public profile
Audacja Małgorzata – księżniczka kujawska, żona Henryka I, hrabiego zwierzyńskiego. Wikipedia PL
Prince Bolesław & his wife had [three] children:
a) [EUDOXIA [Audacia] [Margareta] (-after 1267). Europäische Stammtafeln names Eudoxia, daughter of Bołeslaw, as the wife of Heinrich [I] Graf von Schwerin[297]. Another table in the compilation names "Margareta von Schlawe (als Witwe Audacia)", daughter of "Fürst Bogislaw" as the wife of Graf Heinrich[298]. The primary sources on which these hypotheses are based have not been identified. An indication of Audacia’s descent from the Pomeranian ducal family is provided by the following charter: “B...dux Slauorum” [Barnim Duke of Pomerania] granted property to [her son] “consanguineo nostro...Gunzelino comiti Zwerinensi” by charter dated 10 Jun 1257[299]. If Europäische Stammtafeln’s speculation about Audacia’s parentage is correct, Duke Barnim would have been Audacia’s first cousin. Whatever her origin, the chronology of the following sources clarifies that the wife of Graf Heinrich [I] used both names Audacia and Margareta. “Hinricus…comes Swerinensis, necnon Audacia eiusdem comitis uxor” donated property to Kloster Stade by charter dated 6 May 1218[300]. A charter dated 24 Sep 1223 records the terms agreed between "dominum imperatorem et dominum regem filium suum" and "comitem Heinricum de Zwerin" for the release from captivity of "regum Datie" and of "matri uxoris comitis H[einrici] de Zwerin domine de Zlawin" who had been detained by "rex Datie"[301]. “Henricus…comes in Zwerin” donated property to the Teutonic Knights, with the consent of “uxoris mee Margarete et heredum meorum Guncelini et Helmoldi”, by charter dated 23 Jun 1227[302]. “Henricus comes de Zuerin” granted freedoms to Dorf Medwege by charter dated 16 Feb 1228, witnessed by “Margareta comitissa uxor nostra, Guncelinus filius noster…”[303]. Kloster Uetersen in Holstein thanked “domine A. seniori cometisse in Zverin” for donating property for anniversary masses for “dominum H. comitem Zverinensem bone memorie vestrum quondam maritum”, and receiving “vos et dominum G. comitem Zverinensem filium vestrum et dominam Mechtildem filiam vestram comitissam de Geligen” into the fraternity, by charter dated to [1236][304]. Dietrich Bishop of Schwerin confirmed property donated to “ecclesiam in Retekenthorpe” by “nobilem dominam Audaciam comitissam Zwerinensem, matrem comitis Guncelini” by charter dated 28 Dec 1241, in the presence of “Nycolaus dominus Slavie socer noster, comes Bernhardus de Dannenberghe...”[305]. “A. comitissa filiusque eiusdem G. comes in Zweryn” granted property to the new convent at Zarrentin by charter dated 1 Nov 1246[306]. “G. et Hel. comites Swerinenses” granted rights to the monks of Wittenburg, for the anniversaries of “patris nostri comitis H. defuncti...et filii nostri H. bone memorie” and “post descessum ma[tr]is nostre adhuc viventis et nostrum nostrarumque uxorum”, by charter dated 18 Aug 1267[307]. The Hermanni Corneri Cronicon records the death in 1284 of “Audacia comitissa de Zwerin mater Guntzelini comitis” and her burial “in choro Fratrum Ordinis Minorum”, her foundation[308].
m HEINRICH [I] Graf von Schwerin, son of GÜNZEL [I] von Hagen Graf von Schwerin & his wife Oda --- (-17 Feb 1228).]
1190 |
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1227 |
Mecklenburg, Nordwestmecklenburg, Germany
1270 |
Age 80
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