Ernest the Iron, officially Ernest, Duke of Inner Austria; 1377 - June 10, 1424) was the ruler of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola (collectively Inner Austria) from 1406 until his death. He was a member of the Habsburg dynasty, of the Leopoldian line, whose head of the family he was from 1411 to 1424.
Ernest was born in Bruck an der Mur, Styria, the third son of Leopold III, Duke of Inner Austria. After the death of his father in the Battle of Sempach in 1386, he stood under the guardianship of Albert III. In 1401 he accompanied the German King Rupert on his campaign in Italy. Upon the death of their eldest brother William, Duke of Inner Austria in 1406, the remaining three brothers agreed about the future partition of their patrimony. In the separation agreement of 1406, Ernest received Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, and jointly with his elder brother duke Leopold IV (the head of the Leopoldian line), held the guardianship over young Albert V, Duke of Austria. In 1407, conflicts between Leopold and Ernest resulted in a civil war that lasted until May 1409. When Leopold died without a male heir in 1411, Ernest became the uncontested head of the Leopoldian family. In 1414, he became the last Duke to be enthroned according to the traditional rite in Carinthia, and from that time on called himself Archduke. He was the first Habsburg to actually use this title, which had been invented by Rudolf IV.
Ernest the Iron with his sons.He was made a member of the Order of the Dragon, but later became bitter with Emperor Sigismund from 1412 onwards when his brother Frederick IV, Duke of Further Austria (ruler of Tirol) was banned by the Emperor in 1417, Ernest first attempted to gain control over Frederick's territories himself, but then came to an agreement with him and successfully defended Tirol against the Emperor's pretensions.
Ernest died at Bruck an der Mur, and was buried in the Cistercian monastery of Rein. His nickname the Iron only came into use after his death.
On 14 January 1392, Ernest married his first wife Margaret of Pomerania. She was a daughter of Bogusław V, Duke of Pomerania and his second wife Adelheid of Brunswick-Grubenhagen. They had no children. She died in 1407 or 1410 according to contradictory necrologies.
On 25 January 1412, Ernest married his second wife Cymburgis of Masovia, who was his equal in vitality and with whom he had nine children:
Ernst der Eiserne
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Ernst der Eiserne mit seinen Söhnen
Ernst der Eiserne ( * 1377 in Bruck an der Mur; † 10. Juni 1424 ebenda) aus dem Geschlecht der Habsburger war Herzog von Innerösterreich.
Ernst ist der vierte Sohn des Herzog Leopold III. (1351-1386) und dessen Gemahlin Prinzessin Viridis von Mailand aus dem Hause Visconti, illegitime Tochter Bernabò Viscontis und dessen Geliebter Beatrix della Scala.
* 1 Leben
* 2 Nachkommen
* 3 Literatur
* 4 Weblinks
Leben [Bearbeiten]
Er stand nach dem Tod seines bei Sempach 1386 gefallenen Vaters Leopold III. des Gerechten unter der Vormundschaft Albrechts mit dem Zopf und begleitete 1401 den deutschen König Ruprecht auf dessen Zug nach Italien gegen die Mailänder Visconti. Bei der Teilung 1406 (nach dem Tod des ältesten Bruders Wilhelm dem Ehrgeizigen/Freundlichen) erhielt Ernst die Steiermark, Kärnten und Krain und führte mit seinem Bruder Leopold dem Dicken die Vormundschaft über den unmündigen Albrecht V., den späteren römisch-deutschen König Albrecht II., infolgedessen 1407 ein Bürgerkrieg ausbrach, der erst im Mai 1409 beigelegt wurde. 1414 ließ er sich als letzter Herzog von Kärnten einsetzen und nannte sich von diesem Zeitpunkt an Erzherzog. Er ist der erste Habsburger, der diesen von Rudolf dem Stifter erfundenen Titel tatsächlich geführt hat. Er wurde 1414 in Jerusalem zum Grabesritter geschlagen.
