Isabel Neville b. c 1175, d. May 12...
Grand Rabbi David Morgenstern, 2nd Admor of Kotzk
(1809 - 1873)
Death Kock 1873 #101 - death reported with delay on the 31st of December because of his widowed wife’s sickness. R’ Dawid Morgensztern died on the 5th of July 1873
Richard Wood, Il, of Sowerby
(1515 - aft.1552)
Richard Wood, Jr.
b. 1510 Sowerby Yorkshire England
d. 06 Dec 1549 / living in 1552
Parents: Richard and Christable Wood
married: Margaret Ambler
Children of Richard and Margaret Wood
Capt. James Greene, Jr
(1659 - 1712)
Capt. James Greene Jr, - Find A Grave - ID 17726217 James Greene married Deliverence Potter at Warwick Settlement, Rhode Island Colony and Providence Plantations. Children, born at Warwick:1) James, Jr...
Katarina Magnusdotter
(bef.1320 - aft.1348)
Katarina Magnusdotter, konungens släkting (consanguinea nostra), en förmodad dotter till svenske prins Magnus Birgersson (1300-1320). Gift före 1347 med kammarmästare Ingemar RagvaldssonDen f. d. huvud...
Joel Crawford
(1736 - 1788)
DAR Ancestor #: A027606
Joel was married to Elizabeth Frances "Fanny" Harris c. 1760. His parents were David Crawford and Anne Anderson. Around age 14/16, Joel moved with his parents to Albermarle...
John Perrin, 2nd
(c.1465 - 1520)
Balak King of Moab
(b. - -1240)
Numbers 22 - 23 - 24 . Balak hires Balaam to curse Israel.Wikipedia: Balak & בלק .
Mary Lucy "Lucy Ann" (White) Parker
(1766 - 1845)
Mary Lucy White Parker BIRTH 1766 Albemarle County, Virginia, USA DEATH 14 Nov 1845 (aged 78–79) Thomaston, Upson County, Georgia, USA BURIAL Parker Cemetery Upson County, Georgia, USA MEMORIAL ID 646...
Bela IV, king of Hungary and Croatia
(aft.1205 - 1270)
ÉLA IV 1235-1270, BÉLA V 1304-1308BÉLA, son of ANDRÁS II King of Hungary & his first wife Gertrud von Andechs-Merano (Nov 1206-Margaret Island, near Buda 2/3 May 1270, bur Esztergom). The Chronicon Dub...
Llyddoca ap Tudur Trevor, Lord of Maelors and Oswestry
(c.935 - 1037)
See Peter Bartrum, (October 28, 2022; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Pedigree of "Ednowain Bendew II"; , [#78] (Steven Fer...
Merwig I, King of the Thüringians (Fictitious Person)
(c.329 - c.380)
Merwig I konge av Thüringen ca 360 - ca 426Merwig I. (Mackenzie) sønn av Erpes, kan betraktes som den første kongen av Thuringians, han ble født 329. Dette er heller ikke i konflikt med den siste nevte...
Knight Tore Gardsson
(c.1400 - 1450)
Foreldre : Gard Toresson/Tordsson og Ramborg Knutsdotter. Det er foreslått at Gard kan ha vært av Benkestok-ætt, men ingen sikre kilder for dette er funnet. Derfor kobles ikke Tore til Benkestok og far...
Ruth of Moab
Book of Ruth=* Chapter 1 describes the life of Elimelech and his family in Moab. After the death of their husbands, Naomi and Ruth went to Bethlehem. * Chapter 2 Ruth gleans in the fields of Boaz.* Cha...
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso
(1881 - 1973)
Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso known as Pablo Ruiz Picasso (Spanish pronunciation: ['pa%CE%B2lo rwiθ pi'kaso]; 25 O...
Magnus Dyniusson
Nimismies. Asuinpaikka Karjaa.Lautamiehenä laamanninkäräjillä Sannäsissä 1424.Karjaalainen Dönsbyn-suku luultavasti omisti 1400-luvulla sen maa-alueen, jonka Gereke Skytte ja virolainen Padaisten luost...
Gilbert Crispin, baron of Tillieres & Bec
(c.985 - 1045)
Disambiguation: Need to distinguish Gilbert Crispin de Bec from Gilbert de Brionne (Comte d'Eu) , whose identities are frequently conflated.There is a great deal of disagreement and there has been much...
