James Hetfield
Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, United States
Biography James Alan Hetfield (born August 3, 1963) is an American musician, singer, and songwriter known for being the co-founder, lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist, and main songwriter for the American...
Gómez Núñez Díaz, señor de Mixancas y Álava
(850 - 899)
Elizabeth Harrison
(c.1677 - 1734)
Birth: 1677 Death: Dec. 30, 1734 "Under this marble rests the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison Relict of Benjamin Harrison of Berkeley and second Daughter of Col Lewis Burwell of Gloster county. She Dep...
Theophylactos Rangabe, byzantine co-emperor
(c.792 - 849)
Theophylact was born to Michael Rhangabe and Prokopia c. 793. He was the couple's oldest child, but the list of his siblings given in the hagiography of Patriarch Ignatius I of Constan...
Benito Mussolini
(1883 - 1945)
He was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism.Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 an...
Adélaïs de Breteuil, Countess of Shrewsbury
(1048 - 1116)
Adelais de PuisetParents: Erard [I] Comte de Breteuil, Vicomte de Chartres & HumbergeSpouse: Roger II de Montgommery (Montgomerie, Montgomery), the first Earl of ShrewsburySon: EverardLINKSADELAIS du P...
Thrand, jarl of Sula
(c.860 - 886)
not confuse him with Thrand Bjørnsson, "the Fast-Sailing" .
Helena Gosschalk
(1878 - 1942)
Sir Willam Troutbeck, of Dunham
(c.1436 - 1459)
Sir William Troutbeck 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Last Edited 27 Feb 2014
M, #60759, b. 20 July 1432, d. 23 September 1459
Father Sir John Troutbeck, Chamberlain of Cheshire, King's Remembrancer of the Exc...
Eva Cariño
Eva Cariño-Padilla is a Filipina actress.
Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshiva Har Etzion
(1933 - 2015)
Lichtenstein (born May 24, 1933) was a noted Orthodox rabbi and rosh yeshiva.Contents [show] Biography[edit] Rabbi Lichtenstein was born in Paris, France, but grew up in the United States, studied in Y...
Robert de Holland
(1241 - 1311)
This is NOT Robert de Holland, 1st Baron Holand (1283-1328). This is the FATHER of Robert de Holland, 1st Baron Holand.
Robert de Holland, I b.abt.1241 Upholland, Lancashire, England; s/o Thurstan an...
Kristina Amundsdotter
(1396 - 1466)
Sten Jönsson Bese. Sten Gönsson Bese was owner of Hyriksäter estate in Värna parish, Sweden. He served as circuit judge in Bankekind jurisdictional district (Östergötland). Was giving as morning gift 1...
Anthony Seale
(c.1659 - 1726)
Not the same as Cornelius Sale of St. Ann’s Parish
Assuming that Anthony Seale II was between eighteen and twenty-five when he married, he was probably born sometime between 1695 and 1702, in Essex ...
Petrus Johannis Pargasensis
(c.1550 - 1620)
Vanhemmat tuntemattomia. Föräldrar okända. Parents unknown. '
Karl Leijonhufvud; Ny svensk släktbok.Wallensteen släkten härstammar från Finland, där des förste kände stamfader var kyrkoherden i Pargas ...
Walter de Burgh, 1st Earl of Ulster
(c.1230 - 1271)
Walter de Burgh (c. 1230 – 28 July 1271) was 2nd Lord of Connaught and 1st Earl of Ulster (2nd creation).
De Burgh was the second son of Richard Mór de Burgh, 1st Lord of Connaught and Egidia de Lacy....
Princess Holmfrid Eriksdotter, of Sweden
(c.972 - c.1016)
Holmfrid, syster till Olof Skötkonung, gift med Svein Håkonsson. the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Sweden: [HOLMFRID. Snorre records the betrothal of "Svein, a son of Earl Hakon, and Earl E...
Sir Laurence Grant, 2nd of Stratherrick
(c.1230 - c.1275)
He appears as a witness, along with Robert le Grant,- in an Agreement between Archibald, Bishop of Moray and Sir John Byset, 20th September, 1258. "Testibus...dominis Laurentio et Roberto dictis Grant,...
