Immediate Family
About Countess Josephine Maria Nepomucena von Baroni-Cavalcabò
Death: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/graz-seckau/graz-st-...
Josephine von Baroni-Cavalcabò (Castiglioni) (1787 -1860) was a partner, a mistress of Mozart's son Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, they were not married.
She was married to Ludwig Cajetan von Baroni-Cavalcabò.
- https://www.myheritage.com.hr/names/josephine_mozart
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine (1788-1860) (Olmütz – Graz) , http://kalliope-verbund.info/de/eac?eac.id=1073961850
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine, Schumann-Briefdatenbank - Personenverzeichnis Person, from https://sbd.schumann-portal.de
- For other references, see also references in profile of her daughter Julie
- Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine
- She was mentioned on this page: http://geneagraphie.com
- Mentioned on the ancestry.com Unsourced
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine von, from http://www.gluck-gesamtausgabe.de
- [https://viaf.org/viaf/38031939/]
- http://www.brahms-institut.de/web/bihl_digital/schumann_drucke_unit...
- Josephine Castiglioni from website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, https://geneagraphie.com/
- https://europebetweeneastandwest.wordpress.com/tag/josephine-von-ba... Mentioned in books:
- "The Keyboard in Baroque Europe", author Christopher Hogwood, Cambridge University Press, 2014
- Robert Schumann: The Book of Songs, author Jon W. Finson, Associate Professor of Music, Harvard University Press, 2007
- Neues Jahrbuch, Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft "Adler", 1906
- Il Delitto della Roggia Grande by author Fulvio Zanoni, Aletti Editore, 2016
Note: She wasn't daughter of Alfonso Gaetano Castiglioni and Eleonora Crivelli
Mentioned (in church records):
- From marriage record of her daughter Julie: 1st Marriage on date 29 March 1838 in Lemberg, Galicia, Austria, page 39 from FS, Greek Catholic Lemberg, BVM, Metrical books, Item 1, Volume 618-2/1084 (cont.) Births, marriages, deaths 1821, Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev 24, Solomenskaya str. Kiev Ukraine 252680
- From marriage record of her daughter Julie: 2nd Marriage: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/wien/01-st-stephan/0... , St. Stephan, Wien
- From birth record of grand-daughter Maria Josephine de Britto: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/wien/01-st-stephan/0... , St. Stephan, Wien
!!! See: https://www.myheritage.com.hr/names/josephine_mozart !!!
??? A her relation with Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart ???
??? Which year of her birth is correct: 1786, 1787 or 1788 ???
From website: Europe Between East And West (article)
Threesome – Marriages & Affairs of Convenience
During his time in Lviv, Mozart’s life had less to do with music and everything to do with romance. Franz Xaver’s entire life was proscribed by two needs, trying to emulate his father’s musical genius and staying as close as possible to the love of his life, Josephine. He met the latter after being hired by her husband, Ludwig Cajetan von Baroni-Cavalcabò, to give piano lessons to their daughters. Baroni-Cavalcabo, the Habsburg Government’s Chief Councillor in Lviv, was much older than his wife and their marriage was one of social convenience. Franz-Xaver and the beautiful Josephine fell deeply in love. They spent many hours alone rehearsing for musical performances that were to be hosted by the family. Their affection grew through the years and Franz-Xaver stayed as close to her as possible. He kept an apartment close to the present day location of the Les Kurbas Theater, at the time just west of the still uncovered Poltva River. The only extended periods he spent away from her were two attempts at making a fortune on concert tours. In this way he hoped to provide Josephine with a lifestyle and social standing that would allow the couple to marry. It was not to be. His musical ability lacked the genius of his father.
!!! On the MH page and from other users from MH site there is written a wrong informations on their trees, that she was a wife of Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, that is incorrect information, they were not married. She was a his partner, mistress. She never taken and have a his surname Mozart in the history. !!!
