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Przemyslid Genealogy and Przemyslid Family History Information

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  • Biagota (aft.910 - 967)
    It is not even sure that Biagota was the mother of all four adult children of Boleslaus I. (Dobrawa, Boleslaus II of Bohemia, Strachkvas and Mlada of Bohemia). Her origin is not cleared up. She co...
  • Boleslaus II, duke of Bohemia (c.928 - 999)
    The information in this profile is wrong. Boleslav II married Emma, daughter of Konrad of Burgundy. They had 4 children: Vaclav, Boleslav, Jaromir and Oldrich (d. 1034) Boleslaus II of Bohemia ...
  • Boleslaus III, duke of Bohemia (c.958 - 1037)
    listed descendants are wrong. In fact, the name of his wife is unknown. The only known thing about him is that ih had a daughter of unknown name. III (c. 965 – 1037), called the Red (Czech: Boleslav II...
  • Boleslaus I the Cruel, Duke of Bohemia (c.907 - 972)
    - - BOLESLAV of Bohemia, son of VRATISLAV I Duke of the Bohemians & his wife Drahomira ze Stodor ([908/10]-15 Jul [967]). The Chronica Boemorum names "Wincezlaum…et Bolezlaum" sons of Wratislav and ...
  • Bořivoj II, duke of Bohemia (c.1064 - 1124)
    řivoj II.aus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheBořivoj II. (* um 1064; † 2. Februar 1124 in Ungarn) war ein Herzog von Böhmen.Leben [Bearbeiten]1081 begab sich der Sohn vo...

About the Przemyslid surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Przemyslid surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Przemyslid surname.

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