There are already 92 users and 4,867 genealogy profiles with the Rausch surname on Geni. Explore Rausch genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
New York, New York City Municipal Deaths==Name: Joseph A RauschEreignistyp: Death Ereignisdatum: 24 May 1899 Ereignisort: New York City, Queens, New York, United States Geschlecht: Female Alter: ...
From the Mason City Globe-Gazette of Mason City, Iowa:Funeral Rites for Mrs. Rausch to be SundayNashua - Effie Rausch, 85, died Thursday night at the Fritze Nursing Home from complications of age. She ...
the name started as Rausch, meaning "Intoxicated," then switched to "Rousch," and now it's "Roush."
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