!!! From wikipedia:
- (Deutsch): Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, "1808 ging er als Musiklehrer zu einer Adelsfamilie in der Nähe von Lemberg (Galizien). Nach dem Ende dieses und eines weiteren ähnlichen Dienstverhältnisses ließ er sich 1813 in Lemberg nieder und wirkte dort als Pädagoge und Komponist. Von Lemberg aus unternahm er 1818 bis 1821 eine ausgedehnte Konzertreise, die ihn quer durch Europa führte und an die sich ein Aufenthalt in Wien anschloss. 1822 kehrte er nach Lemberg zurück, an das er vor allem durch seine Liebe zu einer verheirateten Aristokratin, Josephine Baroni-Cavalcabò geb. Gräfin Castiglioni (1786–1860), gebunden war. Er war Mitbegründer des Lemberger Musikvereins und organisierte in der Stadt zahlreiche Konzerte, so auch eine Aufführung des Requiems seines Vaters aus Anlass von dessen 35. Todestag am 5. Dezember 1826 in der Lemberger St. Georgs-Kathedrale, die er selbst leitete. Als angesehener Pianist und Pädagoge wirkte er bis 1838 in Lemberg. Eine seiner Schülerinnen war die Komponistin Julie Baroni-Cavalcabò, verh. Weber von Webenau, später verh. de Britto (1813–1887)."
- (English): He never married nor did he have any children. His will was executed by Josephine de Baroni-Cavalcabò,
!!! From blog website: In the story and art I love only ancedots , article
In 1813 in Lemberg, Franz became a music teacher of the daughters of the governor Ludwig von Baroni-Cavalcabò. In addition, the composer help the governor’s wife, the Countess Josephine -born Giuseppina Castiglioni - to improve in singing and playing the piano.During music lessons, Franz and Josephine fell in love of each other and he becomes her lover for many years. Josephine was a very important person and a strong supporter of her beloved Franz and help him to have confidence in himself and not be afraid of the shadow of his famous father. She accompany him in all his travels music for Europe and, after the death of the governor, the two lovers were married in secret. Unfortunately, some time later Josephine was widowed for the second time since his beloved composer died in 53 years. She died more than 16 years later.
Discussion and comments on the part from an above article:
after the death of the governor, the two lovers were married in secret.
??? Question about their secret marriage, between Josephine and Franz:
How they were married in secret, after Ludwig's death, when an official information known about of Franz's death, and he was died on date 29 July 1844 in Karlsbad (present-day Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, Czech Republic), and her a lawful husband Ludwig von Baroni-Cavalcabò, who was a governor, was died 3 years later, on date 13 January 1847.
It is impossible that they were married after Ludwig's death, as described in the above article, so this information cannot be a true ???
!!! From website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world:
Josephine Castiglioni
On the website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, was written an official information about marriage between Josephine and Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, and they were married on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich.
??? Proof about their marriage on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich:
- On the website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, there no providing or evidence from church records for proof about their marriage.
- Proof: ?
- How this above information can be a true about marriage on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich1782, between Josephine and Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, when a Josephine was born in 1787 (1786, 1787 or 1788 ), read also previous comments. So this information, also cannot be a true !!!
- From marriage records in Wien, Österreich:
- Startseite Österreich Wien, rk. Erzdiözese (östl. Niederösterreich und Wien) 01., St. Stephan Trauungsbuch | 02-074 (index) -- is not listed a name of Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, there is no information and evidence (proof), that he was married on the date 7 Aug 1782 with Josephine Baroni-Cavalcabò (Josephine Castiglioni)
!!! MH site and users from the MH site and Geni should and need put in corrected and exact informations, instead of what they have on their trees, (online or offline) !!!
!!! Also was written a different year of her birth as 1786, a incorrect information. Should need to put in correct.
!!! In official literature of biography writes about her, a correct year of her birth is 1787, what is correct information when she was born in Olmütz. See in book: biografiA: Lexikon österreichischer Frauen, Opseg 1, autoren Ilse Korotin, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 19 May 2016, p. 207
Some sources also mention the year of her birth as 1788, that she was born. !!!
??? Which year of her birth is correct: 1786, 1787 or 1788 ??? Image of Cello Sonata in E major, Op.19 (Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang) - https://imslp.org/
Über Gräfin Josephine Maria Nepomucena von Baroni-Cavalcabò (Deutsch)
Death: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/graz-seckau/graz-st-...