 Photo by the Hollywood Film Academy. CC BY 3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Interview_with_Timoth%C3%A9e_Chalamet,_2019.png
Timothée Chalamet
Timothée Chalamet is an American and French actor. He has received various accolades, including nominations for an Academy Award, three Golden Globe Awards, and three BAFTA Film Awards.
Chalamet began...
Joan Hawyse D'Aubeney
(1284 - 1324)
Born: Abt 1270, Channel Islands, England
Died: Abt 1311
Marriage Information:
Joan married Helie (Elis, Elias) D' ALBINI 1st Baron Daubeny, seigneur de Landal, son of ...
William Eric Aalto
(1915 - 1958)
William Eric Aalto
Aalto (born William Oliver Ahlström) was an American soldier and member of Abraham Lincoln Battalion, a unit that volunteered to fight during the Spanish Civil War fo...
Teobaldo I el Cantautor, rey de Navarra
(1201 - 1253)
Teobaldo I de Navarra De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Teobaldo I, "el Trovador" (n. Troyes, 1201 - † Pamplona, 8 de julio de 1253), rey de Navarra (1234-1253) y conde de Champaña y Brie como Teob...
Dame Elizabeth Filmer
(bef.1575 - aft.1636)
Filmer family was originally seated at Herst, in the parish of Otterden, Kent, where Robert Filmer lived in the reign of Edward II. Sir Edward Filmer was eldest son of Robert Filmour, prothonotary of t...
John of Luxembourg, king of Bohemia
(1296 - 1346)
(49 languages)
John of Bohemia 'the Blind'
German: Johann der Blinde von Luxemburg;
Czech: Jan Lucemburský
BIOGRAPHY: b. Aug. 10, 1296, Luxembourg d. Aug. 26, 1346, Crécy, France byname JOH...
Emperor Paul I of Russia
(1754 - 1801)
Y-DNA: R1b mtDNA: H
Czar Paul Petrovich Romanov , was born in the St. Petersburg Summer Palace , a large and imposing mauve-walled edifice of 160 grand gilded rooms, built to the order of his mother,...
Juan Nicolás Aguirre Barrenechea, I Marqués de Montepío
(1695 - 1772)
El Marquesado de Montepío, es un título nobiliario español, creado el 9 de octubre de 1764, por el rey Carlos III, a favor de Don Juan Nicolás de Aguirre y Barrenechea, Corregidor de Santiago (Chile), ...
Nikola/Miklós Drašković/Draskovich von Trakostjan
(c.1625 - 1687)
nemesi előneve: TrakostjániGR--1635.
Alo Mattiisen
(1961 - 1996)
Alo Mattiisen (22. aprill 1961 Jõgeva – 30. mai 1996 Tallinn) oli eesti helilooja.
Alo, keda armastasid kõik ja mõistsid vähesed
Viimne rahupaik (Kultuurilooline haud)
Ester Toivonen-Siirala
(1914 - 1979)
[ SSHY jäsensivut:
Hamina syntyneet 1905-1918 ] (MKO233-236 I C:5) Sivu 169 1914 elokuu / Viitattu 19.04.2023
Vuoden 1934 Miss Eurooppa, Miss Suomi 1933, elokuvanäyttelijätär.
Ester Toivonen o...
John de Legh of Norbury Booths
(c.1280 - 1339)
Additional Curator's Note THIS John Leigh is the founder of the Leigh of Booths line. According to which source you read, his surname may be spelled Leigh or Legh (by this time, his line was not using ...
Gral. Justo José Faustino Francisco de Urquiza y García, Presidente de Argentina
(1801 - 1870)
José de Urquiza (Entre Ríos, 18 de octubre de 1801 - 11 de abril de 1870) fue un militar y político argentino. Fue varias veces gobernador de la provincia de Entre Ríos y presidente de la Confederación...
Elizabeth Bampfield
(1532 - 1599)
Devonshire wills: a collection of annotated testamentary abstracts, together with the family history and genealogy of many of the most ancient gentle houses of the west of England (1896)* * . . . . the...
Knut Posse
(c.1440 - 1500)
Knut var son till Jöns Lage Posse och hans fru Märta Knutsdotter (Tre Rosor) och förmodat född i Nordhankær (Nordkärr) i Holm socken norr om Mellerud i Dalsland, vilket är äldsta kända sätesgård för...
