Immediate Family
half brother
About Albert van Swearingen
Since Mary is the one with the family property, to be disposed of by her executor, her brother Albert, she is probably the oldest, as Albert is the executor he may be the 2nd born, but it may be becuase he is still in Holland and Gerrit is not.
- http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3348572&...
- Title: Last Will and Testament
- Text: Of Mary Van Swearingen, leaves brother Gerrit Van Swearingen, to the best of her knowledge now living in the Marylands in the Virginies, 2 guilders.
From http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db...
Information of this family furnished by Dr. Oren Swearingen and Gail Vanderhoof. They do not agree entirely with the researcher who located the records in Holland. "The father of Gerrett was Hendrick Van Sweringen/Seringen b. 1614 in Holland. The only documentation to that effect is from a will of his sister, Mary van Sweringen." An extract of a letter to Jay E. Swearingen from Paul J. Rapteyn, Hilverus, Holland in 1933: The will or testament of Mary van Swearingen shows us that she left as a legacy to her brother, Gerrit Van Swearingen, now (as far as she knows) residing in the Marylands, in the Virginies near the fort of Baltimore, an account of two guilder. In another notarial document is mentioned that she, Mary, gives power of attorney in which she authorizes her brother Albert to sell her 1/5 part or shares in a fram (farm?) and belongings formerly the property of her parents- and situated in what the clerk in America called Remsterdwan/Beemsterdam. Garrett, Mary and Albert's father was Hendrick Van Sweringen/Seringen b. about 1614 in Holland." This came from Georgia Wilcoxen Lane who published a Wilcoxin Newsletter and quoted as above by Patricia H. Kohl, February 5, 1996. All of this from Gail Vanderhoof.[new.FTW]
Albert van Swearingen's Timeline
1632 |
???? |