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van Schoten Genealogy and van Schoten Family History Information

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  • Godefrid van Breda en Schoten (c.1161 - 1216)
    RASO [VIII van Gavre] (-1241). Heer van Gavre m ([1208?]%29 SOPHIE van Breda , daughter of GODEFRID [II] Heer van Breda & his wife Lutgarde van Cuyk (-after Aug 1232). Europäische Stammtafeln dates her...
  • Vrouwe Lutgarde van Cuyk (1163 - 1230)
    RASO [VIII van Gavre] (-1241). Heer van Gavre m ([1208?]%29 SOPHIE van Breda , daughter of GODEFRID [II] Heer van Breda & his wife Lutgarde van Cuyk (-after Aug 1232). Europäische Stammtafeln dates her...
  • Mathilda van Béthune, vrouwe van Kalken, Laarne en Wetteren (bef.1205 - 1252)
    Notes Mahaut (Mathilde) de Béthune, dame de Commines et Rassinghem ép. 1) Baudouin II de Comines + 1218 ép. 2) Geoffroi III de Breda + 1227 ép. 3) Gilbert van Zotteghem + 1239 chevalier, seigneur de R...
  • van Schoten (b. - 1892)
    Reference: FamilySearch Record - SmartCopy : Nov 3 2019, 14:29:46 UTC
  • van Schoten (b. - 1921)
    Reference: FamilySearch Record - SmartCopy : Nov 3 2019, 15:42:27 UTC

About the van Schoten surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van Schoten surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van Schoten surname.

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