YTM Seri Paduka Duli Pengiran Temenggong Sahibul Bahar Pengiran Haji Mohammad Pengiran Abdul Rahman Piut
(1906 - 1976)
Al-Marhum Yang Teramat Mulia Seri Paduka Duli Pengiran Temanggong Sahibul Bahar Pengiran Haji Mohammad bin Pengiran Abdul Rahman Piut (1906 - 1976)
He was born in 1906 , in Brunei Town.
He was educat...
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius is a Finnish actor, director, producer and screenwriter. He has also released six records as a singer. Petelius's breakthrough was in Yleisradio's TV comedy series Velipuolikuu (1...
 By CJBarnes Main Image source - By Unknown - http://students.umf.maine.edu/~hartwenr/webquest/teacherpage/titanic%20in%20dock.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5210712
Thomas Moore Teuton
(c.1880 - 1912)
A Thomas M Teuton was married in Hampshire in 1910 which removes the query re Fenton being hbis name. In addition the gravestone at Fairview clearly uses Teuton Marriages Dec 1910 Swain Ada M S.Sto...
Nestor Norppa
(1929 - 2013)
Rehtori, opettaja.Nurmes.Syntyisin: Hantšakanniemi, Suojärvi. Suojärven pitäjäseuran kunniapuheenjohtaja. Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Nestor Norppa syntyi Suojärven Huttulan kylän Hantšakanniemessä 17....
Henry Gallop, of Hanover Parish
(c.1653 - bef.1727)
WillFrom GEORGE COUNTY VIRGINIA WILL BOOK A-1;1721-1752 {George Harrison Sanford King}; Pages 63-64WILL OF HENRY GOLLOPIn the Name of God Amen, the 6th day of April in the year of our Lord God 1726. I ...
Linda Lea Trump
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 6 December 2019), Linda Lea Clapp in household of Gerald Clapp, Kalamazoo Township, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States;...
Elen ferch Ieuan
Please see Peter Bartrum: Cydifor ap Dinawal 10; & Rhydderch ap Tewdwr 3; (Steven Ferry, March 8, 2025.)
Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas the Great
(c.1350 - 1430)
Witold Kiejstutowicz, godfather name Aleksander (formerly Catholic Wigand) (Lithuanian Vytautas, Belarusian Вітаўт, German Vitold or Witold, Russian Витовт Witowt; born 1354 or 1355 in Trakai (?) [1] ,...
Agnes of Champagne
(c.1138 - c.1207)
Theobald II, Count of ChampagneFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn 1123 he married Matilda of Carinthia, daughter of Engelbert, Duke of Carinthia.Their children were:Henry I of ChampagneTheobald V ...
Tuomas Yrjönpoika Kantti
(c.1610 - aft.1689)
Kestikievarin isäntä. Kyrön Skanssi (Kantti), Karvia. 1673-1684. Gästgivare. Kyrön Skanssi (Kantti, Karvia, Finland. 1673-1684. 'Inn keeper. Kyrön Skanssi (Kantti), Karvia, Finland. 1673-1684. HUOM! Tu...
Gilbert, avoué de Saint Valéry
(977 - aft.1011)
, son of --- . Avocat de Saint-Valéry .m PAPIA, illegitimate daughter of RICHARD I Comte [de Normandie] & his mistress --- ([1000/05]-).Guillaume de Jumièges records that Duke Richard had two daughters...
David Wemyss of Kincaldrum, of Methil & Wemyss
(c.1394 - c.1430)
...of Fife, Scotland. Had lands in Methil, Wemyss, Inchmartin, Strathardle, Tillybreak, the Haugh, Innerleven, Nether Cameron, and elsewhere. He sought to consolidate ancestral lands in Wemyss, and thr...
Aleksis Rannit
(1914 - 1985)
Sünd vkj 1. oktoobril 1914 Sündinute nimekirjad (1914, 1919-1924); EAA.5414.1.1; 1914-1924 Saaga EAA.5414.1.1:4
Koguduse liikmete nimekiri; EAA.5414.1.23; 1834-1943 Saaga EAA.5414.1.23:19 kanne 80
Klara Hitler
(1860 - 1907)
From Wikipedia (English) :=Klara Hitler (née Pölzl; 12 August 1860 – 21 December 1907) was an Austrian woman, and the mother of Führer Adolf Hitler.=Family background and marriage=Born in the Austrian ...
