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  • Aaron Wolfe (1833 - 1882)
    Contrary to many published accounts, Shriener was NOT the first mayor of Kimberley, the diamond-mining town in South Africa; this honour instead fell to his son, Aaron Wolf (1833-82).
  • Alexandra Wolfe
    Alexandra Wolfe is an American journalist, editor, and author who is best known for her work at The Wall Street Journal . She has built a reputation for writing engaging profiles of notable but lesser-...
  • Allie Lee Wolfe (1900 - 1985)
    Allie Lee Harlan Birth: Apr 24 1900 - Indian Territory, Oklahoma, USA Death: Sep 14 1985 - Stilwell, Adair, Oklahoma, USA Parents: Samuel Harlan, Ada Tabitha "bitty" Tidwell Siblings: Charity D...
  • Ana Susanna Wolfe (deceased)
    Some suggest that Peter Wolfe was the family ancestor instead of John Nickolas Wolfe.They try to connect Charles Wolfe with Susanna Schneider.And Peter Wolfe did have a son named Charles who married Su...
  • Anna Wolfe (1750 - 1824)
    Died between 1822-1826.Of Irish descentAnna Straley Wolfe is buried w/out Jacob Wolfe in the Wolfe Cemetery, about 3 miles east of Berlin, Lewis Co., WV. It is on private property, located on top of th...