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Plantagenet Genealogy and Plantagenet Family History Information

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  • Adewis Plantagenet, d'Anjou (c.1132 - 1192)
  • Agnes Plantagenet (c.1130 - 1192)
  • Alice Plantagenet (1410 - c.1437)
    Alice Plantagenet was born c.1415 in Crosby-Morton, Kent, England. She was the daughter of Richard Plantagenet of Conisburgh and wife Anne Mortimer. She was the first wife Thomas Musgrave, son of Richa...
  • Alice de Lacy, 4th Countess of Lincoln (1281 - 1348)
    Kathryn: Abandonment and Abduction: The Eventful Life of Alice de LacyAlice de Lacy, countess of Lincoln, Salisbury, Lancaster, Leicester and Derby, was born on Christmas Day 1281 and died 2 October 13...
  • Alphonso, Earl of Chester (1273 - 1284)
    Links: book, 'Four Gothic King's'

About the Plantagenet surname

other versions of this surname


Balázs Déri's opinion :

Surname Plantagenet referring to successors of Fulco of Anjou may be an immediate translation of Slavic word Rokita .

Not as if they had much to do with this plant,but may rather be that the word itself first expressed Rég-Kita , that is king of Kitai peoples .

They are related namely to Quito and Pana-Quita tribes in antique Panias region of the Holy Land of America, now in the country of Ecuador mainly,where founders of Anjou , the And-Ekav(a) people also may belong to .

We could at least state ,that Kitais on their route towards West must have encountered Slavic peoples , who might have given this name to their king ,but may also happen that this dialect was at those times also in the Holy Land spoken.

Nyusta word of Incas meaning a young lady clearly seems to be a borrowing of Slavic nyewesta ,for example .

Fulco himself was from their family,as it is told elsewhere .

See Anjou,Ecuador,Csángó,Chango,Löwenherz,Arauco,Inca Brill and others !
