Dr. jur Emil PERELS: b. 17 June 1880, Wien - d. after 16 Oct 1944, Auschwitz, HOLOCAUST
Dr. jur. Emil PERELS, born on June 17th, 1880 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria). He was the son of the famous agricultural economist Prof. Dr. Emil Perels (1837-1893) and was member of the board of directors of a number of Austrian companies, director of the Schottwien-Semmering gypsum works and director of Oesterreichische Creditinstitut . He lived in Vienna's 8th district, Florianigasse 15.
He had already studied at the Law School of University of Vienna at the ginning of the 20th century and had received his "Dr. iur." in 1904. Aged 58 he was enrolled again in the spring term 1938 at the School of Philosophy in the 1st year of his studies and took courses in Philosophy and History.
He was persecuted under National Socialism after the Anschluss as a "Jew" (although baptized Protestant AB) and forced to abandon his studies and leave the University of Vienna for racist reasons. He was dismissed as a bank director but could still work in the financial administration of the Protestant Church.
He did not manage to escape from Vienna in time and was deported from the apartment of his sister, the physician and women's rights activist Dr.med. Frida von Becher (née Perels, 1874-1951) in Vienna's 8th district, Wickenburggasse 17 to Theresienstadt [Terez%C3%ADn/Czech Republic] on September 24/25th, 1942. From there he was deported to the German concentration and extermination camp in Auschwitz [O%C5%9Bwi%C4%99cim/Poland] on October 16th, 1944 and murdered.
Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") PHIL 1938; Austrian State Archive, OeStA/Archive of the Republic, AdR /E-uReang/VVSt/VA/42466; POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 447; Yad Vashem | Shoah Victims' Names; INSTITUT THERESIENSTÄDTER INITIATIVE/DÖW 2005, 386.
Herbert Posch
Dr. jur Emil PERELS: b. 17 June 1880, Wien - d. after 16 Oct 1944, Auschwitz, HOLOCAUST
Dr. jur. Emil PERELS, born on June 17th, 1880 in Vienna/Austria (entitled residency ("heimatberechtigt") for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria). He was the son of the famous agricultural economist Prof. Dr. Emil Perels (1837-1893) and was member of the board of directors of a number of Austrian companies, director of the Schottwien-Semmering gypsum works and director of Oesterreichische Creditanstalt. He lived in Vienna's 8th district, Florianigasse 15.
He had already studied at the Law School of University of Vienna at the ginning of the 20th century and had received his "Dr. iur." in 1904. Aged 58 he was enrolled again in the spring term 1938 at the School of Philosophy in the 1st year of his studies and took courses in Philosophy and History.
He was persecuted under National Socialism after the Anschluss as a "Jew" (although baptized Protestant AB) and forced to abandon his studies and leave the University of Vienna for racist reasons. He was dismissed as a bank director but could still work in the financial administration of the Protestant Church.
He did not manage to escape from Vienna in time and was deported from the apartment of his sister, the physician and women's rights activist Dr.med. Frida von Becher (née Perels, 1874-1951) in Vienna's 8th district, Wickenburggasse 17 to Theresienstadt [Terez%C3%ADn/Czech Republic] on September 24/25th, 1942. From there he was deported to the German concentration and extermination camp in Auschwitz [O%C5%9Bwi%C4%99cim/Poland] on October 16th, 1944 and murdered.
Lit.: Archive of the University of Vienna/enrollment forms ("Nationale") PHIL 1938; Austrian State Archive, OeStA/Archive of the Republic, AdR /E-uReang/VVSt/VA/42466; POSCH/INGRISCH/DRESSEL 2008, 447; Yad Vashem | Shoah Victims' Names; INSTITUT THERESIENSTÄDTER INITIATIVE/DÖW 2005, 386.
Herbert Posch
1880 |
June 17, 1880
Vienna, Wien, Wien, Austria
1944 |
October 1944
Age 64
Auschwitz, Oswiecim, Oświęcim County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland