There are already 13 users and 502 genealogy profiles with the Perdew surname on Geni. Explore Perdew genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Father; Edmund CasteelBirth about 1716Death about 24 March 1773 (Age 57) -- , , Pr. Georges Co., MDMother; Rebecca (unknown) Birth about 1721 -- , , , MD
A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A092303
Note: Information below may vary from the DAR public database. (FD)
1755 - born Baltimore, M...
Aaron D. PerdewCo. B. 2 Reg. P. H. B.MD. Vol. Inf.1832 - 1921__Laura V. His Wife1848 - 1936Who were Aaron & Laura's parents?---------------------------------------------------------August 24, 2000 - Do...
Elma Carr Perdew Paul Raymond Perdew Alan Carr Perdew Dr. John Paul Perdew
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