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Skipper Genealogy and Skipper Family History Information

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  • Pvt. Allen Clacy Skipper, CSA (1820 - 1903)
    Pvt. Allen C.Skipper was the son of Joel B. Skipper and Elizabeth Ann Skipper. Pvt. (CSA) Allen C. Skipper served in the following units:(1861-63) Tenth Infantry N-Si . Transferred to Third State Troop...
  • Amie Ann NeSmith Smith (1829 - 1895)
    Amie Ann Skipper Smith BIRTH 10 Mar 1829 Georgia, USA DEATH 12 Feb 1895 (aged 65) Turner County, Georgia, USA BURIAL Pleasant Hill Cemetery Bethel, Turner County, Georgia, USA MEMORIAL ID 41401434 · V...
  • Barnabas B. Skipper, Jr. (1776 - 1842)
    Birth: 1776 Craven County North Carolina, USA Death: 1842 Butler County Alabama, USAFamily links: Spouse: Temperance Rebecca Skipper (1785 - 1862)Burial: Routon & Kirkpatrick Graveyard Honoraville Cr...
  • Barnabas Skipper (c.1740 - 1810)
    Barnabas is not mentioned in the will of Moses Skipper. Only wife Kezzia and daughter Sophy Jane are mentioned. The will does state that if Kezzia and Sophy Jane pass away, then his "two sons" would in...
  • Catharine Johnson (c.1638 - 1708)
    Catherine Skipper was born ABT 1638, and died 29 Aug 1708 in Haverhill, , Massachusetts (Killed by Indians). She was the daughter of 2. William Skepper (Rev) and 3. N.N.. She and her husband both died ...

About the Skipper surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Skipper surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Skipper surname.

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