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Magid Genealogy and Magid Family History Information

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  • Rabbi Avraham ben Zalman Magid, brother GRA (1722 - 1804)
    Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jul 5 2018, 11:18:28 UTC
  • Chana Leah Magid (1839 - d.)
    The Unbroken Chain Vol. I (2017) by Neil Rosenstein does not include Chana Leah as a children of Eliash Girsh. However in the Lithuanian records in Jewish Gen, there are records from the same short tim...
  • R' Pinchas Magid of Plotsk, The Plotsker Maggid (1747 - 1823)
    Phineas Maggid of Plotsk, was born in 1747 and died in Vilna in 1823. His son Rav Yitzchak "converted" to Chassidism! He was known as the Plotsker Maggid, where he preached for some ten years. Later he...
  • Sheina (Jane) Braude (1856 - d.)
  • Shimeon Magid (1954 - 1973)
    שמעון, בן שרה (פלי) וגרשון, נולד ביום י' באדר תשי"ד (13.2.1954) בחדרה. הוא סיים את לימודיו בבית-הספר היסודי "ארלוזורוב" ובבית-הספר התיכון הכללי בחדרה. שמעון היה תלמיד חרוץ ומוכשר, חברותי ובעל מרץ ויזמה...

About the Magid surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Magid surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Magid surname.

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