Josephine von Baroni-Cavalcabò (Castiglioni) (1787 -1860) was a partner, a mistress of Mozart's son Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, they were not married.
She was married to Ludwig Cajetan von Baroni-Cavalcabò.
- https://www.myheritage.com.hr/names/josephine_mozart
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine (1788-1860) (Olmütz – Graz) , http://kalliope-verbund.info/de/eac?eac.id=1073961850
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine, Schumann-Briefdatenbank - Personenverzeichnis Person, from https://sbd.schumann-portal.de
- For other references, see also references in profile of her daughter Julie
- Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine
- She was mentioned on this page: http://geneagraphie.com
- Mentioned on the ancestry.com Unsourced
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine von, from http://www.gluck-gesamtausgabe.de
- [https://viaf.org/viaf/38031939/]
- http://www.brahms-institut.de/web/bihl_digital/schumann_drucke_unit...
- Josephine Castiglioni from website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, https://geneagraphie.com/
Mentioned in books:
- "The Keyboard in Baroque Europe", author Christopher Hogwood, Cambridge University Press, 2014
- Robert Schumann: The Book of Songs, author Jon W. Finson, Associate Professor of Music, Harvard University Press, 2007
- Neues Jahrbuch, Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft "Adler", 1906
- Il Delitto della Roggia Grande by author Fulvio Zanoni, Aletti Editore, 2016
- https://europebetweeneastandwest.wordpress.com/tag/josephine-von-ba...
Mentioned (in church records):
- From marriage record of her daughter Julie: 1st Marriage on date 29 March 1838 in Lemberg, Galicia, Austria, page 39 from FS, Greek Catholic Lemberg, BVM, Metrical books, Item 1, Volume 618-2/1084 (cont.) Births, marriages, deaths 1821, Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev 24, Solomenskaya str. Kiev Ukraine 252680
- From marriage record of her daughter Julie: 2nd Marriage: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/wien/01-st-stephan/0... , St. Stephan, Wien
- From birth record of grand-daughter Maria Josephine de Britto: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/wien/01-st-stephan/0... , St. Stephan, Wien
!!! See: https://www.myheritage.com.hr/names/josephine_mozart !!!
??? A her relation with Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart ???
??? Which year of her birth is correct: 1786, 1787 or 1788 ???
From website: Europe Between East And West (article)
Threesome – Marriages & Affairs of Convenience
During his time in Lviv, Mozart’s life had less to do with music and everything to do with romance. Franz Xaver’s entire life was proscribed by two needs, trying to emulate his father’s musical genius and staying as close as possible to the love of his life, Josephine. He met the latter after being hired by her husband, Ludwig Cajetan von Baroni-Cavalcabò, to give piano lessons to their daughters. Baroni-Cavalcabo, the Habsburg Government’s Chief Councillor in Lviv, was much older than his wife and their marriage was one of social convenience. Franz-Xaver and the beautiful Josephine fell deeply in love. They spent many hours alone rehearsing for musical performances that were to be hosted by the family. Their affection grew through the years and Franz-Xaver stayed as close to her as possible. He kept an apartment close to the present day location of the Les Kurbas Theater, at the time just west of the still uncovered Poltva River. The only extended periods he spent away from her were two attempts at making a fortune on concert tours. In this way he hoped to provide Josephine with a lifestyle and social standing that would allow the couple to marry. It was not to be. His musical ability lacked the genius of his father.
!!! On the MH page and from other users from MH site there is written a wrong informations on their trees, that she was a wife of Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, that is incorrect information, they were not married. She was a his partner, mistress. She never taken and have a his surname Mozart in the history. !!!