Dr. Chaim Azriel Weizmann
(1874 - 1952)
Chaim Azriel Weizmann, Hebrew: חיים עזריאל ויצמן, (27 November 1874 – 9 November 1952) was a Zionist leader, President of the Zionist Organization, and the first President of the State of Israel. He w...
Captain Anthony Sealed II
(c.1695 - 1781)
His will was filed 5 November 1781, in Prince William Co., Virginia. He named wife-Ann; and children: John, Anthony, and Betty; and son-in-law-William Brown. [Clemens. Virginia Wills Before 1799. p. 87...
Ilyaas Ibn Mudhir
Titles: Kabir al-Qawm (Chief of the Folk) & Sayyid al-'Ashirah (Master of the Clan) * Along with his Brother, 'Ailaan bin Imaam Mudhir , was referred to as as-Sarihan , the Candid Ones , of the Line of...
María Mayor Guillén de Guzmán, señora de Alcocer
(c.1225 - bef.1267)
Mayor Guillén de Guzmán ( ?, 1205 - Alcocer ,1262 ).
Born into one of the level two "richmen" families of King Ferdinand III's court, she was the daughter of Guillén Pérez de Guzmán, and sister of Ped...
Antti Heikinpoika Heikkinen
(c.1589 - aft.1649)
Talollinen. Uura, Paltamo.Syntynyt noin 1589 (Antin syntymäaika on laskettu v.1637 tehdysta ruodutusluettelosta). Oli elossa 1649.Puolison nimeä ei tuon ajan verotuskirjoissa näy. Hänen isänsä todennäk...
Iziaslav III Davidovich / Grand Prince of Kiev
(c.1100 - 1167)
IIzyaslav III, Grand Prince of Kiev (1) M, #220801, d. after 1161Last Edited=7 Mar 2007 Izyaslav III, Grand Prince of Kiev was the son of unknown (?). (1) He died after 1161. (1) Izyaslav III, Grand Pr...
mr. Jan Pieter van Wickevoort Crommelin
(1763 - 1837)
Zie Wikipedia... * 1795-1796 : Lid Staten-Generaal der Verenigde Nederlandse Provinciën - namens Holland
Lady Eleanor Annora Arundel
(c.1374 - 1404)
Eleanor Lamborne was born circa 1374 at Lamborne, Cornwall, England.2 She was the daughter of Sir William Lamborne and Joan le Sor.1 She married Sir John Arundell, son of Sir John Arundell and Joan Lus...
Gerberge de Hunebourg
Gerberge, mother of Conan 'le Tort' (the Crooked).Her parentage is not known.Spouse: Judicaël, Comte de Rennes. de Rennes, son of JUDICAËL [Juhael] Comte de Rennes & his wife Gerberge --- (-killed in b...
Vissewalde, King of Gerzika
(c.1170 - c.1225)
(Latin:Vissewalde rex de Gerzika, Russian:Всеволод) was a Latgalian nobleman, Duke of the Principality of Jersika in the 12th-13th centuries. In the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia, he is called king (re...
Marguerite de Bourgogne
(c.1100 - 1164)
From Wikipedia (French) : Marguerite de Bourgogne (née vers 1095/1100, décédée le 15 février 1163) est une princesse de la famille de Bourgogne, épouse de Guigues IV d'Albon et fondatrice de l'abbaye c...
Oluf Jonsson Rygg
(1540 - 1606)
Ein Y700-test av etterkomar her viser haplogruppe R-FT268315
Oluf Jonsson av Øystein-ætta.
På lagtinget i Bergen 21. juni 1603 la brødrene Eirik og Nils fram et utsagn som starter slik: "Dette er erl...
Baderich, king of the Thüringians
(c.480 - 519)
See Wikipedia for more information. Baderic, Baderich, Balderich, Balderick or Boderic (c.480-c.529), son of Bisinus and Basina, was a co-king of the Thuringii. He and his brothers Hermanfrid and Berth...
Ted Danson
Bridge "Ted" Danson III (born December 29, 1947) is an American actor, author and producer, well known for his role as lead character Sam Malone in the sitcom Cheers, and his role as Dr. John Becker on...
Andrzej Duda, Prezydent RP
Wikipedia - Andrzej Duda (English) Andrzej Sebastian Duda (ur. 16 maja 1972 w Krakowie) – polski polityk i prawnik. Od 6 sierpnia 2015 prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.Doktor nauk prawnych, od 2006 ...