João Afonso Telo de Menezes, 1º conde de Ourém e 4º de Barcelos
(1310 - 1381)
édia, a enciclopédia livre: PT D. João Afonso Telo de Meneses [1] (? – dezembro de 1381), nobre português, foi o 1.º conde de Ourém (título criado por Fernando I de Portugal em seu favor cerca de 1370)...
Tora Torsteinsdatter Galge
(c.970 - c.1015)
Tora Torsteinsdatter Galge 'Hustru på Giske gnr. 127/1 Giske * Hun levde i 980 f, ca 970, datter av Torstein Galge, moren er ukjent* Tora var gift med Arne Armodsson, de hadde barna: Kalv, Finn, Torber...
Marie-Jeanne Lelièvre
(1634 - 1728)
First mentioned in Nouvelle France in 1686, came to Nouvelle France with in-laws, husband and two children
(via PRDH)
Dimitri Constantinovich Romanov
(1860 - 1919)
Not a known father of Olga Dmitrievna Komarnicka
The grand duke was a lifelong bachelor, never involved in scandals.
The Peerage
Jphann The Younger # 1592 + # 1640
Moses the Law Giver
(c.-1390 - c.-1270)
Exodus 2:1-10 Birth.
Exodus 2:21-22 Marriage to Zipporah and birth of sons.
Exodus 6:14-27 Extensive genealogy and family history listed.
Jewish sources list at least three names for Moses -:
William Crichton, 1st Lord Crichton
(1383 - 1454)
From thePeerage.com: William Crichton of that Ilk, 1st Lord Crichton was the son of Sir John Crichton. He died between January 1454 and July 1454. William Crichton of that Ilk, 1st Lord Crichton was cr...
William Boteler, 1st Baron Boteler of Warrington
(c.1275 - bef.1330)
Biography From
Sir William le Boteler, son of Henry and Isabel Boteler, was born about 1275, and succeeded his grandfather as the Eight Baron of Warrington in about 1304. In a charter of 1305, the fi...
Tuomas Holopainen
Tuomas Holopainen on suomalainen muusikko ja musiikkituottaja, joka on tullut tunnetuksi erityisesti Nightwish-yhtyeen kosketinsoittajana, johtohahmona sekä pääasiallisena säveltäjänä ja sanoittajana. ...
Getúlio Vargas, 14º e 17º Presidente do Brasil
(1882 - 1954)
Getúlio Dornelles Vargas (São Borja, 19 de abril de 1882 — Rio de Janeiro, 24 de agosto de 1954) foi um advogado e político brasileiro, líder civil da Revolução de 1930, que pôs fim à República Velha, ...
Tros, King of Troy
(c.-1375 - -1328)
born: 1375BC or 1337BCdied: 1328BC or 1314BC c.1281BCTros van Acadia. Namegiver of the city Troje. Troy (Asia Minor), also Ilium (ancient Ilion), famous city of Greek legend, on the northwestern corner...
Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples
(1377 - 1417)
- II of Anjou (1377–April 29, 1417), was the rival of Ladislas as King of Naples. He was a member of the House of Anjou. BiographyBorn in Toulouse, Louis II was the son of Louis I of Anjou, King of Nap...
Ingeborg of Norway
(c.1301 - 1361)
Ingeborg Haakonsdatter Ingebjørg eller Ingeborg Håkonsdatter (1301-ca 1360, senest 1364) var en norsk prinsesse, datter av kong Håkon V Magnusson av Norge (sønn av Magnus Lagabøte) og Eufemia av Arnste...
Māra Klievēna
(1942 - 2020)
wife of Sir William Douglas
(1248 - 1288)
Rhodri Molwynog ap Idwal Ywrch, King of Gwynedd
(c.685 - 754)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4. 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
The many histories and genealogies that provide the information that Rhodri was married to an Irish princess named Margaret verch Duptory a...
Artaxerxes I, King of Persia
(c.-500 - -424)
I Longimanus, King of Persia, died circa 425 BC. ID: I62230Name: Artaxerxes I of PersiaPrefix: KingGiven Name: Artaxerxes ISurname: of PersiaSex: M_UID: 3F85406312F87048AE8B289E76B2CDBAD72FChange Date:...
