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  • Rabbi (Moses) Meir Perels (1676 - 1739)
    Moses Meïr Perles: Rabbinical author; born at Prague 1666; died there March 30, 1739. In the beginning of the eighteenth century he lived at Vienna in the house of Samson Wertheimer, for whom he acted ...
  • Dr. jur Emil Perels (1880 - 1944)
    Dr. jur Emil PERELS: b. 17 June 1880, Wien - d. after 16 Oct 1944, Auschwitz, HOLOCAUST Dr. jur. Emil PERELS, born on June 17th, 1880 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") f...
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Ernst Joachim Friedrich Hans Perels (1882 - 1945)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Perels, Ernst* geboren am 02. August 1882* in Berlin/Stadt Berlin* wohnhaft in Berlin (Steglitz)* Internierung/Inhaftierung* 00. Oktober 1944 Flossenbürg, Ko...
  • Friedrich Justus Leopold Perels (1910 - 1945)
    Burial: Biography: Friedrich Justus Perels studied law, but after his state examinations in 1933 and 1936 he was not accepted into the judicial service on “racial grounds”. He was married to Helga Kel...
  • Ruchama Nechama Perels (c.1665 - 1745)
    , Stammbaum des R. Eleasar Fleckeles, Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, Volume 37, p. 384 (1893)

About the Perels surname

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