There are already 26 users and 1,928 genealogy profiles with the Zobel surname on Geni. Explore Zobel genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
híres 20.századi kortárs festőmüvész
Married Izolde
Note: Her birth year does not match Wiki entries
Béla Czóbel (1883–1976) was a Hungarian painter, known for his association with The Eight in t...
Enrique Jacobo Emilio Olgado Zobel was a prominent Filipino businessman, banker, sportsman, philanthrophist and a columnist of Businessworld. More here:
Enrique Zóbel de Ayala consolidated his father’s firm and expands into many other business fields: the pharmaceuticals-sector, the porcelain and glass sector, banking and insurance sector, the field of...
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