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Stoughton Genealogy and Stoughton Family History Information

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  • Abigail Stoughton (1671 - 1754)
    Abigail Edwards*Gender: Female* Birth: 1671 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony* Death: January 23, 1754 (83) Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony* Daughter of Richard Edwards and Eli...
  • Agnes Stoughton (c.1535 - c.1557)
    Not a known child of John Trignoll & not the same as Agnes Stoughton Biography Agnes (Unknown) Stoughton was born about 1535 in Naughton, Suffolk, England. Agnes married Francis Stoughton (~153...
  • Agnes de Stoughton (c.1175 - d.)
    She gave land at Stoughton to her daughter Anastasia, mentioning her brother John as Lord of the Manor. This is the first mention of Stoughton as an independent manor.
  • Ann Gantt (deceased)
  • Anne Stoughton (1591 - 1591)
    Died young. * [S759] Ralph W. Stoughton, "The Stoughton Families of Dorchester, Mass., and Windsor, Conn.", The American Genealogist 29:4 (Oct. 1953): pp. 193-4.* [S1358] Stoughton, "Stoughton Families...

About the Stoughton surname

The name Stoughton is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word "stoctun" which means a large fenced dwelling. This family adopted the name because they owned the manor of Stoughton in Surrey. The original form of the name was "de Stoctun, " and it was also spelled Stochton, Staughton, Stogton, Stawton, Stocketon, Stocktun and Stotun, before being standardized at the present spelling about the reign of Henry VIII.