Anna Johansdotter Fleming
Anna Johansdotter Fleming FMU - 6263
Matts Larsson (Poitz) konfirmerar 1525 sin hustru Annas (Johansdotter Fleming) och hennes syster Britas skifte av de gods, som i arv tillfallit dem efter deras m...
Johannes Vares-Barbarus
(1890 - 1946)
Johannes Vares (kirjanikunimega Barbarus, ka Johannes Vares-Barbarus; 12. jaanuar 1890 (juuliuse kalendri järgi 31. detsember 1889) Heimtali vald, Paistu kihelkond, Viljandimaa – 29. november 1946 Kadr...
Louis David Riel
(1844 - 1885)
Added June 5, 2016 by William Arthur Allen: One of the sad outcomes of the Louis Riel story and the Northwest Rebellion was the introduction of the "Pass System" limiting the movement of people away fr...
Elizabeth FitzWarin, 8th Lady FitzWarin
(c.1403 - 1427)
Elizabeth FitzWarin, Heiress, 8th Baroness FitzWarin inherited the barony upon the death of her brother. After her death the barony must have been in abeyance between her daughters Thomasine Hankford (...
Ernest the Iron
(1377 - 1424)
Ernest the Iron, officially Ernest, Duke of Inner Austria; 1377 - June 10, 1424) was the ruler of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola (collectively Inner Austria) from 1406 until his death. He was a m...
Constantine II, King of the Hellenes
(1940 - 2023)
Name/title: Konstantinos zu Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, King of the Hellenes.
Prince Konstantinos of Greece and Denmark on 2 June 1940.
King of the Hellenes on 6 March 1964.
Laban the Aramean
(-1954 - -1795)
Genesis 24:29-60 - Takes part in arranging the marriage of his sister Rebecca to Isaac .* Genesis 27:42-46 - Rebecca tells her son, Jacob, to flee to Laban, because his brother Esau, wants to kill him.
Buddy Hackett
(1924 - 2003)
Buddy Hackett (born Leonard Hacker; August 31, 1924 – June 30, 2003) was an American comedian and actor.[1] Notable roles he portrayed include Marcellus Washburn in The Music Man and Tennessee Steinmet...
Geoffroy IV d'Anjou, Comte d'Anjou (1103)
(c.1073 - 1106)
Queen Agnes af Danmark
(c.1257 - 1304)
Agnes of Brandenburg (c. 1257 – 29 September 1304) was a Danish Queen consort by marriage to King Eric V of Denmark. As a widow, she served as the regent of Denmark for her son, King Eric VI, during hi...
Richard Moore
(b. - 1725)
ydna E1b1a 'Richard Moore. His parents were John Creek Moore and Elizabeth (Brown) Moore .
Thomas married Elizabeth Moore
Together they had the following children: Nicholas Alexander Moore ; John M...
Torolv Skjalg Ogmundsson, på Sola
(c.930 - c.968)
Toralv Skjalg på Solaav Ragnvald, sønn av Lodin på Ærvik ved Stad== Basics ==* Father: Ogmund, son of Horda-Kåre* Mother: Unknown* Wife: Unknown** Son: Erling på Sola== Kilder ==Fra Snorre Sturlason: O...
Sir William le Blount
(c.1233 - 1316)
WILLIAM25 LE BLOUNT, [SIR KNIGHT] (Robert24, Stephen23, Gilbert or Hubert22, William21, Gilbert20, Robert19, Rodolphus of GUISNES18, Ardolphus17, Sigefrede the Dane16, son15, Harold V14, Gormon ANGLE13...
Sir John Boteler, Baron of Warrington
(1429 - 1463)
Sir John Bateleir
Bateleir = Le Boteler = "Butler"
Lord of Warrington
BUTLER of Warrington (Sir Knight)2
John BUTLER of Warrington (Sir Knight)
Ingelric "The Saxon"
(c.1006 - 1060)
Ingelric, a nobleman of Norman origin, his family background is unknown. Ingelric is a Continental-Germanic name. Several historians think "Ingelric the Saxon" is a myth . See links below. Some have th...
