Historical records matching Abigail Stoughton
Immediate Family
About Abigail Stoughton
Abigail Edwards
- Gender: Female
- Birth: 1671 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony
- Death: January 23, 1754 (83) Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony
- Daughter of Richard Edwards and Elizabeth (Tuttle) Edwards
- Wife of Benjamin Lathrop, Jr. and Thomas Stoughton
Supporting data
- The descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches : also, some account of the descendants of John Tuttle, of Ipswich; and Henry Tuthill, of Hingham, Mass. (1883)
- http://www.archive.org/stream/descendantsofwil01tutt#page/n841/mode...
- 8. Elizabeth Tuttle, bap. Nov. 9, 1645; m. Nov. 19, 1667, Richard Edwards,* b. in Hartford May, 1667. "He was a merchant." (See Dr. Dwight's ed. Life and Works of Jonathan Edwards for some account of his character and last sickness,) " I Richard Edwards of Hartford, and by my agent Samuel Brown [.II.], sold to Thomas Tuttle of New Haven [3] ye whole of ye land and ye meadow that was Benjamin Tuttle's, viz; 1/3 part of 4 acres of meadow by west side of East River near bro. Joseph Tuttle and bro. John Tuttle, and 2 acres of land in ye Yorkshire Quarter bounded by Mr. Miles' land near side, and by my own land that I bought of bro. David Tuttle [5] on the other side, and one-quarter part of 9 1/2 acres towards ye mill between Jones and Bradley, and 6 acres within ye neck. * * * Of 2d division 1/3 part of 6 acres lying near Stoney River, near ye iron works; consideration (english pound)12 in full for all ye above lands. Acknowledged before William Jones, assistant a true record of the original compact and recorded April 20, 1705; dated Jan 17, 1680; signed Richard Edwards, Jonathan Tuttle, John Sizer."--New Hav. Land Rec. At a court held May, 1696, Mr. Richard Edwards as attorney for Isaac Curtis of Wallingford petitioned to grant said Curtis execution on verdict of jury given by county court at New Haven 1695 in an action between Curtis and Mr. John Hull of W.' Curtis plaintiff. Said Hull had illegally entered upon, and made improvements on 3 3/4 acres of meadow in a place called "Dog's Misery." in Meriden. Capt. Thomas Yale attorney for Dr. John Hull. The name of Richards Edwards elsewhere appears as attorney in civil suits. He m. (2) Mary, dau. of Lieut. Col. John Talcott of Hartf. and his wf., Helena, dau. of John Wakeman of New Haven, who d. April 19, 1722, a. 62. He d. April, 20, 1718, a. 71.
- I. Mary Edwards, b. 1668; chil. b. in Hartford.
- II. Timothy Edwards, May 14, 1669; m. Esther Stoddard Nov. 6, 1694.
- IV. Elizabeth Edwards, 1675; m. March 14, 1695, Jacob Deming; (2) __ Hinckley.
- V. Ann Edwards, b. 1678; m. 1696 Jonathan Richardson; (2) William Davenport.
- VI. Mabel Edwards, b. Dec. 13, 1685; m. Dec. 14 1699, Jonathan Bigelow.
- VII. Martha Edwards.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/descendantsofwil01tutt#page/n841/mode...
- * Rev. Richard Edwards came from Wales to London, time Queen Elizabeth; he was a minister of the established chh. His wf. Anne was employed in some capacity in the Queen's household. She m. 2d hus. James Coles and came with her only child William Edwards to America. She d. in Hartford Feb. 20, 1679, leaving by will the use of her house and land to her son William during his life, then to her gr. s. Richard Edwards and his heirs forever. Wm. Edwards is named with Wm. Tuttle and others as concerned in the East Haven settlement. He m. about 1643 Agnes __, wid. of William Spencer; the latter of Hartford; selectman 1639, and d. 1640. Agnes, it is said, had two brothers in England, one of them Mayor of Exeter the other of Barnstable, Devon. By William Edwards she had an only child, Richard, who m. Elizabeth Tuttle; (2) Mary, dau. of Lieut-Col. John Talcott of Hartf. Col. Talcott was Justice of the Peace, Assistant from 1662 to 1668, Treasurer of the colony nineteen years, and distinguished himself as an officer in King Philip's war, in which he commanded a body of 550 men, composed of Englishmen and Mohegan Indians. He d. July 23, 1688. Inv. (english pound)2,272. Chil. of Richard Edwards by 2d m. 5 sons and 1 dau. 1. Jonathan, b. June 20, 1692; d. March 11, 1693. 2. John, Feb. 22, 1694; Dea.; d. May 16, 1769; m. Dec. 14, 1719, Christian Williamson, who d. June 18, 1769. 3. Hannah, Jan. 3, 1696; d. Oct. 17, 1747; m. March 1, 1722, Joseph Backus, jr. 4. Richard, Jan. 5, 1608; d. May 10, 1713. 5. Daniel, April 11, 1701; Hon.; d. Sept. 6, 1765; m. 1728 Sarah Hooker (gr. dau. of Rev. Thomas), who d. July 31, 1775, a. 70 yrs. 6. Samuel, Nov. 1, 1702; d. Nov. 4, 1732; m. 1731 Jerusha Pitkin, who d. July 31, 1799, a. 89 yrs--Godwin's Gen. Notes of Conn.
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- Early families of Wallingford, Connecticut By Charles Henry Stanley Davis
- http://books.google.com/books?id=QjNVJnNF7_MC&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&dq=Mar...
- Pg. 305
- 8. Elizabeth Tuttle, daughter of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, married Richard Edwards of Windsor, Conn. She was the maternal ancestor of the late Gov. Henry W. Edwards, of New Haven.
- Children: 46 Mary, b. 1668; 47 Timothy, b. May 14, 1669, m. Esther Stoddard; 48 'Abigail, b. 1671'; 49 Elizabeth, b. 1675; 50 Ann, b. 1678; 51 Mabel, b. 1685; 52 Cynthia __.
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- http://home.earthlink.net/~herblst/tuttle_family.htm
- Edwards' plea for divorce was denied despite the fact that Elizabeth's two eldest children by Edwards, Timothy and 'Abigail', testified against her, "to the great obstinacy of their mother and to her absenting herself from their father's bed and society."
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Sources needed for DODGE last name and date of death.
Age: About 83-84
MH:S674 WikiTree MyHeritage <a href='http://www.wikitree.com' target='wikitree'>www.wikitree.com</a> https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-10109-39721353/abigail-s... Event: Record Role: 10109:39721353: Abigail Stoughton (born Edwards)<br>Gender: Female<br>Birth: Before 1670 - Hartford, CT<br>Marriage: Circa 1689<br>Marriage: After 1690<br>Death: 1754 - Windsor, CT<br>Father: Richard Edwards<br>Mother: Elizabeth Edwards (born Tuthill)<br>Spouses: Benjamin LothropCapt. Thomas Stoughton, III<br>Child: Daniel Stoughton<br>Siblings: Timothy EdwardsAnn Richardson (born Edwards)
@R-1674925221@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=24882005&pid...
Abigail Stoughton's Timeline
1671 |
Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony
1698 |
April 9, 1698
Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America
1699 |
August 13, 1699
Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States
1701 |
1703 |
June 27, 1703
East Windsor, Hartford County, Connectictut, Colonial America
1704 |
December 21, 1704
Windsor Twp, Hartford, CT
1706 |
1708 |