Mit König Sigismund lebte er seit 1412 besonders in Unfrieden. Als sein jüngster Bruder Friedrich, der mit der leeren Tasche von König Sigismund 1417 in die Acht erklärt worden war, versuchte Ernst zunächst, sich selbst der Gebiete Friedrichs zu bemächtigen, glich sich dann aber mit seinem Bruder aus und verteidigte namentlich Tirol gegen die Ansprüche des Königs und nötigte diesen durch seine drohende Haltung zum Verzicht auf die meisten seiner Forderungen. Als Regent Innerösterreichs handhabte er mit Festigkeit seine landesfürstlichen Rechte, und als Glied der leopoldinisch-innerösterreichischen Linie, welche in seinem Erstgeborenen, Friedrich V., später III. als Kaiser, die beiden anderen, die albertinisch-österreichische Linie und die Tiroler Nebenlinie, überdauerte, beerbte er das Haus Habsburg.
Er starb 1424 in Bruck an der Mur. Sein Grabmal befindet sich im Zisterzienserstift Rein nahe Graz. Der Beiname der Eiserne wurde erst nach seinem Tod gebräuchlich.
Abbildung Herzog Ernsts auf seiner Grabplatte
Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]
Herzog Ernst von Österreich und Steiermark heiratete in erster Ehe am 14. Januar 1392 in Bruck an der Mur Prinzessin Margarethe (1366-1407), Tochter von Bogislaw V., Herzog von Pommern und dessen Ehefrau Prinzessin Adelheid von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen. Die Ehe blieb kinderlos.
In zweiter Ehe heiratete er 1412 in Bruck an der Mur die polnische Prinzessin Cymburgis von Masowien (auch Cimburka, Zimburg oder Zimburgis) (1394-1429), Tochter des masowienischen Herzog Ziemowit IV. und dessen Ehefrau Großfürstin Alexandra von Litauen. Aus der Ehe gingen neun Kinder hervor:
* Friedrich III. (V.) (1415-1493), ∞ 1452 Infantin Eleonore von Portugal (1436-1467), Tochter des portugiesischen Königs Eduard I. und dessen Gemahlin Eleonore von Aragonien.
* Margarete (1416-1486), ∞ 1431 Kurfürst Friedrich II. von Sachsen (1412-1464), Sohn des sächsischen Kurfürsten Friedrich I. und dessen Gemahlin Prinzessin Katharina von Braunschweig-Lüneburg.
* Albrecht VI. (1418-1463), ∞ 1452 Prinzessin Mechthild von der Pfalz (1419-1482), Tochter des Kurfürsten Ludwig III. von der Pfalz und dessen Gemahlin Gräfin Mathilde von Savoyen.
* Katharina (1420-1493), ∞ 1447 Markgraf Karl I. von Baden (1427-1475), Sohn des badischen Markgrafen Jakob I. und dessen Gemahlin Prinzessin Katharina von Lothringen
* Ernst (1420-1432)
* Alexandra (*/† 1421)
* Anna (*/† 1422)
* Rudolf (*/† 1424)
* Leopold (*/† 1424)
Siehe auch: Liste der Markgrafen und Herzöge von Österreich im Mittelalter
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Franz Krones: Ernst (Herzog von Österreich). In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 6. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, S. 294–297.
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* Ernst der Eiserne. In: Österreich-Lexikon von aeiou.
* Habsburger auf planet-vienna.com
Herzog von Kärnten
1406 - 1424 Nachfolger
Friedrich V.
Normdaten: PND: 128967943 – weitere Informationen
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Ernest, Duke of Austria
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ernest the Iron, officially Ernest, Duke of Inner Austria (German: Ernst der Eiserne; 1377 - June 10, 1424) was the ruler of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola (collectively Inner Austria) from 1406 until his death. He was a member of the Habsburg dynasty, of the Leopoldian line, whose head of the family he was from 1411 to 1424.
Ernest was born in Bruck an der Mur, Styria, the third son of Leopold III, Duke of Inner Austria. After the death of his father in the Battle of Sempach in 1386, he stood under the guardianship of Albert III. In 1401 he accompanied the German King Rupert on his campaign in Italy. Upon the death of their eldest brother William, Duke of Inner Austria in 1406, the remaining three brothers agreed about the future partition of their patrimony. In the separation agreement of 1406, Ernest received Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, and jointly with his elder brother duke Leopold IV (the head of the Leopoldian line), held the guardianship over young Albert V, Duke of Austria. In 1407, conflicts between Leopold and Ernest resulted in a civil war that lasted until May 1409. When Leopold died without a male heir in 1411, Ernest became the uncontested head of the Leopoldian family. In 1414, he became the last Duke to be enthroned according to the traditional rite in Carinthia, and from that time on called himself Archduke. He was the first Habsburg to actually use this title, which had been invented by Rudolf IV.