Emma du Bois
(c.1161 - c.1194)
Emma de HEDENTON, De HedentonBorn in 1161 - 1161 - Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire, England
Deceased in 1194 - 1194 - Thorpe Arnold, Leicestershire, England, aged 33 years old
Payne de Hedento...
Amabilia de Lindsay
(1130 - 1205)
Imma of Alamannia, Abbesse de Nonnberg
(c.675 - 750)
As of 3 Feb 2019, Medlands does not list this person as Gotfrid's daughter.
historical (modern) placenames birth: Duchy of Alemannia, Kingdom of the Franks (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) death: Duchy o...
Elizabeth FitzRoy
(c.1095 - 1166)
Elizabeth or Joan is an illegitimate daughter of Henry Beauclerc, but her mother is uncertain. It is probable that a daughter of Henry married Fergus. Whether Elizabeth was really married to Fergus of ...
Firmino de Paula e Silva
(1844 - 1930)
Firmino de Paula e Silva (Cruz Alta, 17 de fevereiro de 1844 — Cruz Alta, 7 de julho de 1930) foi um político e militar brasileiro.Foi batizado quatro anos depois do nascimento, em São Martinho, então ...
Lafracoth ingen Muiredaig Ó Brian
(1076 - 1135)
Princess of Ireland ingen Muiredaig de Montgomery (born Ó Briain), 1076-1135 Lafracoth Princess of Ireland ingen Muiredaig de Montgomery (born Ó Briain) was born in 1076, at birth place, to Muirchertac...
Eidel Ashkenazi-Halpern
(b. - 1605)
Maharsha mother-in-lawIs her name: Eidel Lipshitz (Halperin) or Eidel Halperin (Lipshitz)???Eidel Heilprin?
Malk of Lyubech, prince of the Drevlians
(918 - bef.1009)
Note to English speakers: Mala is the genitive form of Mal in Russian. Malk is generally his accepted name (although Mal is sometimes also used).Also, Liubech refers to a place in Ukraine (located at: ...
Eino Grön
Ura==Grönin laulajanura alkoi Porissa vuonna 1957 paikallisyhtyeiden solistina. Ensimmäinen levytys tapahtui 1958, ja läpimurto seuraavana vuonna kappaleella ”Liian paljon rahaa”. Grönin suosio kasvoi ...
Knight Vidkun Erlingsson Bjarkøy
(1250 - 1302)
Vidkun Erlingsønn Bjarkøy
Vidkun var født og oppvokst på den gamle ættegården kalt Bjarkøy-godset. Fra året 1282 var han ridder, og noen år før 1300 ble han utnevnt til baron.
* OCCUPATION: Ridder...
Sir Ralph de Baguley
(1230 - 1320)
Not the same as Sir Ralph de Baguley
Ormerod's History of Cheshire, Vol. I, p. 712, gives Ralph as the father of William, married to Clemence Chedle, and the grandfather of Isabel who marries Thomas...
Katherine Home
(c.1428 - 1436)
Anowed ferch Teithfallt
Erich Honecker
(1912 - 1994)
Erich Honecker (German pronunciation: [%CB%88e%CB%90%CA%81%C9%AA%C3%A7 ˈhɔnɛkɐ]; 25 August 1912 – 29 May 1994) was a German communist politician who led the German Democratic Republic as General Secret...
Maj George James Walton
(1682 - 1767)
Christening:18 Mar 1684 St. Andrews parish, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, EnglandProbate:26 Jan 1767, Brunswick County, VAEmigration: bet 1726 and 1732 from Kng Williams Cty, Va to Prince George...
Mór ingen Gilla Brigte O'Brien
(c.990 - c.1018)
Måns Henriksson Tavast
(c.1450 - d.)
Henrik Nilsson Tawastin poika. Henrik Nilsson Tawasts son. 'Henrik Nilsson Tawast's son. Måns Henriksson. Oli naimisissa Margareta Jönsdotterin, kihlakunnantuomari Jöns Olofsson Skytten tyttären kanssa...
Gilla-Brighid O'Mulloy, King of Fircall
(c.944 - c.1018)
Lord Gilla-Brighid O'Mulloy Ireland
Anne Strangeways
(b. - 1518)
James Strangeways (d before 30 Sept 1527) (son of James Strangeways and Anne Conyers) married Anne, the daughter Sir Edmond Trafford, Knight.