Walter Cromwell of Putney, alias Walter Smyth
(1453 - 1510)
Cromwell lived at Putney, Surrey, England.1 He was also known as Walter Smyth.1Children of Walter Cromwell include *Catherine Cromwell+2*Thomas Cromwell, 1st and last Earl of Essex+1 b. c 1485, d. 28 J...
John Armytage
(aft.1250 - d.)
Nils Månsson Grabbe
(b. - 1545)
Genos 1997: Nils Grabbe oli ostanut vuonna 1535 Sipoon lukkarilta Erik Algotinpojalta lasten äidin, Gertrudin perimän 5 tankoa ja 2 kyynärää käsittävän maan Hinthaarasta. [53] Kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin...
Lady Agnes de Kyme
(1141 - c.1214)
Agnes de KYME was born ABT 1142 in Sotby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England.
She was the daughter of Simon de KYME and Agnes de LINDSEY.
She married Herbert I de ORREBY , Sir, son of Alard (Adelar...
Pedro Gómez Barroso
(c.1227 - 1258)
Bill Emerson, U.S. Congress
(1938 - 1996)
Norvell William 'Bill' Emerson
Emerson was an American politician from Missouri. He served in the United States House of Representatives from 1981 until his death from lung cancer in Be...
Björk Guðmundsdóttir OTF (/bjɜːrk/ BYURK, Icelandic: [pj%C5%93r%CC%A5k ˈkvʏðmʏntsˌtouʰtɪr̥] (About this soundlisten); born 21 November, 1965) is an Icelandic singer, songwriter, record producer, actres...
Aleksander Rusalka/ Rosalk
(1889 - 1942)
ALEKSANDER ANTONI (ka HANS) p ROSALK (sünd ROSALKA), VR I/3, Georgi mõõk, kapten (1919). VR I/3, nr 2598/02.11.1921 „endisele 8. jalawäe polgu ülema abile, kapten Aleksander Hansu p. Rosalk´i...
 Stattholderembetet 1572-1771, RA/EA-2870/Ek/L0011/0001: Jordebøker til utlikning av rosstjeneste 1624-1626: / Odelsjordebøker for Bergenhus len, 1624, s. 225
Erik Olufson Rygg
(c.1565 - c.1624)
Ein Y700-test av etterkomar her viser haplogruppe R-FT268315
Eirik Olufsson Vereide fra Augustinus-ætta.
Ludvig Daae, En gammel Ætlæg. (Nordfjord-Søndmøre.),
[Dansk] Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, [...
Jacques de Savoye, SV/PROG
(bef.1636 - 1717)
Vrede en Lust was founded in 1688 by a Flemish Merchant called Jacques de Savoye. The Governor of the Cape allocated this farm to De Savoye, who fled Europe with his wife, Marie-Madeleine le Clerq, due...
Isolda de Meudre
(c.1182 - c.1246)
lsolda Bardolf Midlands
ISOLDA (-after 1 Jul 1225). There are contrary indications concerning the parentage of Isolda. “Jord Foliot Isold de Gray et Rad Paynel” swore homage for the lands of “Robti ...
Ing. Danilo Žagar
(1886 - 1978)
Danilo Žagar (1886.-1978.), rođen u Prezidu pokraj Čabra, nakon mature u Zagrebu upisuje Visoku tehničku školu u Pragu, gdje je 1913. godine diplomirao arhitekturu. Tijekom studija za ljetnih je prazni...
Pieter Andries Christiaan Wijdeman, SV/PROG
(c.1728 - c.1792)
SA Progenitor: Pieter Andries Christiaan Wijdeman, SV/PROG Pieter Andries Christiaan Wijdeman born Copenhagen
Arrived at the Cape in 1746 when his ship, the Danish vessel, De Koning van Denemarken, w...
Jean de Beaugency, seigneur de La Flèche
(c.1042 - bef.1097)
Jean (John, Johannes) de La Flèche is first known from a charter of 1032×1052, when Agnès, wife of count Geoffroy Martel, purchased the church of Saint-Bienheuré de Vendôme from Jean's father Lancelin ...
Yaakov Yosef Kahana (Katz) of Turysk
(c.1580 - 1665)