!!! From wikipedia:
- (Deutsch): Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, "1808 ging er als Musiklehrer zu einer Adelsfamilie in der Nähe von Lemberg (Galizien). Nach dem Ende dieses und eines weiteren ähnlichen Dienstverhältnisses ließ er sich 1813 in Lemberg nieder und wirkte dort als Pädagoge und Komponist. Von Lemberg aus unternahm er 1818 bis 1821 eine ausgedehnte Konzertreise, die ihn quer durch Europa führte und an die sich ein Aufenthalt in Wien anschloss. 1822 kehrte er nach Lemberg zurück, an das er vor allem durch seine Liebe zu einer verheirateten Aristokratin, Josephine Baroni-Cavalcabò geb. Gräfin Castiglioni (1786–1860), gebunden war. Er war Mitbegründer des Lemberger Musikvereins und organisierte in der Stadt zahlreiche Konzerte, so auch eine Aufführung des Requiems seines Vaters aus Anlass von dessen 35. Todestag am 5. Dezember 1826 in der Lemberger St. Georgs-Kathedrale, die er selbst leitete. Als angesehener Pianist und Pädagoge wirkte er bis 1838 in Lemberg. Eine seiner Schülerinnen war die Komponistin Julie Baroni-Cavalcabò, verh. Weber von Webenau, später verh. de Britto (1813–1887)."
- (English): He never married nor did he have any children. His will was executed by Josephine de Baroni-Cavalcabò,
!!! From blog website: In the story and art I love only ancedots , article
In 1813 in Lemberg, Franz became a music teacher of the daughters of the governor Ludwig von Baroni-Cavalcabò. In addition, the composer help the governor’s wife, the Countess Josephine -born Giuseppina Castiglioni - to improve in singing and playing the piano.During music lessons, Franz and Josephine fell in love of each other and he becomes her lover for many years. Josephine was a very important person and a strong supporter of her beloved Franz and help him to have confidence in himself and not be afraid of the shadow of his famous father. She accompany him in all his travels music for Europe and, after the death of the governor, the two lovers were married in secret. Unfortunately, some time later Josephine was widowed for the second time since his beloved composer died in 53 years. She died more than 16 years later.
Discussion and comments on the part from an above article:
after the death of the governor, the two lovers were married in secret.
??? Question about their secret marriage, between Josephine and Franz:
How they were married in secret, after Ludwig's death, when an official information known about of Franz's death, and he was died on date 29 July 1844 in Karlsbad (present-day Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, Czech Republic), and her a lawful husband Ludwig von Baroni-Cavalcabò, who was a governor, was died 3 years later, on date 13 January 1847.
It is impossible that they were married after Ludwig's death, as described in the above article, so this information cannot be a true ???
!!! From website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world:
Josephine Castiglioni
On the website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, was written an official information about marriage between Josephine and Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, and they were married on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich.
??? Proof about their marriage on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich:
- On the website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, there no providing or evidence from church records for proof about their marriage.
- Proof: ?
- How this above information can be a true about marriage on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich1782, between Josephine and Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, when a Josephine was born in 1787 (1786, 1787 or 1788 ), read also previous comments. So this information, also cannot be a true !!!
- From marriage records in Wien, Österreich:
- Startseite Österreich Wien, rk. Erzdiözese (östl. Niederösterreich und Wien) 01., St. Stephan Trauungsbuch | 02-074 (index) -- is not listed a name of Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, there is no information and evidence (proof), that he was married on the date 7 Aug 1782 with Josephine Baroni-Cavalcabò (Josephine Castiglioni)
!!! MH site and users from the MH site and Geni should and need put in corrected and exact informations, instead of what they have on their trees, (online or offline) !!!
!!! Also was written a different year of her birth as 1786, a incorrect information. Should need to put in correct.
!!! In official literature of biography writes about her, a correct year of her birth is 1787, what is correct information when she was born in Olmütz. See in book: biografiA: Lexikon österreichischer Frauen, Opseg 1, autoren Ilse Korotin, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 19 May 2016, p. 207
Some sources also mention the year of her birth as 1788, that she was born. !!!
??? Which year of her birth is correct: 1786, 1787 or 1788 ??? Image of Cello Sonata in E major, Op.19 (Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang) - https://imslp.org/
About Contessa Giuseppina Maria Nepomucena De Baroni-Cavalcabo (italiano)
Death: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/graz-seckau/graz-st-...
Josephine von Baroni-Cavalcabò (Castiglioni) (1787 -1860) was a partner, a mistress of Mozart's son Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, they were not married.
She was married to Ludwig Cajetan von Baroni-Cavalcabò.
