There are already 22 users and 708 genealogy profiles with the Townes surname on Geni. Explore Townes genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Ann Nancy (Childers) Townes (abt. 1715 - abt. 1793)
Not a known child of Henry Childers, Sr.
Perhaps same as Anne Womack
Anne is confirmed as the wife of William Townes in the pro...
Hard Townes (born July 28, 1915) is an American Nobel Prize-winning physicist and educator. Townes is known for his work on the theory and application of the maser, on which he got the fundamental pate...
Biography== Townes, Edgar E. (1878–1962) * by Nowlin Randolph [ ]- TOWNES, EDGAR E. (1878–1962). Edgar E. Townes, attorney, was born on September 11, 1878, in San Saba, Texas, son of Kate Rector (Wildb...
U.S. Southern Colonies Project logo
Henry (Towns) Townes was a Virginia colonist.
1776 Project
Henry (Towns) Townes served with Halifax County Militia, Virginia Militia during the...
father name was John C.towns sons name was Eugene E T Townes born 1800 died 1966
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