Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

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Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov) (1870 - 1924)

Russian: Владимир Ильич Ленин (Ульянов), Polish: Włodzimierz Uljanow/Lenin
Also Known As: "Николай Ленин"
Birthplace: Simbirsk, Russia (Russian Federation)
Death: January 21, 1924 (53)
Gorki Leninskie, Leninsky District, МО, Russia (Russian Federation) (Stroke)
Place of Burial: Moscow, Russia
Immediate Family:

Son of Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov and Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova
Husband of Nadezhda Konstantinovna Ulyanova
Brother of Anna Ilyinichna Yelizarova-Ulyanova; Aleksandr Ilyich Ulyanov; Olga Ulyanov; Olga Ilyinichna Ulyanov; Nicolay Ulyanov and 2 others

Occupation: Politician, Revolutionary, Lawyer
Managed by: Leonid Semenov (GENI Curator RU)
Last Updated:

About Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (alias Lenin) was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He served as head of government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1917, and of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death. Under his administration, the Russian Empire was replaced by the Soviet Union; all wealth including land, industry and business was nationalized. Based in Marxism, his political theories are known as Leninism.

  • * 1870-04-10 O.S.
  • * 1870-04-22 N.S.
  • ~ 1870-04-16 O.S.
  • ~ 1870-04-28 N.S.
  • oo 1898-07-10 O.S.
  • oo 1898-07-22 N.S.
  • † 1924-01-21 N.S. 18:50 hrs, Moscow Time.

Was a revolutionary, an organizer of Bolshevism, a Marxist theorist, communist politician, statesman and the founder of the Soviet Union.

Baptized in St. Nicholas Cathedral, Simbirsk, Russia at 1870-04-28. The godparents were Arseni Belokrysenko, an accountant in the civil administration, also Ilya's chesspartner, and Natalya Aunovska, a widowed mother of one of Ilya's colleagues.

In 1898, Lenin lived the deportee's dream and married Nadezhda Krupskaya in Siberia where both had been in exile at the time. They had no children. The two had met about seven years prior.

1917-04-13 09:23, arrives in Stockholm, Sweden. During the day he procures a pair of sturdy shoes, a pair of pants and an ovecoat from PUB, a major department store in the city. Departs from Stockholm 18:37 in the evening.

Lenin survived an assassination attempt in August 1918. In April 1922 one of the bullets was extracted from his neck.

After a series of strokes, Lenin died 1924-01-21. His last testament was concealed until 1956.


  • Ilich — Respectful nickname for Lenin, used mainly inside the party.
  • Lenin — The most famous of the 160 pseudonyms he used. He adopted the pseudonym during his underground party work after his exile in Siberia. The word Lenin is believed to have been derived from the Russian river Lena.
  • Vladimir Ilich — Lenin's Christian name and patronymic.
  • Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov — Lenin's name at his christening.
  • Volodya — The diminutive of Lenin's first name.
  • N. Lenin — Sometimes, Vladimir signed with N. Lenin. People filled the gap in their minds and Nikolai, a common Russian name, was invented.


