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About the Schwerin surname

Schwerin in Germany is believed by some to be named for Suarin alias Suardon tribe of the
antique Germania ,members or at least neighbours of the Lugi alliance .

This tribe may be descended from Ar-Rad-Sawa-'a ,son of E-Wa-Sha-ya-Wa alias Ar-Galla'a ,
one of the four sons of A'es-Sharra,the ancestor of the Algonquine tribe of the Chosen Nation ,
occupying with their fellow eleven tribes the Holy Land of America and attached Asian regions .
Sharra namely was the anceinet name of Tyros,where Tyrrhénians ,called also Toscans,might
also take their origin from,related to Tosk and other Albanians ,called in the Armenian levitic
language Aghuank,that is Algwank .
He was called for some reason Uran by Greeks .
Traditionally they live in the Northern regions of the Holy Land since the home-taking in about 1666 BC .

Those having to emigrate to Scandinavia ,from this people ,were locally called As from Türkiye .
For tribes are mentioned to have left Troia for Skythia,under the leadership of Turkios ,
among others ,to settle much later in the Northern hemsphere .
They were ther Goths,Ypogoths,Normans,and Wands,of part identifyable with the later Ostrogoths,
Wesigoths,Normanns or Gépaidas,and Wandals .
E-Wa-Sha-ya-Wa may be the ancestor of Wesi-Goth people ,named after him .

He had three sons ,according the Byble,namely Ar-Reg-Ha ,Ag-Han-Na-Wa'al ,and the aforesaid
Ar-Rad-Sawa'a or Sawa'a-Ar-Rad .
The first may be the forefather of Arkhi-Gall' peoples,among whom Gallo-Graiks also parted from,
likely succeeded by modern Galgai tribe and others related to them too .
Some Tu-Arreg peoles ,of origin from Tu-Uran ,may also be related to him .
Ag-Han-Na-Wa-'al may well be the ancestor of the Lugi tribe called Nahanaval or Nahanarval ,
both possibly a corruption of Nahanagwa'al .
They might have been speaking the Nahali language ,still spoken by a group of people in India .
Some of them might have moved to Brittania ,assimilated there to be called Han Walsh or Old Welsh .

Ar-Rad-Sawa'a may be the forefather of Sawara people and others labelled as Munda or Kol ,
also in India ,including Gla or Didai ,whose languages might be related both to Weinakh and to Nahali .

See Ingus,Trondheim,Nyőgér,Heber,Nyúl,Pampa,Maestre,Asturiano,Estremadura,Backhaus,Burgu,
Reval,Maa,Bourgogne,Schwartz,Schwarz,Mataco,Nakhichevani,Matkovic,Viking and others !

Balázs Déri