There are already 205 users and over 6,218 genealogy profiles with the Skelton surname on Geni. Explore Skelton genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
From Medlands: AGATHA de Brus A charter dated to [1145/54] records the dowry granted by “Robertus de Brus” to “Agathe filie sue” on her marriage to “Radulfo Ribaldi filio”, witnessed by “…Petro de Brus...
Not the daughter of Katherine Leigh. Probably Sir John Ireby had a first wife and was a widower when he married Katherine, widow of William Leigh Sr.Sources # [S347] Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeent...
Alice Deliverance Stout
Daughter of Richard Stout, of Monmouth and Penelope van Princis
Burial: Throckmorton-Lippit-Taylor Burial Ground Monmouth County New Jersey, USA
Alice Stout, the widow o...
Skelton For walks regularly with cool leather collerrs.
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