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Mozart Genealogy and Mozart Family History Information

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  • Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart (1791 - 1844)
    !!! See : Note : On the MH page there is written the wrong date of his birth as July 19, 1791, should be corrected in exact date of his birth July 26, 1791 !!! Wikipedia Biographical Summary: "... ...
  • Leopold Mozart (1719 - 1787)
    Wikipedia Biographical Summary:=="... Johann Georg Leopold Mozart (November 14, 1719 – May 28, 1787) was a German composer, conductor, teacher, and violinist. Mozart is best known today as the father a...
  • Countess Josephine Maria Nepomucena von Baroni-Cavalcabò (c.1788 - 1860)
    Death : Josephine von Baroni-Cavalcabò (Castiglioni) (1787 -1860) was a partner, a mistress of Mozart 's son Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart , they were not married.
  • Maria Anna Walburga Mozart (1751 - 1829)
    Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart (30 July 1751 – 29 October 1829), called Marianne and nicknamed "Nannerl", was a musician, the older sister of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and daughter of Leopold and A...
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791)
    Piano Concerto No. 21 - Andante * Requiem * Turkish March * Eine Kleine Nachtmusik * The Marriage of Figaro * Sinfonia n° 40 K550

About the Mozart surname

Mozart und Mosart sind vermutlich wie Motard, aus Schwaben (die Rhein-schwaben). Mozart und Motard bedeuten in der Bedeutung des Familiennamens Mozart: Moser(t) oder Mosmann das heißt vielleicht für den Moorwaldmann oder für den Moos(wald)mann, aus dem Mittelalter vor dem Jahre 1500, vermutend anzunehmen. Aus dem Mittelalter, daß heißt (aus) vor dem Jahr 1500.