RASO [VIII van Gavre] (-1241). Heer van Gavre m ([1208?]%29 SOPHIE van Breda, daughter of GODEFRID [II] Heer van Breda & his wife Lutgarde van Cuyk (-after Aug 1232). Europäische Stammtafeln dates her marriage “um 1208”[605]. If that is correct, Sophie was already married when named in the following document: “Lutgardis domina de Scotis” donated “duodecim libras Flandrensis monete...apud Serber et...apud Perke loco...Bukt” to Antwerp St. Michiel, with the consent of “liberis meis...Godefrido, Egidio, Henrico, Sophia et Beatrice”, by charter dated 19 Apr 1219[606]. Sophie’s inclusion in this document suggests that she was not yet married at the time, although the birth date of her oldest son suggests that she married soon afterwards. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 30 Mar 1257 under which “Raso miles dominus de Liedkerke tutor Henrici legitimi heredis de Breda” granted “terram...Agger” to “Henrico militi dicto Buffel” recording the conditions imposed by “Henricus bone memorie avunculus noster dominus de Breda”[607]. "Razzo dominus de Gavera pincerna Flandriæ et…Sophia uxor eius" founded "capellaniam in castro nostro apud Lidekerke" for Ninove, and confirmed donations made by "bonæ memoriæ Razzo dominus de Gavera pater mei Razzonis", by charter dated Jan 1232[608]. “Rasse seigneur de Gavre” donated harvest to Epinlieu abbey, for the souls of himself “[son]...épouse Sophie, de leurs enfants...”, by charter dated Aug 1232[609]. Raso [VIII] & his wife had children: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLEMISH%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc103320081
Butkens, Christophe. Trophées tant sacrés que profanes du duché de Brabant &c., vol. 2. A la Haye, chez Chretien van Lom, 1724
p.79 Godefroy 2. Sire de Breda Scoeten &c esp. Lutgarde Cousine de Henry I. Duc de Brabant. Il mourut en l'an 1216 & Gist en l'Abbaye de Tongerlo. Le Seel de Lutgarde represente un fleur de Lis peut estre d'Aerschot
- Gillis de Breda Sire d Alphen 1228. 1239. esp. Oliviere
– Willaume d'Alphen – Isentrude Dame d'Alphen esp 1. Gillis d'Audenaerde 2. Godefroy de Wesemaele Sire de Percke
1161 |
Vilvoorde, Vlaams-Brabant, Vlaanderen, Belgium
1185 |
1187 |
1190 |
1203 |
Breda, Breda, NB, Netherlands
1216 |
Age 55
???? |
Abdij van Tongerlo, Tongerlo, Limburg, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium