Alice Alice Stout, the widow of John Throckmorton, married, second, Robert Skelton , by license dated Oct. 30, 1611, by whom she had: Susanna Skelton who married Barnes Johnson in 1750, it is set forth in a deed, recorded at Freehold , that Susannah Skelton , wife of Barnes Johnson , in 1726, was a "sister of the half blood" of Joseph Throckmorton , her brother, and that he, said Barnes Johnson , and wife Susanna Skelton had a son Skelton Johnson . (1726, Oct. 8 Rebecca Stillwell , of Staten Island , widow, and John Coward , of Freehold , Send Greeting: It is sct forth that the Proprietors of East Jersey , did convey to Joseph Throckmorton , now deceased, son of John Throckmorton , deceased, one hundred and thirty-seven acres of land, at the head of Millstone Brook Creek Freehold Township , and that the said Joseph Throckmorton died without issue, and the land descended to his several sisters, as coheirs. John Coward was the son and heir of one sister, Patience Lake , deceased, and quit claimed to Susanna , wife of Barnes Johnson , of Middletown , "sister of the half blood to the above named Joseph Throckmorton , deceased," etc.
1750, May 7. Skelton Johson , son and heir to Susanna Johnson , deceased; John Lippit , son and heir to Sarah Lippit , deceased, and Thomas Stillwell , Jr., son and heir to Alice Stillwell , deceased, all of Middletown , convey lands to William Watson and Col. John Reid , of Freehold , patented to Joseph Throckmorton , deceased, July 24, 1693, who died without issue, and whose lands passed to his five sisters as coheirs, viz.: Rebecca , wife of John Stillwell , Sarah , wife of Moses Lippit ; Alice , wife of Thomas Stillwell ; Patience , wife of Hugh Coward , and Deliverance Throckmorton , who died unmarried.
Alice Stout married, third, Mr. Jones . 1704, Apr. 13. Letters of administration were granted to Alice Jones , mother of Joseph Throckmorton , lately deceased, intestate, and again, May 15, 1704, an inventory of the estate of Robert Skelton was filed in New York , which was of large size and which was attested by Alice Jones , his relict and administratrix. In 1692, Robert Skelton was Foreman of the Petit Jury in Monmouth County , and April, 1696-7, both he and his wife were living in or about Middletown . 1696-7, March. Robert Skelton , of New York, Taylor , and Alice his wife, conveyed property to John Stillwell , of Staten Island .
Alice's father, Richard Stout, was an early English settler under Dutch rule in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravesend, Gravesend, Brooklyn, Kings, western Long Island], ~1645-1657. Gravesend isnow a neighborhood in south-central Brooklyn, along the shore [of Sheepshead Bay] and Coney Island. In 1609 Henry Hudson landed his ship the Half Moon there atthe island known by the natives as Narrioch (Coney Island). In 1643 Gravesend then became one of the original towns founded in the Dutch colony of New Netherland when Governor Willem Kieft granted a land patent to the Anabaptist Lady Deborah Moody, as a site where that English sect could settle free from religious persecution. Clashes with the natives delayed [settlement of] the town for two more years, until December 19, 1645.
Alice Deliverance Stout, daughter of Richard I and Penelope Kent Van Princin Stout, born 1652 and died after 1704. She married (1) John Throckmorton Jr, son of John Sr and Rebecca Ferrand Throckmorton, December 12 1670. After the death of John in summer of 1690 she married (2) Robert Skeleton October 30 1691. Throckmorton Family History, Frances Grimes Sitherwood,1929, page 57 https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89088781018;view=1up;seq=77</ref> and after his death she married (3) Mr. Jones before April 13 1704. <ref>Historical and genealogical miscellany, John Stillwell, 1916, page 328
http://archive.org/stream/historicalgeneal04stil#page/328/mode/2up</ref> <ref>John E Stilwell, 1916, page 383 http://archive.org/stream/historicalgeneal04stil#page/383/mode/1up/...</ref> John Jr and Alice Deliverance Stout Throckmorton were the parents of <ref>This Old Monmouth of Ours, William S Hornor, 1932, 1990, 1999,page 385 https://books.google.com/books?id=Cy88CpankH8C&q=jonathan+stout#v=o...</ref> Rebecca married as his second wife, John Stillwell, Sr, Joseph was a Mariner, Alice married Thomas Stilwell, Patience married (1) Hugh Coward, (2) Mr. Lake, Sarah married Moses Lippit, Deliverance died single. <ref>John Stilwell, 1916, page 328 http://archive.org/stream/historicalgeneal04stil#page/328/mode/2up</ref> Robert Skelton and Alice Deliverance Stout Skeleton were the parents of Susanna married Barnes Johnson, Alice ? <ref>John Stilwell, 1916, page 328 http://archive.org/stream/historicalgeneal04stil#page/328/mode/2up</ref> Alice Stout Throckmorton Skelton Jones was buried at the Throckmorton-Lippet-Taylor Burying Ground, Middletown, Monmouth county, New Jersey under the name of Alice Stout Throckmorton. <ref>Find A Grave Memorial, Sue McDuffe creator http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=throckmorton&...</ref>
Alice Deliverance Stout Jones' given name.In Stilwell and Streets'works she is Alice <ref>John Stillwell, 1916, page 328 http://archive.org/stream/historicalgeneal04stil#page/328/mode/2up</ref> <ref>The Stouts of Delaware, Thomas Hale Streets, 1915, page 18 https://archive.org/stream/stoutfamilydela00stregoog#page/n22/mode/...</ref> and in Nathan Stout's work she is Deliverance <ref>History of the Stout Family, Nathan Stout, 1823, page 4http://files.usgwarchives.net/nj/monmouth/history/family/stout01.txt</ref>
1652 |
Gravesend, Long Island, Nieuw-Nederland
1671 |
Southold, Long Island, New York
Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
1674 |
Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey, British Colony
1679 |
Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States
1682 |
Middletown, Monmouth County, NJ, United States
1702 |
1703 |
June 9, 1703
Age 51
Middletown,Monmouth,New Jersey