- https://www.myheritage.com.hr/names/josephine_mozart
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine (1788-1860) (Olmütz – Graz) , http://kalliope-verbund.info/de/eac?eac.id=1073961850
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine, Schumann-Briefdatenbank - Personenverzeichnis Person, from https://sbd.schumann-portal.de
- For other references, see also references in profile of her daughter Julie
- Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine
- She was mentioned on this page: http://geneagraphie.com
- Mentioned on the ancestry.com Unsourced
- Baroni-Cavalcabò, Josephine von, from http://www.gluck-gesamtausgabe.de
- [https://viaf.org/viaf/38031939/]
- http://www.brahms-institut.de/web/bihl_digital/schumann_drucke_unit...
- Josephine Castiglioni from website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, https://geneagraphie.com/
Mentioned in books:
- "The Keyboard in Baroque Europe", author Christopher Hogwood, Cambridge University Press, 2014
- Robert Schumann: The Book of Songs, author Jon W. Finson, Associate Professor of Music, Harvard University Press, 2007
- Neues Jahrbuch, Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft "Adler", 1906
- Il Delitto della Roggia Grande by author Fulvio Zanoni, Aletti Editore, 2016
- https://europebetweeneastandwest.wordpress.com/tag/josephine-von-ba...
Mentioned (in church records):
- From marriage record of her daughter Julie: 1st Marriage on date 29 March 1838 in Lemberg, Galicia, Austria, page 39 from FS, Greek Catholic Lemberg, BVM, Metrical books, Item 1, Volume 618-2/1084 (cont.) Births, marriages, deaths 1821, Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev 24, Solomenskaya str. Kiev Ukraine 252680
- From marriage record of her daughter Julie: 2nd Marriage: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/wien/01-st-stephan/0... , St. Stephan, Wien
- From birth record of grand-daughter Maria Josephine de Britto: http://data.matricula-online.eu/de/oesterreich/wien/01-st-stephan/0... , St. Stephan, Wien
!!! See: https://www.myheritage.com.hr/names/josephine_mozart !!!
??? A her relation with Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart ???
??? Which year of her birth is correct: 1786, 1787 or 1788 ???
From website: Europe Between East And West (article)
Threesome – Marriages & Affairs of Convenience
During his time in Lviv, Mozart’s life had less to do with music and everything to do with romance. Franz Xaver’s entire life was proscribed by two needs, trying to emulate his father’s musical genius and staying as close as possible to the love of his life, Josephine. He met the latter after being hired by her husband, Ludwig Cajetan von Baroni-Cavalcabò, to give piano lessons to their daughters. Baroni-Cavalcabo, the Habsburg Government’s Chief Councillor in Lviv, was much older than his wife and their marriage was one of social convenience. Franz-Xaver and the beautiful Josephine fell deeply in love. They spent many hours alone rehearsing for musical performances that were to be hosted by the family. Their affection grew through the years and Franz-Xaver stayed as close to her as possible. He kept an apartment close to the present day location of the Les Kurbas Theater, at the time just west of the still uncovered Poltva River. The only extended periods he spent away from her were two attempts at making a fortune on concert tours. In this way he hoped to provide Josephine with a lifestyle and social standing that would allow the couple to marry. It was not to be. His musical ability lacked the genius of his father.
!!! On the MH page and from other users from MH site there is written a wrong informations on their trees, that she was a wife of Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, that is incorrect information, they were not married. She was a his partner, mistress. She never taken and have a his surname Mozart in the history. !!!
!!! From wikipedia:
- (Deutsch): Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, "1808 ging er als Musiklehrer zu einer Adelsfamilie in der Nähe von Lemberg (Galizien). Nach dem Ende dieses und eines weiteren ähnlichen Dienstverhältnisses ließ er sich 1813 in Lemberg nieder und wirkte dort als Pädagoge und Komponist. Von Lemberg aus unternahm er 1818 bis 1821 eine ausgedehnte Konzertreise, die ihn quer durch Europa führte und an die sich ein Aufenthalt in Wien anschloss. 1822 kehrte er nach Lemberg zurück, an das er vor allem durch seine Liebe zu einer verheirateten Aristokratin, Josephine Baroni-Cavalcabò geb. Gräfin Castiglioni (1786–1860), gebunden war. Er war Mitbegründer des Lemberger Musikvereins und organisierte in der Stadt zahlreiche Konzerte, so auch eine Aufführung des Requiems seines Vaters aus Anlass von dessen 35. Todestag am 5. Dezember 1826 in der Lemberger St. Georgs-Kathedrale, die er selbst leitete. Als angesehener Pianist und Pädagoge wirkte er bis 1838 in Lemberg. Eine seiner Schülerinnen war die Komponistin Julie Baroni-Cavalcabò, verh. Weber von Webenau, später verh. de Britto (1813–1887)."