James Strangeways b: ABT 1485 in Ormesby, Yor...
Hugh "the Fat" O'Neill, King of Ulster & Tyrone
(aft.1316 - c.1364)
Aodh (or Hugh) Reamhar ("Fat Hugh") was King of Cineal Eoghain from 1345 until his death in 1364. He was succeeded at his death as King by his son (and my 18th great-grandfather), Niall Mor O'Neill. Ao...
Queen Solveig Halfdansdatter
(688 - c.715)
Olof and Solveigh had two sons, Ingjald Olofsson and Halfdan Hvitbeinn, who were brought up in Soleyar in the house of his mother's uncle Sölve. Solveig Halvdansdotter (Sölva Halfdansdóttir)( = Solva H...
Beli ab Einion
(510 - d.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Ancestry of Cynan Dindaethwy; . (Steven Ferry, November 29, 2019.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bradwen of Llys Bradwen, in Meirionydd; . (Stev...
Jane Birkin
(1946 - 2023)
Jane Birkin. Inspiration for the Hermes Birkin.
Hermès named and designed a handbag — the Birkin bag — for her in 1984. On an Airfrance flight from Paris to London, Jane Birkin pulled her Hermes dateb...
Wolf Wilhelm Wartensleben
(1860 - d.)
Anders Engelbertsson Bure
(1571 - 1646)
ødt: 14.08.1571- 04.02.1646 Dog i Husby, Långhundra. Han var Krigsråd. Kartograf. Allerede i 1602 deltok han i en kartleggelse av Stockholm og bedrev astronomiske-geografiske observasjoner der. Samme å...
Elisabeth dite "Adèle" de Vendôme
(960 - 999)
Elizabeth de Vendôme, burned to death in 1000, a few days before a fire that burned the city of Angers, France. Burnt at the stake by her husband in her wedding dress. Her husband Fulk had a violent, b...
Katherine de Hastang, Countess of Stafford
(c.1304 - 1336)
Biography Katherine de Hastang was the daughter of Sir John de Hastang, Steward of the Queen's household, by his wife, Eve.Katherine married Ralph de Stafford, KG, before 9 Feb 1327.Ralph and Katherine...
William of West Hoathley de Waterville
(c.1022 - 1085)
brief biography and family
William de Watervilleborn abt 1022 West Hoathley, Sussex, England
Maude De Waterville born abt 1048 West Hoathley, Sussex, England died aft 1109
comments ...
Solveig Halfdansdotter, Eysteins Hardråde's wife
(aft.670 - aft.699)
There are several historical persons named Solveig Halfdansdotter.This is Eysteins Hardråde's wife and the daughter of Halfdan Haraldsson "the Valiant" Snälle, Kung av SkåneThis profile is however just...
Captain John Johnson
(c.1588 - 1659)
Captain John Johnson's parents are unknown. The surname of his second wife is unknown.
Many sources have incorrect information that has been copied and circulated and then assumed to be accurate. Gera...
Daniel Jacobs
(1673 - bef.1713)
Name Daniel Jacob
Sex Mâle
Birth Date 1673
Father's Name Pierre
Father's Sex Male
Mother's Name Suzanne de Vos
Mother's Sex Female
Event Type Baptism
Event Date
15 octobre 1673
Event Place Guînes, P...
Sir Roger Clifford, Kt.
(c.1189 - c.1232)
Roger de Clifford1
M, #158437, b. circa 1189, d. 1232
Last Edited=3 Apr 2009
Roger de Clifford was born circa 1189 at Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England.2 He was the son of Walter de Clifford ...
Lietgardis de Troyes
Lietgardis de Troyes. There are several hypotheses about the wife of Héribert de Vermandois. See Christian Settipani, La prehistoire des Capetiens 481-987: Premiere Partie , p. 222 n. 218, and Tableau ...
Gruffudd ap Llewelyn
(c.1340 - d.)
Please see Peter Bartrum: Cydifor ap Dinawal 13; (Steven Ferry, March 13, 2025.)
Athelstan, King At Ringmere
(c.980 - 1010)
ÆTHELSTAN, son of --- (-killed in battle Ringmere 5 May 1010). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle names Athelstan as the king's "aðum", meaning "son-in-law" or "brother-in-law." He was killed by the Danes after...
