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  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870 - 1924)
    Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (alias Lenin ) was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He served as head of government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from...
  • Aleksandra Mikhailovna Lenina (1875 - 1971)
    Старшая дочь Рыкачевых – Александра Михайловна (1875 г.р.). В 1891 году она окончила с серебряной медалью Василеостровскую женскую гимназию, затем историко-филологическое отделение Женских педагогическ...
  • Alexander Eduard Lenin (1873 - d.)
    Kodakondsuse tunnistuste kontsud 10.101-10.200; ERA.28.2.20420; 24.09.1920 / Foto Saaga ERA.28.2.8448:1 Saaga TLA.1358.2.21:368 - 1873 Saaga TLA.31.2.25:129 - 1873 , 1898
  • Amalie* Annette Lenin (1861 - d.)
    Kodakondsuse tunnistuste kontsud 18.001-18.100; ERA.28.2.20499; 22.12.1921-25.01.1922 Saaga TLA.1358.2.21:368 - 1861 kodakondsuse taotlus tagasilükatud 1920
  • Anna Helene Lenin (1864 - d.)
    Saaga TLA.1358.2.21:368 - 1864

About the Lenin surname

River Lena in Siberia might have been named after A'al-Layana son of Ze-Be-Laya-Na , the genric ancestor of original peoples of Belize ,and specific ancestor likely of Layana tribe among Charruas in Uruguay .

Levites by this tribe spoke languages that were similar to extinct Thrakian and modern Baltic dialects including Lithuanian . Speakers of the latter call their country Lie-Tuva ,that makes likely their ancestors have emigrated from Tuva in the Asian part of the Holy Land ,near the downstreens of the river Lena So it is likely they form the specific subtribe of Belize descendeing from A'al-Layana .

Some Tuva tribes are alternatively also called Toba ,the identical ethnonym Toba-Mascoy people in South America is referred to by .The latter are also known as Ki-Lietwaiwo , so they may be close relatives of Lithuanians from Lie-Tuva . It might have though not very far in the past happened that they returned to the Holy Land after the exile ,in case their ancestors were in the company of those Lithuanians who might have founded Montevideo in Uruguay .

Remaining Belizeans near Tuva in Siberia may be some Samoyed peoples , related to the founders of Samogitia in Lie-Tuva,among whom Köl tribe for example may be the counterpart of Quiol in Maya.

See Lietuva,Sredecki,Montevideo,Spira,Bolgar,Lipka,Tobinka,Stern,Balt,Toscani,Jagiello,Buenos Aires,Wilner,Szerdahelyi,Szereday,Szeredai,Canarias,Gupta,Prus,Preuss,Prusiak,Nadrowski, Luba,Dulo,Zmuda,Georg,Görög,Görögh,Kanizsay,Kanzsai,Jurák,Blinker,Kurlander and more !

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