- (English): He never married nor did he have any children. His will was executed by Josephine de Baroni-Cavalcabò,
!!! From blog website: In the story and art I love only ancedots , article
In 1813 in Lemberg, Franz became a music teacher of the daughters of the governor Ludwig von Baroni-Cavalcabò. In addition, the composer help the governor’s wife, the Countess Josephine -born Giuseppina Castiglioni - to improve in singing and playing the piano.During music lessons, Franz and Josephine fell in love of each other and he becomes her lover for many years. Josephine was a very important person and a strong supporter of her beloved Franz and help him to have confidence in himself and not be afraid of the shadow of his famous father. She accompany him in all his travels music for Europe and, after the death of the governor, the two lovers were married in secret. Unfortunately, some time later Josephine was widowed for the second time since his beloved composer died in 53 years. She died more than 16 years later.
Discussion and comments on the part from an above article:
after the death of the governor, the two lovers were married in secret.
??? Question about their secret marriage, between Josephine and Franz:
How they were married in secret, after Ludwig's death, when an official information known about of Franz's death, and he was died on date 29 July 1844 in Karlsbad (present-day Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, Czech Republic), and her a lawful husband Ludwig von Baroni-Cavalcabò, who was a governor, was died 3 years later, on date 13 January 1847.
It is impossible that they were married after Ludwig's death, as described in the above article, so this information cannot be a true ???
!!! From website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world:
Josephine Castiglioni
On the website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, was written an official information about marriage between Josephine and Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, and they were married on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich.
??? Proof about their marriage on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich:
- On the website Geneagraphie - Families all over the world, there no providing or evidence from church records for proof about their marriage.
- Proof: ?
- How this above information can be a true about marriage on date 4 Aug 1782 in Wien, Österreich1782, between Josephine and Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, when a Josephine was born in 1787 (1786, 1787 or 1788 ), read also previous comments. So this information, also cannot be a true !!!
- From marriage records in Wien, Österreich:
- Startseite Österreich Wien, rk. Erzdiözese (östl. Niederösterreich und Wien) 01., St. Stephan Trauungsbuch | 02-074 (index) -- is not listed a name of Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, there is no information and evidence (proof), that he was married on the date 7 Aug 1782 with Josephine Baroni-Cavalcabò (Josephine Castiglioni)
!!! MH site and users from the MH site and Geni should and need put in corrected and exact informations, instead of what they have on their trees, (online or offline) !!!
!!! Also was written a different year of her birth as 1786, a incorrect information. Should need to put in correct.
!!! In official literature of biography writes about her, a correct year of her birth is 1787, what is correct information when she was born in Olmütz. See in book: biografiA: Lexikon österreichischer Frauen, Opseg 1, autoren Ilse Korotin, Böhlau Verlag Wien, 19 May 2016, p. 207
Some sources also mention the year of her birth as 1788, that she was born. !!!
??? Which year of her birth is correct: 1786, 1787 or 1788 ??? Image of Cello Sonata in E major, Op.19 (Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang) - https://imslp.org/
Countess Josephine Maria Nepomucena von Baroni-Cavalcabò's Timeline
1788 |
Olomouc, Olomouc, Olomoucký kraj, Czech Republic
1809 |
1810 |
1813 |
October 16, 1813
Lemberg, львів, Первомайський район, Миколаївська область, Ukraine
1860 |
October 4, 1860
Age 72
Graz, Graz, Steiermark, Austria
October 6, 1860
Age 72
Graz, Graz, Steiermark, Austria