Béatrix de Hainaut
Beatrix of Hainault
Born: 992 in Hainault, France, Died: AFT 1035
Father: Regnier IV Count of Hainault b: ABT 950 in Hainault, Belgium
Mother: Hedwig (Edith) Princess of France b: ABT 96...
Edgar* Carlos von Cossart
(1880 - 1947)
*TARTU ÜLIKOOLI ÜLIÕPILASKONNA TEATMIK-1889-1918-nr 85 Cossart, Edgar von. 29*1*80. S1(pärusaadlik) Tartu mk Vastse-Kuuste ms, Tartu G, med 98...03. Surn 47
Korporatsiooni "Livonia" liige ...
Eleanor de Moleyns, Lady of Hungerford
(1426 - 1476)
Eleanor Moleyns1,2,3,4,5,6,7* F, #26796, b. 11 June 1426, d. circa 1492*Father Sir William Moleyns3,4,8,6,9 b. 8 Dec 1405, d. 8 May 1429*Mother Anna Whalesborough3,4,8,6,9 b. c 1405, d. 1 Mar 1487* Ele...
Emma de Bellecombe de Pont Audemer
(c.1020 - 1059)
ID: I8973# Name: Emma# Sex: F# Birth: ABT 1020 in Normandy, France# Death: AFT 1074# Change Date: 5 AUG 1997Marriage 1 Rodulph II DE WARENNEChildren 1. Rodulph III DE WARENNE 2. William DE WARENNE Earl...
Thomas Spencer, of Badby
(1362 - 1435)
1. Henry Spencer of Badbury (b. 1400-1409 - d. aft. 1 June 1469). Probably the son of Thomas and Matilda (__) Spencer , as discussed below. He married Isabel __ before 1444. ... proof she was a Lincoln...
Aleksander (Alexandre) Natanson
(1866 - 1936)
More info at:
Robert de Condet (Cundy), Lord of Thorngate
(c.1106 - 1141)
Robert de CONDET [Parents] 1, 2 was born 1106 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. He died 10 Oct 1141 in South Carlton, Lincolnshire, England. Robert married Adeliza la MESCHIN on 1137 in South Carlton, Li...
Kelli Giddish
Kelli Giddish (born April 13, 1980)[1] is an American television, stage, and film actress. She plays the role of NYPD Detective Amanda Rollins in the NBC television legal crime drama series Law & Order...
Mariota Home, Heiress of Landell
(1407 - d.)
MARIOTA LAUDER======Genealogy=== Stirnet: Home 01
Sir William Seton of Seton
(b. - 1424)
William de Setoun , son and heir of John de Setoun, lord of that Ilk, was witness to a charter granted 2 December 1423 by Archibald, Earl of Wigtoun, which was confirmed by King James I. 8 January 1424...
Valentine Samuel Joll
(1866 - 1926)
Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor
(c.1275 - 1313)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Holy Roman Emperor: Reign: 29 June 1312 – 24 August 1313, Coronation 29 June 1312, Rome> Predecessor: Frederick II Successor: Louis IV
Toke Trold
(aft.1000 - bef.1080)
Palnatoke was from Funen. No stories or sagas can substanciate Toke Trylle as the same person. Palnatoke was from Funen. Toke Trylle was a Chieftain of Zealand and first sure known person of the Hvide ...
Luigi Natoli
(1857 - 1941)
Natoli (Palermo, 14 aprile 1857 – Palermo, 25 marzo 1941) è stato uno scrittore e storiografo italiano, autore di romanzi d'appendice con lo pseudonimo William Galt
Drottning Silvia av Sverige (Sommerlath)
Stockholm, Sverige
Hennes bror Ralf Sommerlath, er bosatt i Belgia.
Wikipedia: English Svenska:
Steffen Brandt
Steffen Brandt (født 14. juni 1953 i Åbyhøj, Aarhus) er en dansk musiker, sanger, sangskriver og tekstforfatter. Siden 1981 har han været forsanger i popgruppen tv·2, hvor han har skrevet tekst og musi...
Chava Rivka Eskeles
(1691 - 1749)
Die Inschriften des Alten Judenfriedhofes in Wien" Band II- by Dr. Bernhard Wachstein-No. 889