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  • Albert Louden (1819 - 1899)
    From the Washington Gazette of Washington, Indiana:Wealthy son refuses to pay express charges on his father's remainsColumbus, Indiana, July 17 - William Louden, reputed to be wealthy and until recentl...
  • Barbara Louden (1817 - 1894)
  • David Louden (1826 - d.)
  • Eliza Louden (1827 - 1856)
  • Elizabeth Louden (1784 - 1866)

About the Louden surname

The Loudoun family surname began in 1169 and members of our extended family can now be found throughout the world.

The Louden surname is a Scot name dating before the 11th century. Alternate spellings are: Loudon and the orginal, Loudoun. The Louden's are are sept of the Campbell clan (Campbell of Loudoun) and were known for their fierce defense of Scotland's Lowlands in the 13th and 14th centuries. The Scot patriot, William Wallace, (1273-1305) was the grandson of Sir Hugh Crawford and Margaret Loudoun, and the Wallace Sword was displayed in the Loudoun Castle until the sword was sold at auction in 1930.

Today's castle, located near Galston, -- the 5th castle on the site -- was often called the "The Windsor of Scotland" due to its elegant appointments. The castle burnt down during WWII and was not restored. In 1995 it was turned into a Museum and miniature zoo dedicated to Scotland's (and Ayrshire's) locally bred livestock. Today the castle forefront serves as the entrance to the Loudoun Castle Theme Park - a popular entertainment destination.

The family motto is: I Byde my Tyme.