There are already 2,074 users and over 68,997 genealogy profiles with the Reynolds surname on Geni. Explore Reynolds genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Cornelius Reynolds married before 1650, an un-named wife, who was the mother of three of his children, born in Isle of Wight county, Virginia. [5]
John, (d aft 1706), married Sarah Grymes
Residence : Tennessee, United States* Residence : VA, United States* Residence : USA* Residence : Scott, Kentucky, United States - 1800* Residence : Madisonville, Hopkins, Kentucky, United States - 181...
According to Isle of Wight County records and the will of Christopher Reynolds, Sr., he had the following children:2) Abbasha Reynolds, born about 1634, Warrosquyoake Bay, Warrosquyoake, Virginia Abbas...
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