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van Swearingen Genealogy and van Swearingen Family History Information

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  • Albert van Swearingen (c.1632 - d.)
    notes===Since Mary is the one with the family property, to be disposed of by her executor, her brother Albert, she is probably the oldest, as Albert is the executor he may be the 2nd born, but it may b...
  • Alice Adelaide Swearingen (1843 - 1917)
    From:DESCENDANTS OF DR. LIONEL UDALL, OF STONINGTON, CONN.COMPILED BY O. LOUIS ARNER, JEFFERSON, OHIO.XII.Nathan (4) Udell [John (3) and (2) Lionel (1)], born in Jefferson, 0., Feb. 18, 1817. Married J...
  • Ann Swearingen (1728 - d.)

About the van Swearingen surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van Swearingen surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van Swearingen surname.

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