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McMurtry Genealogy and McMurtry Family History Information

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  • Anna Webb (1768 - 1849)
    vs Anna McMurtry was born about 1768 in Botetourt, Bedford, Virginia. She married Jesse Webb, son of Richard Webb and Elizabeth Taylor. He was born about 1766 in Chestnut Hill, Jefferson, Tennessee....
  • Major George G. McMurtry (Executive Officer of the "Lost Battalion") (1876 - 1958)
    Gibson McMurtry (November 6, 1876–November 22, 1958) was an officer in United States Army who received the Medal of Honor as the executive officer of the Lost Battalion during World War I. to World War...
  • Grady Louis McMurtry (1918 - 1985)
    Grady Louis McMurtry (October 18, 1918 – July 12, 1985) was an American ceremonial magician, student of occult writer Aleister Crowley, and an adherent of Thelema. He is best known for reviving the f...
  • Joseph McMurtry, Jr. (c.1735 - aft.1790)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor #: A078450 Joseph McMurtry was born about 1733 in Sussex County, New Jersey. He married Susannah Patton1 on Au...
  • Larry McMurtry (1936 - 2021)
    References* “ The Larry McMurtry I Knew” By Skip Hollandsworth., March 26, 2021

About the McMurtry surname

The McMurtry Clan of Tennessee is the middle Tennessee branch. Our progenitor is John McMurtry Esq. 1752-1841 in Sumner County TN. John was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and fought with George Washington against the British in many battles.