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Béla Czóbel (Zobel) (1883 - 1976)

Hungarian: Czóbel Béla
Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary
Death: January 29, 1976 (92)
Budapest, Hungary
Place of Burial: Farkasréti Temető, Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Immediate Family:

Son of József Zobel and Sarolta Zobel
Husband of Mária Czóbel
Ex-husband of Izolde Zobel
Father of Lisa Zobel / Czóbel
Brother of Lenke Réh; (stillborn) Zobel; Irén Pogány; Ernő Czóbel and Erzsébet Vass

Occupation: festőművész
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Béla Czóbel

híres 20.századi kortárs festőmüvész

Married Izolde
Note: Her birth year does not match Wiki entries

Béla Czóbel (1883–1976) was a Hungarian painter, known for his association with The Eight in the early 20th century in Budapest. They were known for introducing Post-Impressionist styles into Hungary, in addition to Fauvism, Cubism and Expressionism. (Wikipedia)


ZOBEL, Bela 04-Sep-1883M JozsefKONIG Sarolta Budapest/150-05Local Gov'tPest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun Pest Father born Bella / Mother locally born LDS 642968, Vol. 15

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Béla Czóbel's Timeline

September 4, 1883
Budapest, Hungary
April 2, 1906
Bamberg, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
January 29, 1976
Age 92
Budapest, Hungary
Farkasréti Temető, Budapest, Budapest, Hungary