the battle of the Blue Licks and the death of so many of kentucky's best men.
The pursuers felt sure of a victory over the repulsed Indians, and insisted upon a rapid march and a fight. The prudence of Boone and the cool judgment of Todd were overborne by the rash and insubordinate courage of McGary, who rushed into the ford, carrying with him the excited and shouting hunter-soldiers. How Boone endeavored to retrieve the error, and how Trigg and Todd and scores of others, the best men of the country, fell, has often been told. How Netherland held the ford single-handed, and rallied the routed force, is a landmark of Kentucky Heroism. How Aaron Reynolds saved his captain, Robert Patterson, dismounting and giving his horse that his friend might escape the massacre, while lie bravely took all the chance of death, is told in every story of the infant State. The gratitude of the rough woodsman, whose profanity had been rebuked by Patterson in a former campaign, and who had become deeply religious, was there proved. The reason for it was given in simple words in after-years: "He saved my soul, and I felt I must save his life."
It was the last great Indian battle on Kentucky soil. Girty retired with numberless scalps to the Scioto towns, and for weeks there was savage revel and joy throughout the tribes. --KentuckyStewarts.com
1753 |
December 1, 1753
Stafford County, Virginia, Colonial America
1785 |
Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, United States
1787 |
Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, United States
1789 |
November 8, 1789
Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, United States
1793 |
Stafford County, Virginia, United States
1794 |
1800 |
1801 |
Scott County, Kentucky, United States