He was made a member of the Order of the Dragon, but later became bitter with Emperor Sigismund from 1412 onwards when his brother Frederick IV, Duke of Further Austria (ruler of Tirol) was banned by the Emperor in 1417, Ernest first attempted to gain control over Frederick's territories himself, but then came to an agreement with him and successfully defended Tirol against the Emperor's pretensions.
Ernest died at Bruck an der Mur, and was buried in the Cistercian monastery of Rein. His nickname the Iron only came into use after his death.
[edit]Family and children
On 14 January 1392, Ernest married his first wife Margaret of Pomerania. She was a daughter of Bogusław V, Duke of Pomerania and his second wife Adelheid of Brunswick-Grubenhagen. They had no children. She died in 1407 or 1410 according to contradictory necrologies.
On 25 January 1412, Ernest married his second wife Cymburgis of Masovia, who was his equal in vitality and with whom he had nine children:
Duke Frederick V (21 September 1415 – 19 August 1493)
Margarete (1416/17 – 12 February 1486), married on 3 June 1431 to Frederick II, Elector of Saxony
Duke Albrecht VI (18 December 1418 – 2 December 1463)
Alexander (d. 1420)
Rudolf (d. before 1424)
Katharina (1424 – 11 September 1493), married on 15 July 1447 to Charles I, Margrave of Baden-Baden
Leopold (d. before 1424)
Anna (d. 11 November 1429)
Ernst II (d. 10 August 1432)
As the ruler of Inner Austria and the founder of the older Styrian Line of the Habsburg family, which, by his son Duke Frederick V survived the Albertinian-Austrian and the Tyrolean Lines, he became the ancestor of all later Habsburg emperors.
Ernest, Duke of Austria
Ernest the Iron, officially Ernest, Duke of Inner Austria; 1377 - June 10, 1424) was the ruler of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola (collectively Inner Austria) from 1406 until his death. He was a member of the Habsburg dynasty, of the Leopoldian line, whose head of the family he was from 1411 to 1424.
Ernest was born in Bruck an der Mur, Styria, the third son of Leopold III, Duke of Inner Austria. After the death of his father in the Battle of Sempach in 1386, he stood under the guardianship of Albert III. In 1401 he accompanied the German King Rupert on his campaign in Italy. Upon the death of their eldest brother William, Duke of Inner Austria in 1406, the remaining three brothers agreed about the future partition of their patrimony. In the separation agreement of 1406, Ernest received Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, and jointly with his elder brother duke Leopold IV (the head of the Leopoldian line), held the guardianship over young Albert V, Duke of Austria. In 1407, conflicts between Leopold and Ernest resulted in a civil war that lasted until May 1409. When Leopold died without a male heir in 1411, Ernest became the uncontested head of the Leopoldian family. In 1414, he became the last Duke to be enthroned according to the traditional rite in Carinthia, and from that time on called himself Archduke. He was the first Habsburg to actually use this title, which had been invented by Rudolf IV.
He was made a member of the Order of the Dragon, but later became bitter with Emperor Sigismund from 1412 onwards when his brother Frederick IV, Duke of Further Austria (ruler of Tirol) was banned by the Emperor in 1417, Ernest first attempted to gain control over Frederick's territories himself, but then came to an agreement with him and successfully defended Tirol against the Emperor's pretensions.
Ernest died at Bruck an der Mur, and was buried in the Cistercian monastery of Rein. His nickname the Iron only came into use after his death.
On 14 January 1392, Ernest married his first wife Margaret of Pomerania. She was a daughter of Bogusław V, Duke of Pomerania and his second wife Adelheid of Brunswick-Grubenhagen. They had no children. She died in 1407 or 1410 according to contradictory necrologies.
