Effie B. Rausch

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Effie B. Rausch (Cruthers) (1871 - 1957)

Birthplace: Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa, United States
Death: March 07, 1957 (85)
Fritze Nursing Home, Nashua, Chickasaw County, Iowa, United States
Place of Burial: Horton, Bremer County, Iowa, United States
Immediate Family:

Daughter of James Cruthers and Eliza Cruthers
Wife of John Jacob Rausch
Mother of Private; Private; Private; Private; Private and 3 others

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Effie B. Rausch

From the Mason City Globe-Gazette of Mason City, Iowa:

Funeral Rites for Mrs. Rausch to be Sunday

Nashua - Effie Rausch, 85, died Thursday night at the Fritze Nursing Home from complications of age. She had been a patient there since June.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Horton Church east of Plainfield. Burial will be in the Horton Cemetery. Chenoweth and Son Funeral Home, Nashua, are in charge.

Mrs. Rausch lived in the Horton community before she moved to Nashua a year ago. Her husband died in 1946 and she was also preceded in death by an infant daughter.

Surviving are:

  • two daughters,
    • Mrs. William Zwanziger, and
    • Mrs. Dale Wait, Bridgeport, Indiana;
  • four sons
    • Ed
    • Vern
    • Bob, all of Waterloo, and
    • Paul, Nashua;
  • 21 grandchildren, 33 great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren.
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Effie B. Rausch's Timeline

July 18, 1871
Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa, United States
March 7, 1957
Age 85
Fritze Nursing Home, Nashua, Chickasaw County, Iowa, United States