  • Arutyunov, Akim Armenakovich. ДосьеЛенинабезретуши. Документы. Факты. Свидетельства. [Dossier of Lenin without retouch. Documents. Facts. Testimonies.] [in Russian] Moscow: Вече (Veche), 1999. ISBN 5-7838-0530-0
  • Backman, Christina. “Lenins svenska anor.” [Lenins Swedish Ancestry] [in Swedish] Släkt och Hävd no. 1 (1995): 253–273. ISSN 0489-1090 and publishers web.
  • Colton, Timothy J. "Moscow: Governing the Socialist Metropolis". Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996.
  • Hamilton-Dann, Mary. Vladimir and Nadya: The Lenin Story. New York: International Publishers, 1998.
  • Kruse, Günter. ”Die Familie des fränkischen Dichters und Sprachwissenschaftlers Friedrich Rückert und Ahnengemeinschaften mit Lenin.” [The family of the Franconian poet and linguist Friedrich Rückert and the ancestral ties with Lenin.] [in German] Archiv für Familiengeschichtsforschung no. 4 (2006), quoted in Renner, Manfred. ”Lenins Parchimer Vorfahren.” Ahnenforschung.net (2008). (accessed January 14, 2011).
  • ———. "Vorfahren Lenins in Mecklenburg" [Lenin's ancestors in Mecklenburg]. Verein für mecklenburgische Familien- und Personengescheiste e. V. (2007). mfp.math.uni-rostock.de
  • Melamed, Efim. “Отректись иудейской веры: Новонайденные документы о еврейских предках Ленина.“ [Renounced Judaism: Newly discovered documents about the ancestors of Lenin.] [in Russian] “Vestnik : The Journal of Russian and Asian Studies” 332, no. 21 (October 2003). vestnik.com.
  • ———. “О еврейских предках Ленина“ [On Lenin’s Jewish Ancestry] [in Russian] Sem40: Sem40-Panorama. (October 2003). sem40.ru.
  • Petrovskiĭ-Shtern, Ĭokhanan. Lenin's Jewish Question. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2010.
  • Rodovid, s.v. “ruЗапись:42623” (accessed January 19, 2011).
  • Service, Robert. Lenin: a biography. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-674-00828-6
  • Slezkine, Yuri. The Jewish Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004. ISBN 0-691-11995-3
  • Stein, Michael G. УльяновыиЛенины. семейныетайны. [Ulyanov & Lenin. Family Secrets] [in Russian] St. Petersburg: Neva, 2004. ISBN 5-7654-3608-0
  • Wikipedia, s.v. “Blank Family.” en ru (accessed January 14, 2011).

The Blank family in the Russian Empire is mostly notable as the family of the maternal grandfather of Vladimir Lenin. Some researchers suggest that Lenin's maternal grandfather was a Jewish convert to Christianity (Alexander Blank). Whether or not Lenin, whose matrilineal "Blank" surname also traces to non-Jewish German roots, was actually partly descended from a Jewish Blank family remains contested. Some researchers argue the family was of German origin, and invited to Russia by Catherine the Great. It is possible that such debated concern that Alexander Blank may have had Jewish origin were spread for partly political reasons. An important contribution into Lenin’s genealogical and political connections to East European Jews were done by Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern who states that there is indisputable evidence that Lenin’s maternal grandfather was Jewish. Petrovsky-Shtern also researched the continuous efforts of the Soviet communists to suppress Lenin’s Jewishness and the no less persistent attempts of Russian nationalists to portray Lenin as a Jew. Source: Blank Family on Wikipedia _____________________________________________________________________________

О Владимире Ильиче Ленине (русский)

Влади́мир Ильи́ч Улья́нов (основной псевдоним Ле́нин; 10 (22) апреля 1870, Симбирск — 21 января 1924, усадьба Горки, Московская губерния) — российский революционер, крупный теоретик марксизма, советский политический и государственный деятель, создатель Российской социал-демократической рабочей партии (большевиков), главный организатор и руководитель Октябрьской революции 1917 года в России, первый председатель Совета Народных Комиссаров (правительства) РСФСР, создатель первого в мировой истории социалистического государства.
Марксист, публицист, основоположник марксизма-ленинизма, идеолог и создатель Третьего (Коммунистического) интернационала, основатель СССР, первый председатель СНК СССР. Сфера основных политико-публицистических работ — материалистическая философия, теория марксизма, критика капитализма и империализма, теория и практика осуществления социалистической революции, построения социализма и коммунизма, политэкономия социализма.



МК Николаевской церкви г. Симбирска


Родился 10.04.1870 (стар. стиль) Крещен 16.04.1870 (стар. стиль)

Родители - коллежский советник Илья Николаев Ульянов и законная жена его Марья Александрова, оба прав.

Восприемники - действительный статский советник Арсений Фёдорович Белокрысенко и вдова коллежской ассессорши (sic!) Натальи Иванова Ауновская

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Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's Timeline

April 22, 1870
Simbirsk, Russia (Russian Federation)
April 28, 1870
Николаевская церковь, Симбирск, Симбирская губерния
January 21, 1924
Age 53
Gorki Leninskie, Leninsky District, МО, Russia (Russian Federation)
January 27, 1924
Age 53
Lenin's Mausoleum, Red Square, Moscow, Russia (Russian Federation)