On 25 January 1412, Ernest married his second wife Cymburgis of Masovia, who was his equal in vitality and with whom he had nine children:
Duke Frederick V (21 September 1415 – 19 August 1493)
Margarete (1416/17 – 12 February 1486), married on 3 June 1431 to Frederick II, Elector of Saxony
Duke Albrecht VI (18 December 1418 – 2 December 1463)
Alexander (d. 1420)
Rudolf (d. before 1424)
Katharina (1424 – 11 September 1493), married on 15 July 1447 to Charles I, Margrave of Baden-Baden
Leopold (d. before 1424)
Anna (d. 11 November 1429)
Ernst II (d. 10 August 1432)
As the ruler of Inner Austria and the founder of the older Styrian Line of the Habsburg family, which, by his son Duke Frederick V survived the Albertinian-Austrian and the Tyrolean Lines, he became the ancestor of all later Habsburg emperors.
Ernest the Iron, officially Ernest, Duke of Inner Austria (German: Ernst der Eiserne; 1377 - June 10, 1424) was the ruler of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola (collectively Inner Austria) from 1406 until his death. He was a member of the Habsburg dynasty, of the Leopoldian line, whose head of the family he was from 1411 to 1424.
Ernest was born in Bruck an der Mur, Styria, the third son of Leopold III, Duke of Inner Austria. After the death of his father in the Battle of Sempach in 1386, he stood under the guardianship of Albert III. In 1401 he accompanied the German King Rupert on his campaign in Italy. Upon the death of their eldest brother William, Duke of Inner Austria in 1406, the remaining three brothers agreed about the future partition of their patrimony. In the separation agreement of 1406, Ernest received Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, and jointly with his elder brother duke Leopold IV (the head of the Leopoldian line), held the guardianship over young Albert V, Duke of Austria. In 1407, conflicts between Leopold and Ernest resulted in a civil war that lasted until May 1409. When Leopold died without a male heir in 1411, Ernest became the uncontested head of the Leopoldian family. In 1414, he became the last Duke to be enthroned according to the traditional rite in Carinthia, and from that time on called himself Archduke. He was the first Habsburg to actually use this title, which had been invented by Rudolf IV.
He was made a member of the Order of the Dragon, but later became bitter with Emperor Sigismund from 1412 onwards when his brother Frederick IV, Duke of Further Austria (ruler of Tirol) was banned by the Emperor in 1417, Ernest first attempted to gain control over Frederick's territories himself, but then came to an agreement with him and successfully defended Tirol against the Emperor's pretensions.
Ernest died at Bruck an der Mur, and was buried in the Cistercian monastery of Rein. His nickname the Iron only came into use after his death.
Family and children:
On 14 January 1392, Ernest married his first wife Margaret of Pomerania. She was a daughter of Bogusław V, Duke of Pomerania and his second wife Adelheid of Brunswick-Grubenhagen. They had no children. She died in 1407 or 1410 according to contradictory necrologies.
On 25 January 1412, Ernest married his second wife Cymburgis of Masovia, who was his equal in vitality and with whom he had nine children:
1. Duke Frederick V (21 September 1415 – 19 August 1493)
2. Margarete (1416/17 – 12 February 1486), married on 3 June 1431 to Frederick II, Elector of Saxony
3. Duke Albrecht VI (18 December 1418 – 2 December 1463)
4. Alexander (d. 1420)
5. Rudolf (d. before 1424)
6. Katharina (1424 – 11 September 1493), married on 15 July 1447 to Charles I, Margrave of Baden-Baden
7. Leopold (d. before 1424)
8. Anna (d. 11 November 1429)
9. Ernst II (d. 10 August 1432)
As the ruler of Inner Austria and the founder of the older Styrian Line of the Habsburg family, which, by his son Duke Frederick V survived the Albertinian-Austrian and the Tyrolean Lines, he became the ancestor of all later Habsburg emperors.
1377 |
Bruck an der Mur, Steiermark, Ôsterreich, Deutschland(HRR)
1415 |
September 21, 1415
Innsbruck, Tirol, Österreich, Deutschland(HRR)
1416 |
August 21, 1416
Wiener Neustadt,, Österreich, Deutschland(HRR)
1418 |
December 18, 1418
Wien, Wien, Austria
1419 |
Wien, Österreich, Deutschland(HRR)
1420 |
Wien, Österreich, Deutschland (HRR)
1422 |
Wien, Österreich, Deutschland(HRR)